My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 300: Bloodletting

"We must find out who refined this elixir. Such an alchemist must be a peerless evildoer that will never be found in the ages."

Immediately, Chu Xuan said in his heart.

Although this is only a second-level Yuan Condensing Pill, what if it is replaced by an eighth-level Yuan Condensing Dan? What if it is replaced by a ninth-level Yuan Condensing Dan?

As long as the alchemist can refine high-level Yuan Ning Dan, he will be able to create a batch of powerful people in the shortest time.

This is undoubtedly an exciting feat for Fengyun Continent.

Suddenly, Chu Xuan looked at Lin Taixu with a strange look in his eyes.

"Thank you, Master. Thank you, Master."

Diao BuDiao recovered from the shock and immediately knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Lin Taixu and thanked him.

One Yuan Ning Dan can promote oneself to a small level.

He knew that there were still nine pills in the pill bottle. This one was promoted to one level, and nine pills could be promoted to nine levels.

Gan, I will soon be a third-level martial artist and a sixth-level practitioner.

This simply doesn't feel too good.

Wake up, don’t sleep: Lin Taixu.

It's just a second-level elixir. It only sells for one thousand silver coins in the second-level mall. Ten of them are only 10,000, which is just a drop in the bucket for him.

However, even though it was drizzling, it did not stop him from showing off.

Lin Taixu snorted and said, "Well, as long as you do your best for me, don't worry, there will be many benefits in the future."

"Yes, yes, young master, don't worry. The old slave's loyalty to the young master can only be demonstrated by heaven and can be seen by the sun and the moon."

"If this old slave dares to harbor double-mindedness in the future, he will surely be doomed and die without a burial place."

Diao BuDiao quickly expressed his loyalty and said, betraying the young master?

That is impossible.

Impossible in this life.

"My subordinates are also willing to go through fire and water for the young master, even if they die. If I disobey, I will be punished by thunder and die without a burial place."

Liu Sandao and other famous teachers and guards shouted in unison.

"Ha ha."

When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help laughing. His vanity was unprecedentedly expanded. With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen storage rings appeared on his desk, and he said, "Each of you will receive one. I'll give it to you." ”


"Storage ring?"

Suddenly, Diao Bu Diao, Liu Sandao and more than a dozen famous teachers and guards all stared at the storage ring in front of Lin Taixu.

A storage ring.

Not surprisingly, they will never be able to afford it in their lifetime.

Therefore, when they see others being able to own storage rings, they don't know how envious and jealous they feel in their hearts.

Now, Lin Taixu actually gave them one, which was incredible.

It was almost like a dream.

Not only did they feel like they were dreaming, but even Chu Xuan felt like he was dreaming.

Although the storage ring is nothing to him, don't forget his identity and cultivation level.

It is no exaggeration to say that when he was Lin Taixu's age, he didn't even have a ring, let alone a storage ring.

Not to mention giving away lots of storage rings.


Have you excavated an ancient sect and looted their spiritual weapon hall?


Thinking of this, Chu Xuan couldn't help but be startled, remembering the Condensing Yuan Pill that Lin Taixu gave Diao Butiao. According to the medicinal properties of this Condensing Yuan Pill, there is absolutely no such thing in Fengyun Continent, plus there are so many storage rings.

Oh my god, he couldn't really have discovered an ancient ruin.

Suddenly, Chu Xuan felt a little excited, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a meaningful smile.

Coupled with his good looks, this smile has a charming charm. This smile alone can instantly kill 90% of the women in Fengyun Continent.


Lin Taixu looked at Diao BuDiao and others blankly and said.



Immediately, a word awakened the dreamer, and Diao Budiao and others snatched up all the storage rings on the table with lightning speed, one in each hand.

don't want?

No fool would want it.

"Thank you, Master."

Diao Budiao and others thanked Lin Taixu in unison.

"Well, although you are just my guards, you can't be complacent. Remember, this world ultimately depends on strength."

Lin Taixu tapped his fingers on the table and said in an old-fashioned way.

"Yes, Master."

"I will follow the instructions of the young master."

Diao BuDiao and others responded in unison.

"If you want to be strong, you must practice diligently and don't slack off."

"No matter how powerful others are, they are not as powerful as yourself."

"Look at you, you can't even defeat a Qianhu of the Northern Suppression Army. You said, if this is revealed, I will be completely embarrassed by you."

Lin Taixu continued to speak, and as he spoke, he inflated his ego and got involved with Niu Baichuan.


Diao Budiao and others couldn't help but be stunned when they heard this. It was Lin Taixu's words that they couldn't accept.

No matter how hard they practice, they can't defeat a fourth-level martial arts master.

Although they are weak, they are not stupid, brother.

"I am ashamed of myself."

However, complaints are complaints, Diao BuDiao and others still said with shame on their faces.

Everything the young master said is right, and everything is wrong.

Otherwise, what if he is unhappy and takes the storage ring back?


"Well, it's good to feel ashamed. It means you can still be saved."

Lin Taixu said with a childlike expression, and immediately waved his hand again, and there were more than a dozen pill bottles on the stone table.

This is what he bought from the system mall, a bottle of Level 2 Condensation Yuan Pill, and a dozen bottles of Level 1 Condensation Yuan Pill, a total of thirteen bottles.

The Level 2 Condensation Yuan Pill is naturally for Liu Sandao, and the Level 1 Condensation Yuan Pill is naturally for those famous teachers and guards.

Because these famous teachers and guards are currently at the Level 1 martial arts realm, they can only take Level 1 Condensation Yuan Pill.

Of course, it’s not that the Level 2 Condensation Yuan Pill cannot be taken, Lin Taixu is mainly worried that their small bodies will be blown up.

“Sandao, this is yours, Level 2 Condensation Yuan Pill.”

Lin Taixu threw the Level 2 Condensation Yuan Pill and the pill bottle to Liu Sandao and said.

“Ah, thank you, young master.”

Liu Sandao saw Lin Taixu throw the pill bottle casually, and he was so nervous that he caught the pill bottle with his body.

In his mind, this is not an ordinary Condensation Yuan Pill, but a peerless divine pill that can advance to the next level after eating one.

If this breaks

Well, it’s okay if it breaks, I can pick it up and eat it again.

Seeing this, the famous teachers and guards could not help but look eagerly at the dozen or so pill bottles on the table, wondering in their hearts, these are not for us.

Well, don't say it, according to the generosity of the young master, it is very likely that they are rewarded to us.

"Don't look at it, these are the first-level Condensation Pills for you, come and take them yourself."

Lin Taixu looked at the eager looks of the famous teachers and guards, smiled slightly, and did not tease them.

However, he was not happy again, because this big bloodletting made his system silver coins, which were not rich to begin with, run out of money all of a sudden.

Alas, there is no way, who told him to pretend to be too cool.

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