"Thank you, Master."

"Thank you, Master."

"Thank you, Master."

Immediately, a group of famous teachers, Wei Xi, lined up and stepped forward with smiles on their faces. Each of them took a pill bottle in their hands and expressed their gratitude to Lin Taixu.


An invisible wave of soul fell from the sky and quickly swept through the pill bottles in the hands of the famous teachers and guards. Chu Xuan couldn't help but shine with a gleam of light in his eyes.

"That pill again?"

Chu Xuan thought to himself, and it seemed that his guess was quite accurate.

It seems that Tianzhi Famous Teacher is indeed well-deserved. If nothing else, his incredible luck is enough to make people envious and jealous.

"Well, now that the elixir is given to you, you should practice hard and strive for all the advancements."

Lin Taixu stood up and glanced at Diao BuDiao and the others. They saw that he had a serious face, his eyes were calm and serious, and he was quite a role model for others.

"Yes, Master."

Diao BuDiao and others responded happily. With these Yuan Ning Dan, they felt that it was just promotion, which was not an extremely simple matter.

After a while, they will take some drugs, and first upgrade them to a few levels to make you dumbfounded, er, not, to make you grow eyesight.

"When you all advance to level two warriors, I will teach you a set of joint attack formations. Your strength will surely reach a higher level by then."

Lin Taixu continued to say that since there was a lot of bleeding, he would simply play bigger. He planned to improve Diao Bu Diao and others in all aspects, from cultivation to skills to formations.

After all, they have been with me for more than half a month, right?

"Yes, Master, thank you Master."

Diao BuDiao and others responded again.

"Master, our famous master guard has a combined attack formation called Shura Killing Formation."

Immediately, Liu Sandao said weakly.

"What kind of formation-breaking method is there for you? Let me teach you a formation that is more powerful than the Shura Killing Formation."

Lin Taixu said disdainfully, Shura Killing Formation?

The name is a bit bluffing, but the power, no need to look at it, is naturally not as good as the combined attack formation sold by the system.

Of this, he was sure.


When Chu Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but frown. The Shura Killing Formation was modified and created by Fengyun Emperor countless times. It is best at defeating many with less and defeating the strong with weakness. It is one of the most powerful formations recognized by Fengyun Continent. one.

How come it became worthless and useless in Lin Taixu's eyes?

It's really infuriating.

"Master, this Shura Killing Formation was created by the Emperor."

Liu Sandao said weakly again. As he spoke, he looked around and found that no outsiders were present. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't know how powerful Shura's killing formation was.

He didn't know if there was any more powerful killing formation in the world than the Shura Killing Formation.

However, he knew that he could not say that the Shura Killing Formation was not good. If he said that the Shura Killing Formation was not good, wouldn't that mean that Emperor Fengyun was not good?

In Fengyun Continent, it’s not okay to talk about Fengyun Emperor?

Are you sure there is no trap in your mind?

"So what? If it doesn't work, it won't work. Don't let anyone tell you."

Lin Taixu rolled his eyes and said, he is not concerned with the situation but the person. If it doesn't work, then it won't work. If it works, that will be fine.

You see, his three views are so simple and crude.


Sorry, I don’t know how.


As soon as Lin Taixu finished speaking, Chu Xuan squeezed his fingers subconsciously. This bastard's mouth was so stinky that people really wanted to beat him up.

You, a useless member of the fourth-level martial arts sect, still have the guts to ridicule and criticize Emperor Fengyun?

Do you know how to write the word "death"?

Suddenly, Chu Xuan wanted to slap Lin Taixu on the ground, unable to lift him up.

However, when he thought of the emperor's order not to interfere with Lin Taixu's growth trajectory, Chu Xuan's eyes flashed coldly and he glared at Lin Taixu, hiding this thought deeply in his heart.


When Chu Xuan showed dissatisfaction with Lin Taixu, Lin Taixu felt an inexplicable coldness on his body. He subconsciously looked around and found nothing unusual, then looked up at the sky above the small courtyard.

However, the sky was cloudless, the weather was fine, and there was nothing suspicious about it.

This is so damn weird.

Lin Taixu frowned, puzzled.

Are you sick? Becoming paranoid?


Oops, I'll go.

Lin Taixu couldn't help but shuddered all over. There couldn't really be a ghost in this clear sky.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing this, Diao BuDiao quickly asked with concern.

"Lao Diao, tell me, are there ghosts in this world?"

Lin Taixu blinked, looked at Diao BuDiao and asked.


Diao BuDiao looked at Lin Taixu with some confusion. He didn't understand that Lin Taixu said that the formation was good, but he suddenly jumped to the ghost cultivator. What the hell, is your thinking so active? ?


Diao BuDiao thought for a while and answered truthfully.


"What a ghost."

Lin Taixu couldn't help but be shocked. What the hell, am I being targeted by a ghost?

Mommy, please help me.

Suddenly, Lin Taixu felt bad all over. He only felt a chill on his back and numbness on his scalp.

"Yes, when a person dies, his soul will enter the underworld. People with outstanding talents or strong soul power have a chance to become ghost cultivators."

"Ghost cultivators absorb the energy of Yin to grow and form a world of their own. They are naturally extremely afraid of the sun and the most sunny things."

"It is said that only ghost cultivators who are powerful enough to a certain extent can live under the sun like normal humans."

Diao BuDiao continued.

"Oh, I'll go."

Diao BuDiao's explanation not only did not reassure Lin Taixu, but made him even more frightened. What the hell, only ghost cultivators who were powerful enough to a certain extent.

Doesn't that mean that not only is it possible that a ghost is staring at him, but it is also very possible that the ghost staring at him is a powerful ghost.


Is there anything more terrifying than this?

If Chu Xuan knew that Lin Taixu mistook him for a ghost, he would stab Lin Taixu to death without saying a word.

Just send Lin Taixu to be a ghost.

Who is he? He is a ninth-level Martial Emperor, the leader among the small group of people who stand at the top of Fengyun Continent.

How can it be compared to the kind of ghost that never sees the light of day?

"Master, you don't have to be afraid."

"There is only one hell gate for entry and exit between the human world and the underworld. There are extremely powerful men from both sides stationed everywhere. Ordinary brats cannot survive in the human world even if they sneak out."

"And when a powerful ghost cultivator leaves the gate of hell, it will inevitably attract the attention of the strong human beings guarding it."

"So, although it is said that there are ghosts in this world, in fact, there is not much difference to us whether there are ghosts or not."

Diao BuDiao said comfortingly. As he spoke, he looked at Lin Taixu suspiciously, "Aren't you brave?"

Aren't you lawless?

Why are you afraid of ghosts?

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