My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 284 This trend cannot continue

"The Zhenbei Army relies on guarding the border and ignores the rights and interests of famous teachers like us and the majesty of the famous master hall. Although this is just an example at the moment, if everyone in the world follows suit, where will they leave us famous teachers in the future?"

"So, this wind cannot last long."

Lin Taixu said leisurely, these were heart-wrenching words, directly defining the Zhenbei Army as the opposite of the famous master.

I wonder if Nangong Yidao will be so angry that he will die in bed if he finds out.

"Yes, if the whole world follows suit, then famous teachers like us will just be like rats crossing the street, and everyone will shout and beat them up."

"When the time comes, our own safety will not be guaranteed, so how can we teach better disciples?"

"If you can't teach better disciples, how can you be worthy of the Famous Master Hall and the Emperor?"

Yue Bugang said, with an awe-inspiring expression.


Lin Taixu looked at Yue Bugang with admiration. Sure enough, Jiang was still hot. Even the emperor had moved out. Now it's up to you whether Nangong will die with a knife.

Huh, do you dare to regret your marriage?

You dare to block the city with an army to hunt me down.

Do you really think that I, Lin Taixu, am easy to bully?

Sorry, labor and management will kill you in minutes.

"Yes, that's exactly what it is."


Yang Pengju and Gu Feichi agreed, although the Zhenbei Army had not blatantly bullied them.

However, the anger of the Zhenbei Army was not in vain.

As the saying goes, they work together in treason, uh, no, as the saying goes, they share the same hatred with the enemy. In the past, they could not fight alone, but now with Lin Taixu's help, why not give the Zhenbei Army a beating.


"In this case, Hall Master Yue will join me and submit a letter to the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall about the actions of the Zhenbei Army, and ask the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall to make a decision. How about that?"

Lin Taixu said while the iron was hot. He originally thought that he was alone, but even if he really submitted a letter to the Imperial Capital Famed Masters Hall, the Imperial Capital Famed Masters Hall might not be interested in him.

Now that Yue Bugang is co-signed, this should be enough for the Imperial Capital Masters Hall to take it seriously.

Well, I will talk to my precious disciple Murong Wushuang later and see if she can help.

After all, the Crescent Moon Kingdom is controlled by the Murong family. As the saying goes, if the king wants his ministers to die, they must die.

If she takes action, hey, if she puts any charge on Nangong Yidao's head, he can have his head knocked to the ground at any time.

Thumbs up!

Labor and management are really too smart.

You have no plans to trick my father-in-law, and you are clear-cut: Nangong Yida.

"Okay, for the great cause of famous teachers, I have no shirking duty."

Yue Bugang nodded.

"Lao Diao, go and write."

Lin Taixu immediately ordered Diao Budiao.


Diao BuDiao couldn't help but scream and looked at Lin Taixu blankly, "Brother, if you asked me to fight, I would definitely do it without saying a word, but if you asked me to dance, what are you thinking?"

Less heel muscles?

"has a problem?"

Lin Taixu looked at Diao BuDiao and asked, is this difficult?

If he hadn't read the book, why would he want you to write it?

"Master, I...I can't."

Diao BuDiao thought for a while and answered truthfully, there was no way, this had to be handed over to the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall, and if something went wrong, he couldn't bear the responsibility.

Moreover, according to his understanding of Lin Taixu, if something really went wrong, he would definitely kill himself.

Therefore, he would rather tell the truth after being scolded than lose his life because of it in the future.

He could still tell which one was light and which was serious.

"You can't do this, you can't do that, what can you do?"

Lin Taixu asked coldly, this stick can't even write anything? What else can you do?

"Haha, Hall Master Lin, don't worry. I'll write it. Once it's done, I'll let you read it."

Yue Bugang chuckled and said, it was a relief for Diao Butiao. For this, Diao Butiao was deeply grateful and thanked Yue Bugang.

