My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 219 What is it called?

"Tell me, are you a rebel?"

Lin Taixu asked, and the strength on his fingers loosened a little. Seeing this, Hou Yihou took a few deep breaths. He felt that if Lin Taixu didn't let go, his lungs would explode.


Hou Yihou said categorically, looking at Lin Taixu with an expression like "I am telling the truth," for fear that if Lin Taixu was dissatisfied and pinched again, his throat would not be able to withstand it.

In fact, what he said didn't count.

Framing a famous teacher is definitely an unforgivable crime for the Famed Master Hall, but the Crescent Moon Kingdom does not have such rules, so it can be said that it does not count.

However, if the Famed Master Hall held the Crescent Kingdom royal family accountable, it would be no different from rebellion and could be dismissed.

"I know you are definitely not convinced, so if I show you something again, you will know that what I say is true."

Lin Taixu said, and then took out the Zhenbei King Token that Zhang Yida gave him in front of Hou Yihou. When he saw it clearly, he immediately took back the storage ring.


When Hou Yihou saw clearly that it was the Zhenbei King Token, he immediately exclaimed. However, it was still the same as before. He only spoke the first word of the five words on the Zhenbei King Token. Lin Taixu tightened his fingers again and used the remaining words. The next few words were firmly pinched in Hou Yihou's throat.

Hou Yihou, who only pinched, rolled his eyes and almost lost his temper.


"How dare you call yourself me?"

Lin Taixu looked at Hou Yihou with a strange expression and said, "I, that is the exclusive title of the emperor. You, a little captain of the city defense, dare to call yourself me, you are the one who really wants to rebel."


When Hou Yihou heard this, he looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly, "Brother, no, dad, you'd better strangle me to death. I'm not scared to death by your identity, but I will be scared to death by your words."

Is the town I'm talking about the me you're talking about?

I'm just a little captain, how dare you call yourself me with such recklessness?

Brother, I just hate that others are handsomer than me, not that I hate being alive.

"Now you know what to do."

Lin Taixu ignored what Hou Yihou was thinking and immediately let go of Hou Yihou and said.

In fact, he could have shown his identity as a famous teacher when he could have taken action. However, after being on the road continuously for the past few days, he became a little irritable. Well, I understand.

So, it’s not too much to move your hands and move your muscles and bones to release the fire.

Don't you know whether it's too much or not? : into three links.

"I know, I know."

Seeing that Lin Taixu let him go, Hou Yihou nodded repeatedly and ran to Cheng Santong without saying anything. Then, before Cheng Santong could react, he punched and kicked Cheng Santong.

Damn it, you are blind.

Who do you dare to mess with?

Do you dare to offend a famous teacher?

Do you dare to offend people from Zhenbei Palace?

If you want to die, please don't take me with you, okay?

Can we get along happily?

Can it still be done?


When Lin Taixu saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned. What kind of trouble is this?

Not only Lin Taixu was stunned, but the people watching around him were also stunned. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with Hou Yihou. Is this because his character had been greatly distorted after experiencing being infinitely close to the edge of death?

"Forgive me, brother-in-law."

"I'm your brother-in-law. Stop fighting. Please stop fighting."

Cheng Santong was beaten until he fell to the ground and begged for mercy, but Hou Yihou did not stop. Instead, he sat on top of him and punched and kicked him.

Cheng Santong, who was beaten straight away, made pig noises and blood flowed from his mouth.

"Okay, stop fighting. If I fight again, I'll be beaten to death."

Lin Taixu frowned and said, it's not that he cares about Cheng Santong's life or death, but that he doesn't seem to have much time to spend here.

Hey, a moment of spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold, uh, no, an inch of time is worth an inch of gold.

"Yes, yes, sir, if we don't fight, I won't let my subordinates vent their anger on your behalf."

When Hou Yihou heard this, he immediately jumped up from Cheng Santong and ran to Lin Taixu to please him. He immediately felt that Lin Taixu was really handsome.

Yeah, just my type.

Well, no, he is exactly the type he admires.

"My lord?"

Hearing Hou Yihou's address to Lin Taixu, everyone present could not help but be shocked. Anyone who can be called an adult in the Crescent Kingdom must either be powerful or have a noble status.

They saw that Lin Taixu had no vitality fluctuations in his body, so it naturally had nothing to do with being powerful.

Then there is only one left, and that is the other party's noble status.

Suddenly, everyone around looked at Lin Taixu with curious expressions, all wondering what kind of identity he had that could make Hou Yihou, a city defense soldier, behave like a dog even if he was beaten.

As for the city defense sergeants who were injured and fell to the ground by Lin Taixu, they stopped screaming when they saw this. They felt that their injuries no longer hurt. They all staggered up from the ground and stood up in a crooked queue, with frightened eyes. Looked at Lin Taixu.

Will the person who can make their captain bow to his knees be a simple person?

Therefore, it should be an honor to be beaten by such a big shot.

What is it called?

Is it because you dislike the big shot for not hitting him hard enough?

As for Cheng Santong, he simply spurted out a mouthful of blood and the person fainted.

I don’t know if he was seriously injured or if he was pretending to be dead.

Anyway, it's like he's dead now.

"Did I mean that?"

Lin Taixu said speechlessly, labor and management want to teach people a lesson, do they need your help?

"Yes, yes, sir, whatever you tell the villain to do, that villain will definitely do it."

Hou Yihou nodded and said, looking at Lin Taixu uneasily. It seemed that he didn't understand the little Yinbi, well, he didn't understand what this adult meant.

I hope I won't be crushed to death by him.

"what to do?"

Lin Taixu was stunned for a moment. Originally, he planned to knock Hou Yihou, but when he thought that even if he skinned and boiled Hou Yihou, he wouldn't be able to knock out a few ounces of oil. It would be a waste of his expression.

But, you have wasted so much time in vain, you have to make up for it, otherwise, the uncle will be unhappy and unhappy, which will affect your mood on the way.

If you are in a bad mood, then the uncle’s fiancée will not want the uncle.

Damn it, this is a big deal.

Suddenly, Lin Taixu's eyes became evil, blocking people's way of making money. If I kill my parents, it will prevent me from getting married, and it will be the same thing.

"Sir, you said, as long as a villain can do it, we will do it without saying a word."

Seeing Lin Taixu's suddenly cold eyes, Hou Yihou almost weakened his legs and knelt down in front of Lin Taixu.

How could someone who was so friendly just now become so murderous in the blink of an eye?

Why, you are a dog, your face changes at every turn.

Um, no, do all the big shots nowadays like to be so moody?

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