"Okay, you will understand the magical effects of the technique after practicing it. Now, all of you are sitting cross-legged on the ground, concentrating and waiting for my master to teach you the technique."

Lin Taixu shouted loudly.

"Yes, Master."

The three thousand guards responded, and whether they believed it or not, they still sat on the ground as ordered by Lin Taixu.

We still have to have dreams, what if they come true?


Seeing this, Lin Taixu nodded. Although he was making up nonsense and he didn't believe it, but the three thousand guards could be so obedient, well, I was very relieved.

"Open the system."

"The system is on."

Immediately, a huge virtual screen appeared in front of Lin Taixu.

"The system uses the skills to create something out of nothing and to bless the Taixu Book."

Immediately, Lin Taixu said to the system, with a proud smile on his face.

The last time I made a skill out of nothing, I just taught it to Murong Wushuang and a few others.

But this time, it wasn't just a few people, but three thousand people.

I feel like I've made a lot of money.


"Use the skills to create something out of nothing to support the Taixu Book."

"Excluding the number of points the controller makes out of nothing, one hundred."


I saw that the system quickly deducted Lin Taixu's one hundred points from nothing, but suddenly stopped again.

"You should be more agile."

Lin Taixu said urgently, so many people are waiting for this controller.


"Because it was detected that the Taixu Book contains two sets of skills. The system cannot generate the Taixu Book."

The system replied.

"Can't generate the Taixu Book?"

Lin Taixu almost bit off his tongue, and then said angrily, he knew that he only had one hundred and ten points to make something out of nothing, and according to common sense, he could only generate one magical skill.

However, this would definitely not work if it had martial arts but no combat skills, right? It was a toothless tiger.

However, if you have combat skills but no martial arts, you are just a strong ant.

Is it useful for strong ants in front of elephants?

It's definitely useless. No matter how strong the ant is, it can't withstand the elephant's kick and will be trampled to pieces.

That's why he thought of a bug, put the exercises and combat skills together, and gave them a name.

However, now this dog system can't get stuck.

You think, can he not be angry?

"I suggest Mr. Controller use the Taixu method."

The system suggested.

"Not accepting suggestions."

Lin Taixu said with a dark face.


The system was choked by Lin Taixu's words and almost crashed.

Isn’t it good to be a human being?

Do you want to be a dog?

"Return my out-of-nowhere skill points."

Lin Taixu said that since he could not generate the Taixu Book, he would think of other ways.

In short, there is no compromise.

Only children accept suggestions, adults want them all.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't fix this bug.

"The value of the money made out of nothing has been deducted and cannot be returned. Please inform the controller."

The system replied helplessly.

"Did I ask you to buckle it?"

Lin Taixu sneered and said, forced buying and selling?

I don’t want to do this.

You can either honestly generate the Taixu Book, or you can retreat.


The system answered firmly.

"What did I say?"

"You said that the Taixu Book was generated, so this system deducts the value from nothing."

"Then are you born?"

"this system"

After asking and answering, the system quickly jammed. It seemed that there was no answer, but it could not answer.

The answer is lost.

"You didn't generate the Taixu Book, and now you don't want to return the points from nothing. Do you want to keep it for yourself?"

Lin Taixu said with a sneer.




When the system was about to answer, it realized that it didn't know how to answer, but it couldn't return to making skill points out of thin air, so it kept beeping.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but darken his face. This dog system is so annoying to you. Why don't you answer this controller quickly?

Do you think you are a blacksmith?

"Get back quickly."

"hurry up."

Lin Taixu said urgently.

"Ding ding ding ding."

The brightness of the virtual screen in front of Lin Taixu kept flashing, which made Lin Taixu very suspicious whether the dog system would crash and the screen would go black under his own pressure.

However, his worries were obviously unnecessary. After a moment, the virtual screen began to return to normal, and then the system's voice sounded crisply.

"Deduct ten points for making something out of nothing."

"Deduction of 1.86 million system experience points"

"Deduction of 100,000 experience points from famous teachers"

"Deduction of 30,000 system silver coins"

"The Taixu Book was generated successfully,"

"The current system experience value of the controller is 0, the experience value of the famous teacher is 0, the value of making something out of nothing is 0, and the system silver coins are 0."

"Please inform those in control."

"What? You actually deducted my experience points randomly?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but said angrily, looking at the zeros in front of him, he really wanted to smash this broken system.

"This is not a random deduction. Since the controller created deficiencies out of thin air, the system will convert the system experience points and so on into skill points out of thin air."

"Those in control please understand."

The system replied.

I have a saying in my mind that mom sells batches, but I don’t know whether I should say it or not.

Lin Taixu couldn't help but have his head full of black threads. It seems that the BUG is not that easy to fix.

However, after thinking about it carefully, it seems that I am not at a loss.

After all, system experience points are much easier to earn than making skill points out of thin air.

Not a loss.

"I don't understand."

Although he felt that he had taken advantage, Lin Taixu still said shamelessly.


The system was in chaos, and the brightness of the virtual screen in front of Lin Taixu kept beating again, which clearly expressed the mood in his heart at the moment when countless grass and mud horses were whizzing by.

You don't understand?

Why don't you understand?

"Why can you change the rules for no reason?"

"So, you have to make it up to me."

Lin Taixu said seriously, showing a very hurt expression.

Yes, it hurts. Do honest people deserve to be bullied?

You can change it however you want?

You can deduct it however you want?


After a while, there was a weak sound from the system. Don’t get me wrong, it was because I was angry.

When he is extremely angry, his whole body trembles and his limbs become weak.

"Yes, compensation. I think if you reduce the price of the special mall twenty times, my injured heart can get some comfort."

Lin Taixu said seriously.


When the system heard the words, it felt as if it had been stabbed and made a high-pitched, harsh sound.

The items in the special mall are ten times more expensive than those in normal stores.

Now, you want me to lower it twenty times?

Why don't you let me give it to you for free?

Bah, scumbag.


In the end, Lin Taixu won the system with his smooth talk. Of course, it was not a complete win. In order to take care of the system's irritable mood, the two parties reached a special mall to sell items at normal prices.

This price means that from now on, the items Lin Taixu wants to buy in the system mall will not be doubled.

This is quite nice.

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