My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 220: Free Wind Mountain

"Can you do anything?"

Lin Taixu asked coldly, looking at Hou Yihou with his eyes, wondering whether what he said was reliable.

This was his idea, but Hou Yihou thought it was different. He thought that Lin Taixu was thinking about how to attack him, and was considering where it would be easier to attack.


Hou Yihou emphasized and said loudly, "Mommy, if you don't act firm at this time, he feels that he is about to say goodbye to several concubines at home."

"Then is there any way you can help me reach Dahuang City quickly?"

Lin Taixu looked at Hou Yihou and asked, he is treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but there is still hope. What if this stick knows?


"Sir, how many pieces do you want?"

Hou Yihou looked at Lin Taixu with some confusion and asked, feeling that his life was heading towards the gate of hell.

This place is thousands of miles away from Dahuang City. If you want to go faster, ride a horse.

If you want to go faster, ride a monster.

If you want to go faster, then fly

Don’t you know such simple common sense?

"The sooner the better."

Lin Taixu said, what the hell, can I go as fast as I want with as many pieces as I want? I want to reach Dahuang City in a blink of an eye. Is it fast enough?

You can go faster: the system.

Don't drive, third warning. :author.

"The faster the better, it will naturally fly over."

Hou Yihou replied without thinking. After speaking, he looked at Lin Taixu blankly, as if only a sixth-level martial king could fly. He didn't know what this gentleman was.

He's too young and doesn't look like King Wu.

Then there is only one other way.

"Fly over?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but have a dark look on his face when he heard this, and looked at Hou Yihou murderously, saying that he was a stick, but that was a lie, but you, a stick, were real.

Labor and capital can fly there, so you don’t need to say anything.

Don't you know that only level six Martial King can fly?

Also, what is your look like?

Why, you are a broken second-level warrior, but you still look down on the uncle, a fourth-level martial sect?


"Yes, fly over."

Hou Yihou nodded and looked at Lin Taixu. I wonder if you are satisfied with my proposal?

Is it fast enough?

"Do you need to tell me that labor and management can fly there?"

I can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore.

Lin Taixu reached out and pinched Hou Yihou's throat again and said angrily.

Do you really think I don’t dare to kill someone?

"My lord, please calm down. My lord, please calm down."

"You don't need an adult to fly, you can fly too."

When Hou Yihou saw this, he couldn't help but be scared to death. He shouted hurriedly and looked at Lin Taixu with horrified eyes, worried that Lin Taixu would crush him to death without saying a word.

If he was really crushed to death, his death would probably be in vain.

His boss didn't even dare to fart, and had to greet Lin Taixu and ask if he hurt his finger.

"How to fly?"

Lin Taixu asked immediately, and his eyes suddenly lit up. If he could fly over, it seemed that

Well, my fiancée is still my fiancée.

"There is a royal family in the city that provides ride services for flying monsters. As long as you take the ride, you can reach the Great Desert City in less than three days."

Hou Yihou said, but there was still one thing he didn't say in his heart, that is, he had to queue up.

There is no way, there are too many people sitting on it, and the number of flying eagles is limited. You can only make a reservation before you can ride.

You must know that monsters that can be used to fly people need to be strictly selected, and small ones are not suitable because they cannot seat many people.

It's not good to have a bad temper because it's not easy to tame.

Not even the weak ones, because they don’t have enough stamina.

It's even worse for those who are strong, because they can't catch it.

Therefore, after decades of research and domestication, only the Level 4 monster Iron-winged Goshawk is suitable.

Because the Iron-winged Goshawk has a gentle personality and will never actively attack any living beings, and is huge in size, a young Iron-winged Goshawk can spread its wings to dozens of meters, and its back is wide enough to accommodate dozens of people.

The adult Iron-winged Goshawk is even more terrifying, with its wings spread hundreds or even hundreds of meters, and can carry hundreds of people at a time.

Currently there are three adult iron-winged goshawks in Gale City, which can carry one hundred and thirty people at a time.

One Iron-winged Goshawk can carry one hundred and thirty people, and three can carry 390 people. It seems like a lot, but there are also a lot of people going to Dahuang City every day.

Therefore, this results in a shortage of monks and a shortage of food, making it difficult to find a house.

Fortunately, the Iron-winged Goshawk flies extremely fast, and it only takes three days to reach Dahuang City from Da Feng City.

Even if you wait, you can't wait for a few days before you can take the wheel.

"I'll wipe it, the plane?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he was overjoyed and immediately released his hand from Hou Yihou's throat.

What the hell, it’s really hard to find a place even after you’ve worn iron shoes.

He never thought that there was such a thing in this world.

so amazing.

"Sir, this is not a plane, it is a flying eagle."

Hou Yihou explained, looking at Lin Taixu with a very painful look in his eyes, because he suspected that Lin Taixu's ears were not working well, but he did not dare to tell him.

What plane?

He had never heard of such a thing in his whole life.

Besides, can it be as big as a flying eagle?

"No matter, take me there quickly."

Lin Taixu immediately said that if he really had to explain to this Bangchui what an airplane was, he might not be able to finish it in three days and three nights. By then, he might even have Nangong Changhuan have a baby with someone else.

"Yes, yes, sir, please follow me."

Hou Yihou said hurriedly, and after a few words, he took Lin Taixu to the city.

After about half an hour, Hou Yihou finally brought Lin Taixu to the foot of a mountain in the western suburbs of the city.

"Sir, this is Fangfeng Mountain, and above it is the Flying Department established by the royal family."

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Hou Yihou said respectfully to Lin Taixu.

At this time, the road at the foot of Fangfeng Mountain was crowded with people, most of whom were going to ride the Iron Wing Flying Eagle, or returning on the Iron Wing Flying Eagle.

Seeing that Hou Yihou, who was wearing armor, was so respectful to a young man who had no vitality fluctuations on his body, everyone was curious, but no one dared to approach rashly.

Because although Lin Taixu had no vitality fluctuations on his body, he was handsome and elegant, noble and detached from the world.

At a glance, you can tell that such a person, if not a disciple of a big family, must have a great background, otherwise, such a younger generation cannot be cultivated.

So it is better to stay away from him.

Some girls and women looked at Lin Taixu with shining eyes, and turned back three times when they passed by, blushing.

Although Lin Taixu was a loser, he was handsome.

If they had such a handsome partner, they would wake up laughing in their dreams. Suddenly, they looked at their companions and felt uncomfortable.

This also indirectly led to Lin Taixu receiving countless looks from the same sex who wanted to scratch his face.

Fangfeng Mountain?

Lin Taixu couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard it. Fangfeng Mountain? A place for prisoners to let out some fresh air?

Tsk tsk, is this a name given by people?

Why don't you call it Fangfei Mountain? Let yourself go and chase your dreams.

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