My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 445 He must have been mad at me

"In that case, why did Mr. Niu camp here?"

Niu Baichuan looked at the soft-armored girl in surprise and asked.

"Just to confirm."

The soft-armored girl said lightly, taking a few steps forward and looking into the distance. The outline of the majestic and tall desert city appeared in her eyes.

That bastard must be very proud now.

Unexpectedly, an idea suddenly appeared in the soft-armored girl's mind.

As soon as this idea appeared, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but be frightened. What's wrong with me? Why did I suddenly think of that bastard?

Well, he must be angry.

Right, that is it.

The soft-armored girl said to herself in her heart, a shy blush appeared on her face.

"Actually, the biggest purpose of the prince sending you and me here is to intimidate, so that the people of the Hua family will be wary, so that Lin Qianhu will not be timid when negotiating with the Hua family."

Niu Baichuan said, "Of course, if the Hua family is really ignorant and insists on holding on to our military supplies, then don't blame us for fighting each other."


The soft-armored girl hummed lightly, not sure if she agreed with Niu Baichuan's words or if she was just perfunctory.


Niu Baichuan looked at the soft-armored girl's distracted look and couldn't help but shut up.

"Captain, what is that?"

In Desert City, on top of the city wall, a city guard pointed forward and shouted to his captain in shock.

"Li Ergou, what is your ghost name?"

The city defense captain scolded dissatisfiedly and looked in the direction of Li Ergou's finger. At one glance, he almost made his eyes pop out.

"That's the flag of the Zhenbei Army. People from the Zhenbei Army are here. Go and call Mr. Baihu."

the city defense captain shouted.

"Close the city gate quickly, the enemy is attacking."

Immediately, the city defense captain lay on the top of the wall and shouted to the city defense guards guarding the city gate below.

"Enemy attack."

"Enemy attack."

Suddenly, sharp and shrill shouts resounded through the sky.

The crowd in and out of the city gate immediately became chaotic and rushed towards the city crazily. Then, I saw teams of city guards quickly dragging their horses to the city gate.

Then, more than a dozen people worked together to tightly close the huge city gate.


Immediately, a hundred generals from the city defense army climbed up the city wall and gave the order. Following his order, countless city defense troops climbed up the city wall from all over the city, unsheathed their bows and swords.

The entire city wall of Desert City exuded a solemn and tense aura.

"what's going on?"

Soon, after receiving the news, Chang Wenshi, a member of the city defense army, rushed up to the tower with a group of guards.

"Sir, look"

A city guard pointed to the hillside where Niu Baichuan and others were camping and said, with a look of horror on his face.

"Zhenbei Army?"

"That's the Golden Spear Battalion of the Zhenbei Army."

Chang Wenshi picked up a clairvoyant and put it in front of his eyes to take a look. His expression changed involuntarily. The Golden Spear Battalion, the most trusted right-hand man of King Zhenbei, was now around the Desert City.


It’s terrifying to think about it.

"Guard the city gate carefully, and people from the Zhenbei Army must not be allowed to enter the city."

Immediately, Chang Wenshi sternly ordered the city defense troops around him. After speaking, he hurriedly walked down the tower again.

"Eighth Elder, Lin Taixu has been in Desert City for several days, why haven't we seen any movement from him yet?"

In the Hua family courtyard, Hua Feichen looked at Huafangyuan in confusion and asked.

"He's not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?"

Hua Fangyuan said calmly, as if the old god was here, now they have the initiative to seize the military supplies of the Zhenbei Army.

No one was in a hurry to get back military supplies from me, so I happened to be free and didn't have to waste time talking to them.

"I'm not in a hurry, I just feel weird."

Hua Feichen said with a smile, according to common sense, Lin Taixu is a member of the Military Supplies House and a new official takes office, for the sake of his own future and the military supplies of the Zhenbei Army.

On the day you arrive in Desert City, or the next day at the latest, you should discuss military supplies with yourself.

Right, after all, it would be a great good thing for him and the Zhenbei Army to get the military supplies one day earlier.

However, Lin Taixu is better.

When people came to Desert City, they acted like normal people and didn't see each other for several days.

He couldn't understand this operation.

"He has thousands of plans, but as long as we don't let him go, what can he do to us?"

Huafangyuan sneered.

"That's true."

Hua Feichen nodded and said, as long as he didn't nod, would Lin Taixu still dare to rob it?

Besides, given his small stature, he had to grab it.

"Master Chang, please stay."

"Go away, I want to see Mr. Hua, it's urgent."

At this time, a noisy quarrel was heard outside the hall.

"See Mr. Hua."

After a while, Chang Wenshi strode into the hall and said to Hua Feichen and Hua Fangyuan.

"Sir, Sir Chang insisted on forcing his way in without giving me time to inform my subordinates. My subordinates were unable to stop me. Please punish me."

The Hua family guards who followed Chang Wenshi came in and asked Hua Feichen to plead guilty.

"Mr. Chang, why did you come here to see me in such a hurry?"

Hua Feichen waved to the Hua family guards, looked at Chang Wenshi and asked.

"Master Hua, something bad has happened. The Zhenbei Army is coming to kill us."

Chang Wenshi said anxiously.


"The Zhenbei Army is coming to kill?"

Hua Feichen and Hua Fangyuan couldn't help but said in shock, looking at Chang Wenshi blankly.

They withheld military supplies from the Zhenbei Army, expecting that Nangong Yidao would be furious and come to raise an army to hold him accountable. However, they never expected that Nangong Yidao would be so stupid as to send the Zhenbei Army to rob them.


After a brief shock, Hua Feichen suddenly burst out laughing, as if he had found money.

Huafangyuan also showed a hint of a conspiracy-successful smile, and calmly drank from the tea cup.

Chang Wenshi looked at Hua Feichen and Hua Fangyuan with a confused look on his face. If they weren't so powerful, he would have asked them if they were fools. They have already laid siege to the city with their troops, but you can still laugh. .

How big your heart is.

"My lords, why are you laughing?"

If you don't understand, just ask, Chang Wenshi asked Hua Feichen humbly.

"You don't need to worry about this. You just need to close the city gate and don't let people from the Zhenbei Army come in. We will take care of the rest."

Hua Feichen said with a smile. As he spoke, he waved to Chang Wenshi and motioned for him to retreat.


Seeing this, Chang Wenshi could only turn around and retreat with deep confusion and a hundred thousand reasons.

"Haha, people say that the King of Zhenbei is very resourceful and has endless plans, but it seems like this today."

After watching Chang Wenshi leave, Hua Feichen smiled and said to Hua Fangyuan.

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