My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 446: Second Prince Murong Meng

"That's just right, it saves us having to do anything."

Hua Fangyuan said with a smile that as long as Nangong Yidao dares to come down to suppress the Bei army's attack on the city, someone will take action to deal with him.

In this way, it would save the Hua family a lot of trouble, so why not do it.

"That's right, if King Zhenbei really gets hot and orders an army to attack the city, then he will basically be doomed for the rest of his life."

Hua Feichen said proudly.


Huafangyuan sneered, with a cold light in his eyes.

Fufeng Mountain is located in a deep valley.

Here, there are towering ancient trees and few people. In the long, narrow and deep valley, there are tents one after another, with flags covering the sky, and a strong murderous aura rising straight into the sky.

This murderous aura was as steamy as brewing, as if it were real. The demonic beasts for dozens of miles around could not help but tremble when they felt it, and they fled away one after another, for fear of suffering unreasonable disasters.

At this moment, in the central Chinese military tent, dozens of girls with scantily clad clothes and refined looks were stepping on the luxurious and bright carpet with their bare feet, dancing to the music played by the musicians on the side, which was extremely fragrant. He can do things.

Above the big tent, a young man wearing a python robe sat on a big tiger-skin chair, drinking wine while looking at the girl's slim figure with a lewd look, revealing an obscene and evil light from time to time.

I don't know what's going on in his mind.

The young man was none other than Murong Meng, the second prince of the Murong royal family.

"I would like to report to the Second Prince that my subordinates have something urgent to ask for."

At this time, a deep voice came from outside the tent, interrupting Murong Meng's thoughts.

"Come in."

Seeing this, Murong Meng couldn't help but place the wine glass in his hand heavily on the desk in front of him and said displeasedly.

If anyone else came to see him at this time, he would definitely let the guards rush away without saying a word, but this person couldn't.

Because he heard the voice, it was his teacher Guan Zhiping.

He is also his biological uncle.

"Yes, Second Prince."

After receiving Murong Meng's consent, the people outside the tent immediately opened the tent door and strode in.

When the girl dancing in the tent saw someone coming in, she quickly stopped dancing and was about to step aside when she saw Murong Meng waved his hand and shouted, "Keep playing music, keep dancing."


Seeing this, the maid couldn't help but jump up again.

Guan Zhiping walked into the big tent and couldn't help but frowned when he saw the extravagant scene in the tent. However, he still didn't say anything. He walked up to Murong Meng and said loudly, "Second Prince, the scouts are here to report, Zhenbei The Golden Spear Battalion and the Iron Cavalry Battalion of the army have already set up camp less than ten miles away from Desert City."


"The Zhenbei Army is really coming to kill?"

Hearing this, Murong Meng couldn't help but stood up and said in surprise.

"Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you quickly order the Flying Tiger Legion to attack?"

Immediately, Murong Meng said excitedly.

"Second Prince, please be patient. It's not the time to attack yet."

Guan Zhiping said.

"It's not time to attack yet?"

Murong Meng looked at Guan Zhiping blankly and asked, if the Zhenbei Army dared to attack Desert City, it would be tantamount to treason. It has not yet been captured by the Flying Tiger Army, so when will it be?

Do we have to wait until the Zhenbei Army attacks the imperial capital?

"Yes, although the Zhenbei Army came over, they did not attack Damo City. Instead, they camped and watched less than ten miles away from Damo City. If the Flying Tiger Army were to attack at this time, I'm afraid it would be unfair and unfair."

Guan Zhiping said.

"Set up camp and wait and see?"

Murong Meng couldn't help but frown, then looked at the maids and musicians and said, "Get out."

"Yes, Second Prince."

Immediately, all the maids and musicians stopped playing music and dancing, bowed respectfully to Murong Meng, and exited the tent in an orderly manner.

"Uncle, why don't they attack Desert City now to seize military supplies, but instead camp and wait and see? What's the rationale for this?"

Murong Meng sat down and asked in confusion.

"There's no way to know this. However, since they are here, we don't have to worry about them not doing stupid things. We just need to wait and see what happens."

Guan Zhiping said, showing an expression of victory. He was Murong Meng's teacher and also acted as his staff. It was his idea that the Flying Tiger Legion was able to leave the imperial capital and go north this time.

The ultimate goal is to find a handle on the Zhenbei Army in the name of helping the Hua family, so as to control this tiger and wolf army, which is famous in the Crescent Kingdom, in his own hands.

Now that the emperor's body is ill and his power has fallen from power, all the princes are vying with each other to show off their talents in order to inherit the throne.

He believed that if he could seize the Zhenbei Army and coerce the Zhenbei King to side with the second prince, then in this princely battle, Murong Meng would definitely be able to stand out and crush the other princes.

"Okay, then send scouts to closely monitor the Zhenbei Army's Golden Spear Battalion and Iron Cavalry Battalion, and have the Flying Tiger Legion be ready to attack at any time. As soon as the Zhenbei Army attacks the city, we will rush out from Fufeng Mountain and capture Nangong. Capture him on the spot with one knife.”

"At that time. Hehe."

Murong Meng said. As he spoke, he clenched his hands tightly with a proud smile on his face.

Lin Taixu didn't know that he asked Diao Budiao to transfer his three thousand guards, but in the end he recruited the Golden Spear Battalion and the Iron Cavalry Battalion.

At this moment, he was lying comfortably on the railing of the pavilion. Li Yiyue stood aside and stuffed the peeled grapes into his mouth one by one.

That looks like a treatment that only a rich man can enjoy.

"Ah, Master."

At this time, Li Yiyue screamed in surprise, quickly retracted his fingers from Lin Taixu's mouth, and looked at Lin Taixu angrily with his little mouth pouted.

It turned out that when she just stuffed a peeled grape into Lin Taixu's mouth, she was actually licked by Lin Taixu.

Well, not licking, but biting.

No, it wasn’t a bite, it was a touch: Lin Taixu.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Lin Taixu quickly sat up and said, "Let me check my hand to see if it's injured."

"don't want."

Li Yiyue quickly hid her hands behind her back and said that she knew Lin Taixu did it on purpose, but there was no evidence.

"Come and take a look."

Lin Taixu stretched out his hand and said with a smile.


Seeing this, Li Yiyue pouted and looked at Lin Taixu. After a moment, he obediently handed his little hand to Lin Taixu.

Lin Taixu stretched out his hand to hold Li Yiyue's little hand, put it in front of him and inspected it, squeezing here, touching there, even a blind man could see it.

Here and there, I checked whether Li Yiyue's hand was bitten.

It's obvious that they are taking advantage of themselves and eating tofu.

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