
Lin Taixu exited the system with satisfaction.

"Everyone, the time has come to witness the miracle."

Lin Taixu looked around and said with infinite pretentiousness in his heart.

Then, he took a few steps forward and came to a stop at the edge of the high platform. Then, he waved the scroll in his hand, and rays of light flew out from the scroll and disappeared into the eyebrows of the three thousand guards.

No more, no less, three thousand ways.

Taixu's mind method and Taixu's combat skills.

"I go."

Seeing this, Nangong Yidao, Niu Baichuan and other people watching the excitement from a distance couldn't help but feel excited.

Preaching light?

In Fengyun Continent, only Xuan-level skills and those above Xuan-level skills will shine when they are taught.

Is it possible that this Taixu Book is real?

And it starts at the lowest Xuan level?

There's something wrong with this.

Suddenly, everyone could not help but tremble and their anus tightened.

Furthermore, Xuan-level skills can only be taught to a maximum of a hundred people, Earth-level skills can only be taught to a maximum of ten people, and Heaven-level skills can only be taught to one person.

Because the practice exceeds the number of teachings, it will become intermittent and incomplete, which is what people often call incomplete practice.

And now Lin Taixu can actually teach three thousand people at the same time. What kind of operation is this?

So, they feel even more wrong.

The soft-armored girl opened her eyes wide and looked at Lin Taixu. This bastard couldn't really create a technique.

However, can a person who is a first-level martial artist create a technique?

And it’s a Xuan-level technique?

Instantly, she felt that her little brain was running out of energy.

"You are indeed worthy of being called a Saint Master."

Compared with the shock of others, Cao Hongfu and others were not only shocked, but also worshiped and created their own skills?

What a miracle is this?

You must know that they can't create their own exercises now.

However, the Holy Master is able to do it, this is simply amazing.


"Pretend, keep pretending."

Zhang Gang sneered and said that he did not believe that Lin Taixu could create his own exercises at all. In his opinion, Lin Taixu must have taken the exercises and deliberately said that he created them by himself.

Yes, that's right.

Just pretending to be a comparison.

However, it seems that Xuan-level skills are extremely rare in the New Moon Kingdom, and only those super big families can possess them.

A waste like Lin Taixu actually has Xuan-level skills?

I'm afraid you're not dreaming.

Ten minutes later, the three thousand guards stood up in unison, knelt down to Lin Taixu, and shouted in unison, "Thank you, Master, for teaching me the Dharma."

At this moment, their hearts were filled with extreme shock and excitement.

What was shocking was that the Taixu Book that he had just comprehended was really as powerful as Lin Taixu said, and it did not require too many qualifications for a warrior.

The exciting thing is that as long as you practice more, it is not impossible to be close to the top.

Therefore, everyone's loyalty to Lin Taixu was instantly overwhelming.


"Cauliflower, Ergou"

Lin Taixu nodded, raised his hand, and signaled the three thousand guards to stand up.

"Join Master."

Immediately, Caihua and Ergou, who were standing under the stage, appeared behind Lin Taixu in a flash, knelt down and shouted respectfully.

"From now on, you will be responsible for teaching them the fighting skills."

Lin Taixu stretched out his hand and pointed at the three thousand guards and said, "Now that we have the techniques and combat skills, the only thing left is the skills."

Caihua and Ergou are undoubtedly the most suitable candidates.

Well, the most important thing is that Lin Taixu feels that Caihua and Ergou have nothing to do.

In fact, Diao BuDiao could do it, but Lin Taixu felt that Diao BuDiao wanted to serve him, so naturally he couldn't get away.

Even if Diao Budiao is arranged to do this, it will only be a part-time job.

So, how can a part-time job be better than a full-time job?


"Yes, Master."

Caihua and Ergou responded.

Although they are only third-level and first-level martial artists, the products produced by the system must be high-quality.

Third, level 1 martial artist, invincible throughout the process.

Asking them to teach three thousand guards how to fight in actual combat would not be too simple.

"A teenage third-level martial artist?"

Cao Hongfu and others were stunned. Such a peerless genius was actually the slave of the Holy Master?

The methods of the Holy Master are too powerful.

If their family had such a monster, they would be their slaves, let alone their slaves.

Hao, you are so inhumane.

"Niu Jingyi."

"My subordinate is here."

Niu Jingyi said loudly immediately, looking at Lin Taixu with an excited expression.

I feel like I made the right bet.

Right from the beginning, he took out the Taixu Book of Mysterious Level Kung Fu. If he stayed with Lin Taixu for a few years, the benefits would not be great.

When he thought that he might become as powerful as the King of Zhenbei in the future.

His jiji was shaking.

"From now on, you will be responsible for the logistics of Qinglong, Baihu, and Suzaku."

Lin Taixu ordered.


Niu Jingyi couldn't help but be stunned. He thought Lin Taixu would arrange something important for him, but it turned out that he was responsible for logistics work?

Isn't that the quartermaster?

"you are not willing?"

Lin Taixu frowned when he saw this, looked at Niu Jingyi and said.

"Subordinates take orders."

Seeing this, Niu Jingyi couldn't help being startled, and responded quickly, wishing he could give himself a slap in the face, isn't it just logistics work?

What work is not doing?


As long as I don't get kicked out, it's fine.

"Well, you can make a training plan for me later. Let's stop here today."

Lin Taixu said, turning around and walking towards the stage.

"Yes, I'll see you off, Master."

Seeing this, Niu Jingyi and the three thousand guards bowed and said.

Lin Taixu waved his hand and led a group of people up the mountain.

"Lin Taixu"

Just when he reached the middle of the mountain, Lin Taixu heard someone calling him. He stopped and looked in the direction of the voice. He saw the soft-armored girl quietly looking at him under a big tree on the left.

Obviously, the girl was waiting for him.

"You go back first. I have something important to do."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu ordered Diao Butiao and others, and immediately walked towards the soft-armored girl.

"There is an affair"

"Uh, no, there is something going on."

Diao Butiao looked at the soft-armored girl and then at Lin Taixu, and said in his heart, isn't it just picking up girls?

As for saying it so fresh and unworldly?

Is there something else?

Immediately, he said to Cao Hongfu and others, "Everyone, go back together."

The implication was, don't disturb the young master from picking up girls.


Cao Hongfu and others looked at each other, feeling a little overwhelmed. They felt that if they just went back, what would happen to the safety of the Saint Master?

Leave it to God's will?

But they didn't dare to gamble.

But they didn't dare to disobey Lin Taixu's order.

At this moment, they felt that it was too difficult for them.

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