My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 285 Niu Baichuan

Dahuang City, Niu Mansion, in a luxuriously decorated room.

"I'm so angry that I must kill him."

"Lin Taixu, you bastard."

Niu Jingyi yelled crazily, with a terrifying face. Thinking about how powerful he was in Dahuang City, now he was beaten into a dog, and there was nothing he could do to him. Don't you think it's annoying?

Annoying person: Lin Taixu.

"What's the use of talking about this now? We should be thinking about how to kill him. Only with his head and blood can we wash away our humiliation."

Hua Yiying, who was sitting aside, sneered.

At this moment, he returned home and took a third-level healing pill, and then a doctor fixed his broken arm. The rest was just a matter of training.

"Hmph, he's just a loser. I'll send someone to chop off his head right away."

Niu Jingyi said fiercely, but he didn't believe it. With his status as the son of a thousand households, he couldn't kill a loser.

Hua Yiying held the tea cup in his hand and drank the tea slowly. He came to Dahuang City this time to propose to Nangong Changhuan for his eldest brother Hua Yixiong.

Although he did not achieve it, he still did not give up, so he thought of saving the country through a curve and approached Nangong Yidao's generals, hoping that they would come forward to facilitate this matter.

However, unexpectedly, he met Lin Taixu and almost couldn't come back. Therefore, if Niu Jingyi hates Lin Taixu, he also hates Lin Taixu deeply.

However, seeing Niu Jingyi looking so angry, a brilliant idea came to his mind.

Since Niu Jingyi wanted Lin Taixu to die so much, why didn't he facilitate this? In this way, since the purpose is achieved, even if it is exposed in the future, it has nothing to do with you.

Suddenly, a strange light flashed in Hua Yiying's eyes, as if a good idea was born in his mind.

"You have to know that he is a famous teacher. If you assassinate a famous teacher, the consequences will be very serious."

Immediately, Hua Yiying put down the teacup in her hand and said.

Niu Jingyi couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and then said, "Then send a killer. Anyway, even if he knows, it's none of my business."

"Well, this is a good idea, but if you hire a killer to kill a famous teacher, it must be expensive."

Hua Yiying nodded and said, the killer, as the name suggests, only recognizes money and not people, but the prerequisite is that you have money.

Otherwise, no one will pick you up.


Niu Jingyi was stunned again, smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, it seems that I really can't afford that much money."

As he said that, Niu Jingyi looked at Hua Yiying, meaning, are you rich?

"I don't have any money either."

Hua Yiying also said with some embarrassment, why would anyone bring so much money out for nothing?


Besides, although he is the eldest son of the Hua family, the monthly allowance given to him by the family is not much.

Natural consumption cannot afford the demand of the high-end industry of killers.

If you don’t have money, tell me: Lin Taixu.

"How much is it?"

Hua Yiying seemed to feel that he had lost face, and immediately asked again, if it was 1.8 million, he would be able to get it.

"It should start at least five million."

Niu Jingyi replied, and then he scratched his head and said, "I'm not too sure about this. I'll find someone to ask later."


When Hua Yiying heard this, he couldn't help but look at Niu Jingyi speechlessly. If it weren't for the fact that Niu Jingyi was of some use, he would have broken his other hand.

You don’t know anything about it, but you actually have the nerve to say that it starts at five million?

Just open your mouth?

"Actually, there's no need to find a killer."

Hua Yiying thought for a while and said, "Does your Zhenbei Army have any sharpshooters? As long as you arrange a sharpshooter, wait where Lin Taixu appears, and then"

Then, Hua Yiying made a slashing gesture towards Niu Jingyi.

"Hey, this is a good idea. It saves money. Is there any risk?"

When Niu Jingyi heard this, his eyes lit up, sharpshooter?

It is no exaggeration to say that the Zhenbei Army did not have a thousand troops, but dozens.

There happens to be one in the Golden Gun Camp.

She found a reason to transfer him out, and then asked him to kill Lin Taixu with one arrow and then return to the Golden Spear Camp. This was simply out of control.


"I'm going to find someone to keep an eye on that bastard."

When Niu Jingyi thought about it, he immediately walked out of the room excitedly.

"Lord Qianhu, please return home."

At this time, a loud shout was heard, and a middle-aged man walked in from the gate surrounded by a group of sergeants.

The man has a Chinese character face, a resolute face, and a calm and stern look as his eyes move. He is seen wearing a thousand-silk soft armor and a red cloak on his back. He walks like a tiger, and his aura of iron-blooded killing that has been on the battlefield is clearly evident without words. .

This person is none other than Qianhu, Niu Baichuan of Zhenbei Army's Golden Gun Camp, a fourth-level martial arts master with ninth level cultivation.

"See Senhu-sama."

Along the way, the guards and servants in the mansion saw Niu Baichuan and quickly stepped aside to pay their respects.

Niu Baichuan walked forward without squinting his eyes. At this time, his face looked sad and somewhat frowning.

There is no one, because his bird is gone.

Well, to be precise, the golden-winged eagle that Nangong Yidao rewarded him with disappeared.

Also missing was one of his generals, Zhou Yuncheng.

Zhou Yuncheng is his right-hand man and the person who takes care of the golden-winged eagle for him.

Now that the man and the eagle have disappeared, he is very suspicious whether the man and the eagle have done something unspeakable.

Uh, I said it wrong, I should say whether the man and the eagle have done something unspeakable.

This is not the point of his worry, the point is that he is worried that Zhou Yuncheng will never come back with the golden-winged flying eagle.

Then. He thinks that if the King of Zhenbei knows, he will definitely kill him.

And he killed him with 36 consecutive knives, avoiding the vital parts.


Seeing his father coming back, Niu Jingyi hurried over and shouted.


Niu Baichuan nodded and continued to walk forward. He turned back after walking two steps. Seeing Niu Jingyi's arm wrapped in layers of white cloth, like a mallet, he immediately asked, "What happened to your hand?"

"It was broken, Dad, you have to make a decision for the child."

Niu Jingyi cried and complained.

"What? Interrupted?"

"Who dares to hit my son, Niu Baichuan?"

Niu Baichuan was furious when he heard this. He shouted angrily, and a shocking killing intent burst out from his body. The generals around him couldn't help but feel their breath choked. They subconsciously stepped back several steps and felt a little better.

"Is it Lin Taixu? That rubbish, it was his people who hurt the child, and he said that he would beat my father even if he was in front of him, not to mention me."

Niu Jingyi said with exaggeration, hoping to anger Niu Baichuan.

The angrier his father is, the greater the chance of revenge for himself.

The more miserable Lin Taixu's end will be.

Fuck, I'm really a smart guy.

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