My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 226 Are you so shameless?

"you sure?"

Dong Daying asked in a low voice. This was not because he was suspicious, but because he found that Lin Taixu didn't have any vitality fluctuations in his body. If there were no vitality fluctuations, it meant that he was a useless person.

How could such a person get the King's Order of Zhenbei?

Why did King Zhenbei give him the token?

"Of course, Mr. Dong, do you think I dare to talk nonsense about such a big matter?"

Guanda said with a wry smile.

"Well, that's true."

Dong Daying nodded and said, he knew very well what kind of person Guanda was, and knew that he would never dare to joke about such a thing. You must know that the royal family of the Crescent Kingdom has given repeated orders to the King of Zhenbei, whether it is his deity or his token.

All needs of the other party must be met as soon as they appear. Violators will be punished with treason.

Naturally, if anyone dares to use the reputation of the King of Zhenbei to act recklessly, he will also be punished with treason, implicating the nine tribes.

So, does Guanda dare?

Anyway, he didn't dare.

"Do you know who he is?"

Dong Daying asked.

"No, he didn't say anything, and I didn't dare to ask."

Guan Dacheng replied that if the King of Zhenbei was present, he would of course not need to ask, he would recognize him at a glance.

However, the person holding the Zhenbei King's order is either the Zhenbei King's cronies or children, or the special envoy who secretly handles confidential matters for the Zhenbei King. The former is fine, but if it is the latter, if he asks about the other party's origin, then Aren’t you making yourself unhappy?

The other party just wants to say, "Do you want to spy on King Zhenbei's military situation?"

Then he killed himself with a backhand, and his death was in vain.

Therefore, it is better to do less than to do more.

He is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he is very good at it.

Dong Daying nodded after hearing this, and he asked casually. With his status, he naturally knew the stakes. It was normal for Guan Da to not dare to ask, and he wouldn't ask if it were him.

"Then let's set off."

Immediately, Dong Daying said that he was still a little dissatisfied because of the early departure, but now that he knew the whole story, he naturally no longer had any temper.


Guan Da immediately jumped down from the iron-winged goshawk, came to Lin Taixu, and whispered, "Master, the arrangements have been made. You can go up. If you need anything on the way, just tell Dong Daying and Mr. Dong, As long as it can be done, he will definitely do it for you."

"What do you need on the way?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but asked curiously after hearing this. It was his first time to fly. Well, he was a little nervous to fly as an eagle.


This time it was Guan Da's turn to be stunned and looked at Lin Taixu stupidly, what could he need?

Damn, I just said it casually, and you actually took it seriously.

"Well, if there is an emergency, Young Master can ask Mr. Dong for help."

Since Lin Taixu asked, he naturally had to answer. Immediately, Guan Da thought about it and came up with such a reason.


When Lin Taixu heard this, he almost stared and jumped up on the spot, "Brother, that's in heaven. What's the use of calling him if there's an emergency?"

Let him jump down with me, not only to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but to die in the same year, the same month and the same day?

I find you to be a really interesting person.


"An emergency means that if someone on the ride gets into a fight and fights with you on the way,"

Fahou Yihou from the side interrupted, trying to find some sense of presence for himself.

Brother, I've been standing here for most of the day, and you just think I'm a transparent person. If I don't say a few words, you still think I'm not here.

But at this point, Hou Yihou suddenly stopped talking, and silently glanced at the people who were coming up one after another, and found that their cultivation levels seemed to be around the level of second-level warriors.

That's it?

It seems that if he really takes action, he is no match for this beast.

That's naturally not an emergency.

As a result, Hou Yihou's ugly face wrinkled and became even uglier.

"Do you think I can't beat these scum?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he turned around and looked around, and found that there was no third-level martial artist. Haha, that's it?

Sorry, he punched me and everyone had to kneel down and call daddy.


When Lin Taixu said this, the boy in green and the girl in soft armor happened to pass by him. Hearing this, the boy in green looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly, and really wanted to punch Lin Taixu's face that needed a punch.

Do you think I can't beat these scum?

Who is this scumbag? Don’t you have any idea?

The soft-armored girl also glanced at Lin Taixu indifferently, and then walked forward expressionlessly.

"Of course I can beat him, so why should I say it?"

Hou Yihou nodded immediately and said, he had a deep say in this, because he had just tested it with his own life.

Well, it's very pornographic and violent, uh, no, it's very strong and violent.

His life was almost ended by the temptation.

"Are all the city defense troops so shameless now?"

Lin Taixu was bragging, so the young man in green endured it. He thought that Lin Taixu was not a warrior, so he might not know how powerful a warrior was, so he could be forgiven.

But you, a city defense force with a second-level warrior, can actually say such shameless words just to flatter a good-for-nothing, then I can't bear it.

"That's right, are the current city defense forces so shameless?"

Guanda also agreed with this sentence in his heart, and murmured in his heart. However, looking at Lin Taixu's satisfied expression, his heart couldn't help but feel a thump. It seemed that he might have missed something.

"Boy, what did you say?"

Hou Yihou couldn't help but get angry when he heard this. Even though he was a coward in front of Lin Taixu, he was a majestic city defense force in front of outsiders, especially when he found that the young man in green had a lower level of cultivation than himself.

Instantly, I felt like I could do it again.

"What did you say? Say it again if you dare?"

The young man in green stopped, looked at Hou Yihou with an unkind expression and shouted, thinking about his status, he was actually yelled at by a small city defense army, just think about it, how could he bear it?

In particular, he was originally a restless and unruly man. Except for his sister, even his father didn't take him seriously. Well, no, even his father couldn't control him. He would be afraid of a little kid. city ​​defense army?

Therefore, there is no need to endure it anymore.

"Say it again, kid, you are looking for death."

Hou Yihou said with a sneer, his aura bursting out, intending to let the young man in green know what trouble comes from the mouth.

"Diao Bu Diao, I found your brother."

Seeing Hou Yihou showing off his power, Lin Taixu couldn't help but cursed in his heart, this guy is simply the second most cunning guy. Who gave him the courage to be so arrogant?

Didn't you see that there was a companion who was a second-level warrior and a fourth-level warrior beside him?

Hey, what a beauty.

When he saw the charming figure of the soft-armored girl, Lin Taixu couldn't help but his eyes lit up. It was no exaggeration to say that he could play with this figure. No, he could look at it for several years.

But when he found that the soft-armored girl was actually wearing a mask and couldn't see her face, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. If she had such a good figure and a beautiful face, she would be another stunning beauty.

Alas, what a pity.

However, Lin Taixu thought, this soft-armored girl is either not stunningly beautiful, or she has a more casual appearance, otherwise she would not cover her entire face with a mask.

As for the former, according to women's nature of loving beauty, it is very unlikely, but the possibility of the latter is extremely high.

Hiss, I found your sister every year.

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