"Haha, then I'll bother Hall Master Yue."

Lin Taixu said gratefully. As he spoke, he glared at Diao Butiao fiercely, "Why do you think the gap between people is so big?"

He is also the hall master, and you are also the hall master. It is really infuriating to people.

Seeing this, Diao BuDiao could only look at Lin Taixu with a smile.

"Hall Master Lin has worked so hard for coming so far. I'm afraid he is a little tired. Deputy Hall Master Gu, please take Hall Master Lin to Yanlin Garden to rest. Later, I will hold a banquet for Hall Master Lin to wash away the dust."

Yue Bugang said with a smile.

"Yes, Hall Master."

Gu Feichi immediately stood up and responded, then said to Lin Taixu, "Hall Master Lin, please"

"Thank you very much, Master Yue."

Lin Taixu stood up and thanked Yue Bugang, and then walked out with Diao Butiao, the others, and Gu Feichi.

"Hall Master, do you really want to write to the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall?"

After Lin Taixu left, Yang Pengju asked.


Yue Bugang nodded.

"However, that is the Zhenbei Army. If the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall is afraid of the Zhenbei King's strength and status and does not dare to do anything to him, then we may end up suffering revenge from the Zhenbei Army."

Yang Pengju said worriedly.

His worries are not unreasonable. Not to mention the great strength of King Zhenbei, he is also a famous and peerless powerhouse in the Crescent Kingdom.

Even his Zhenbei Army is also a tiger and wolf army, and it is the right-hand man that the New Moon Kingdom's royal family relies on. Even if the Imperial Capital Famous Teachers Hall wants to punish King Zhenbei, I am afraid that the royal family will have to speak for King Zhenbei instead of doing anything. From the folly of destroying the Great Wall.

When the time comes, the royal family will promise some benefits, if the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall comes to turn a big deal into a trivial matter.

Aren't they the only ones who are unlucky?

"Even if the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall does not dare to interfere with King Zhenbei's affairs, then I will directly submit a letter to the Northern Territory Zhentian Division. I would like to see if the emperor's decree that the famous teachers should not be insulted is really that the famous teachers cannot be insulted, or if the famous teachers are casual disgrace."

Yue Bugang said with a sneer.

Yanlin Garden.

Gu Feichi built an independent small courtyard for Lin Taixu and others. The courtyard was not big, but it covered an area of ​​several hundred square meters. There were all kinds of pavilions, terraces and pavilions inside, making it an extremely quiet residence.

"Hall Master Lin, please see if there is anything that needs to be replaced or added. If so, I will immediately arrange for someone to replace it for you."

Gu Feichi said.

"No, no, this is good."

Lin Taixu looked at it casually and said, this yard is much better than his own home. Besides, he can't stay here for long, so why bother others.

"Hallmaster Lin, please don't be polite."

Gu Feichi smiled.

"Haha, I know everything, but I'm not polite to others."

Lin Taixu said with a smile, and immediately asked Diao Budiao and Liu Sandao to clean up briefly before getting ready to move in.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't disturb Hall Master Lin's rest anymore, and I'll take my leave first."

When Gu Feichi heard this, he didn't insist and said immediately.

"Okay, Ancient Hall Master, walk slowly."

Lin Taixu nodded and immediately sent Gu Feichi out of the gate of the small courtyard, then watched him turn around and leave before turning back again.

"Master, the room is ready. Do you need to rest now?"

Diao BuDiao walked out of a room and said to Lin Taixu.

In Qingfeng City, he remembered that Lin Taixu's greatest pleasure was sleeping, so he consciously tidied up his room first.


Lin Taixu nodded, intending to take a rest. These days, he had not slept properly in order to rush to Dahuang City quickly.

Now I wish I could sleep with him for a few days and nights to make up for the lost sleep.

Life is too short to live up to sleep and beautiful women.

Of course, the best thing is sleeping with a beautiful woman.

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