My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 227 She is still a child

"Sorry, sir, my little brother is not sensible. I apologize for any offence."

At this time, the soft-armored girl spoke and glared at the green-robed boy. Even though the green-robed boy looked extremely arrogant, when he was glared at by the soft-armored girl, he immediately felt like a balloon pricked by a needle, and he instantly fainted. .

He could only glare at Hou Yihou, not daring to say anything else.

The girl's voice was clear and sweet, like the sound of nature, like a feather gently crossing Lin Taixu's heart, which made his young heart become extremely agitated. He wished he could lift the mask from the soft-armored girl's face right now. Take a look.

It's beautiful or ugly.

Please let me give up.

Right, you have to be kind.

“If apologies work, why do we need laws?”

Hou Yihou sneered and glanced at the soft-armored girl coldly. Although the other girl was of a higher level than him, so what?

If you can't beat yourself, don't you still have the young master?

So, don’t be afraid.

He didn't believe that the young master would just watch him being beaten and do nothing. After all, he had no credit for leading the way but also hard work.


Who gave you confidence? : Lin Taixu.

With that said, Hou Yihou held a long knife in his hand and walked towards the young man in green.

"Hey, there's a good show to watch."

“I didn’t expect that if you take a ride on the Iron-winged Goshawk, you can actually watch the fun for free. It’s not bad.”

Seeing this, those who were about to board the Iron Winged Eagle immediately stopped and looked at Hou Yihou and the young man in green with a smile.

As soon as he took two steps, Lin Taixu slapped Hou Yihou on the head and cursed, "My sister has apologized, but you still won't let me go. How old are you? How old is she?"

"I'm still a child. Damn it, can you still have some face?"


Hou Yihou was so beaten that he was extremely confused. He quickly stepped back and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, the young master is right. The young master is right."


The young man in green couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu speechlessly. He really wanted to slap Lin Taixu on the flying platform, unable to lift him up.

I'm already fifteen years old, so why am I still a child?

Besides, you're not much older than me, right? Are you taking advantage of me here?

I'll kill you.

After hearing Lin Taixu's words, the soft-armored girl was also stunned and looked at Lin Taixu silently. If Lin Taixu got close enough to look at her eyes carefully, he would definitely find a trace of something floating in the depths of the soft-armored girl's cold eyes. A slight smile.

She was amused by Lin Taixu's words. A person who was still a child himself had the nerve to call others a child.


So shameless.

But why do I feel

"It's okay, you continue."

Lin Taixu then said to the onlookers around him.

"Tch, I thought I was going to have a good show, but this is what happened. Is it okay?"

Everyone around couldn't help but look at Hou Yihou with disgust, and then climbed on the back of the iron-winged goshawk one after another. The soft-armored girl nodded to Lin Taixu to express her gratitude, and left with the young man in green.

"Sir, aren't you in a hurry? You can board the Iron-winged Goshawk now and set off."

Guan Da said remindingly.

"Don't worry, where did you talk about just now?"

Lin Taixu waved his hands and looked at Hou Yihou, why are you so anxious?

I still have a clear understanding of the situation. Besides, no matter how urgent it is, don’t rush it for a while.

Asking clearly is the last word.

"Speaking of emergencies."

Hou Yihou replied.

"Yes, it's an emergency, keep talking."

Lin Taixu said.

"Emergency, emergency"

Hou Yihou couldn't help but think about the emergencies in his mind. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind and he said, "Maybe the Iron-winged Goshawk will be attacked by other flying monsters. However, this chance is very slim."

"Or the iron-winged goshawk suddenly goes crazy and wants to commit suicide."

"What? The Iron-winged Goshawk will go crazy?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help shouting when he heard the words. He stared blankly at the iron-winged goshawk in front of him, with countless grass and mud horses whizzing by in his mind.

Instantly, suddenly, I felt like I had a picture in my mind.

That is when the iron-winged goshawk flew high into the sky, suddenly going crazy like a roller coaster in its previous life, pole dancing in the air, and then, the passengers on its back fell off its back one by one like dumplings. Then there was a crash and it fell into a ball of meatloaf.


Lin Taixu couldn't help but shuddered, Mommy, is it okay if labor and management don't sit down?

This is too dangerous. No, I want to go home.

My disciple calls me to eat.


Seeing Lin Taixu's extreme reaction, Hou Yihou looked confused and disgusted.

Big brother, dad.

What's your name?

The chance of an iron-winged goshawk going crazy is many, many times lower than when it is attacked by other flying monsters.

Is this how you can be scared to death?

Then don't go out.

You coward.

"It's okay, young master, the probability he said is equivalent to nothing, don't worry, don't worry."

Guan Da said comfortingly, and glared at Hou Yihou, "Are you just a stick?"

If there is no such thing, do you dare to say it?

Just open your mouth?

However, his words were not simply to comfort Lin Taixu. What he said was true. In the decades since the Aviation Department was established, there has never been a flying monster attack on the Iron-winged Goshawk.

As for the iron-winged goshawk going crazy, that's even less so.

If such a thing really happened, who would dare to ride an iron-winged goshawk?


"Yes, yes, the villain is talking nonsense. Don't worry, young master. Even if there is, the young master will definitely be a lucky person and be able to turn danger into safety."

Hou Yihou was shocked when he received Guan Chengda's warning and said quickly.

In his heart, he wanted to give himself a slap in the face. Damn it, aren't labor and management just looking for trouble?

What if this stick is too frightening to sit down?

What if you follow me home?

What if you fall in love with some of my concubines?

In an instant, Hou Yihou's mind was filled with thoughts of what to do.

Mummy yo,

Brother, dad, you’d better leave quickly.


Lin Taixu looked at Guanda and asked. His eyes were rolling around, obviously he didn't quite believe what Guanda said.


Guanda nodded fiercely and said seriously, even if I harm others, I will not harm you.



Lin Taixu looked at Guan Chengcheng, then at Hou Yihou, then thought about Nangong Changhuan, and then thought about his own life.

so tangled.


In the end, Lin Taixu chose to believe Guan Chengda. He had no choice but to have a girl waiting for him in Dahuang City.

As for Hou Yihou, he felt that this guy was definitely jealous that he was handsomer than him, so he thought of ways to scare him.

Sure enough, this ugly guy is not a good person.

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