My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 549: Catch Alive

"What happened?"

Hearing Murong Wushuang's cry, Cao Hongfu, Luo Xiangyang and others ran out of the military supply house.

"Master Taixu?"

"Master Taixu."

Looking at Murong Wushuang holding Lin Taixu, who was bleeding profusely, Cao Hongfu and others were so scared that they were almost dead.

"Fortunately, no vital parts were injured."

Xiao Yexuan squatted down and checked Lin Taixu's injuries. He found that only the left ribs were shot through, and the heart was not injured. He said with relief.

If Lin Taixu was assassinated under the eyes of himself and others, I'm afraid they would never be able to atone for their sins.

"Who did it?"

Cao Hongfu roared, and a monstrous murderous intent burst out from his body, as if snow fell in June and winter came.

Dare to assassinate the Holy Master.

Do you know how to write the word death?

"Southeast, thirty miles of hillside, the murderer is there."

"Go catch him!"

Murong Wushuang raised her head, pointed in a direction, and shouted loudly, with a pair of autumn-water eyes revealing cold murderous intent.

This was the second time in her life that she wanted to cut a person into pieces.

The first time was when she knew someone had injured her aunt.

Almost, almost.

Almost, her master left her like this, just imagine, how could she not be angry?

"Old Wang, Old Xiao, you stay here, Old Luo follow me."

Cao Hongfu immediately yelled, and his figure flashed, and he shot hundreds of meters away. Seeing this, Luo Xiangyang followed him without saying a word.

However, looking at the cold breath on his body, it was obvious that his hidden anger was no less than Cao Hongfu.


The two figures ran all the way, approaching the direction pointed by Murong Wushuang quickly.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

The commotion at the door quickly alarmed the officials working on the first floor of the Military Supply Bureau. They all ran out and were shocked by the scene in front of them.

What did they see?

Their immediate superior, the commander of the Military Supply Bureau, was assassinated?

And he was assassinated in the Zhenbei Army Camp.

This is simply the most desolate hall in the world.

"Master, Master."

Then, Wan Pengju, Diao Butiao, Liu Sandao and others also rushed out. Seeing Lin Taixu covered in blood, they shuddered with fear.

Then there emerged a terrifying anger and murderous intent.

"Don't make a fuss, it's not a big deal."

Seeing so many people, Lin Taixu was embarrassed to continue lying on Murong Wushuang, and immediately stood up.

"Master, be careful."

Seeing Lin Taixu suddenly stand up, Murong Wushuang's face changed with fear, and she quickly reached out to support Lin Taixu.

She had seen the wound on the chest, such a big hole.

Even if he took his second-level healing pill, he would have to recuperate for at least half a month before he could barely move.

So, how could he not let her worry?

In fact, what she didn't know was that it was just what she thought.

After Lin Taixu took the fourth-level healing pill, his injuries had been stabilized. In less than ten minutes, he could jump around like nothing had happened.

"Brother Wang, Brother Xiao, you guys go and have a look too, and try to catch him alive."

Lin Taixu looked at Wang Jinglong and Xiao Yexuan and said, judging from the time, it had only been a few minutes since the killer shot the arrow. He believed that even if the killer failed to hit him, he would have fled thousands of miles away.

He hadn't run far yet.

So, if he sent more people over, the hope of catching him would be greater.

Besides, he had a bold idea in his mind.

That was to lure the enemy.

Yes, lure the enemy.

If the murderer didn't leave, he would naturally not dare to show his head when he saw two fifth-level martial masters guarding him.

Therefore, only after Wang Jinglong and Xiao Yexuan left, the killer would not appear again if he had not left.

Compared with his own safety, Lin Taixu felt that it was better to catch the other party as soon as possible, and then follow the clues to catch the forces behind him.

After all, if the other party hides, how can he know when the other party will shoot him again?

As the saying goes, there is only a thousand days of thieves, how can you guard against thieves for a thousand days.


"Well, Mr. Taixu, we'll protect you here. Lao Cao and Lao Luo will be responsible for catching the murderer."

Xiao Yexuan said with a wry smile, kidding, how dare they leave Lin Taixu at this time?

What if someone comes to assassinate them after they leave?

"If you don't go, then don't follow me in the future."

Lin Taixu said expressionlessly, looking at the hillside in the southeast direction, with a cold look in his eyes.

He wanted to see who was so bold that he dared to sneak into the Zhenbei Army camp to shoot him.


Seeing this, Wang Jinglong and Xiao Yexuan looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

If they go, they are worried that the murderer will come back.

If they don't go, they will provoke Lin Taixu again.

This is too much.

"You go, we will protect the young master, and nothing will happen."

Diao Bu Diao said, he is at least a strong man of the third-level martial arts level. If he didn't see the long way and was worried that if he ran over, the murderer would have run away without a trace, he would have run over and cut the murderer into pieces.

So, since he couldn't catch the murderer, it was his natural responsibility to protect the young master.

"Okay, then I'll have to trouble Manager Diao."

Wang Jinglong and Xiao Yexuan said helplessly, and immediately spread their bodies and chased in the direction of the murderer.

"Manager Wan, notify Captain Niu that this Captain has been assassinated. Let him immediately block the Zhenbei Army camp and no one is allowed to enter or leave without permission."

Lin Taixu ordered Wan Pengju.

"Yes, Captain."

Hearing this, Wan Pengju immediately trotted down the mountain to find Niu Baichuan.

In the distance, three slopes.

A man in a black cloak stood with a bow, quietly looking in the direction of Lin Taixu and others.

The pair of triangular eyes were like a poisonous snake, flashing a cold light.

"Damn, this waste actually escaped."

The cloaked man murmured in his mouth, his voice gloomy, containing a hint of anger.

He had been squatting here for a day just to shoot Lin Taixu.

Originally, he thought he could kill Lin Taixu with one arrow, but he never expected that Lin Taixu actually escaped.

This was simply an insult to him who was so proud and arrogant.

You know, he could easily shoot and kill even a person at the Martial Honor level, but today, he failed to shoot a waste.

This was simply the biggest shame in his life.

So, in order to wash away this shame, he did not miss a shot and turned around and left.

So, even if he saw Cao Hongfu and Luo Xiangyang searching towards him, he still did not move, staring closely at Lin Taixu, looking for another chance to shoot.

However, seeing Wang Jinglong and Xiao Yexuan, two level 5 Martial Honor masters, protecting Lin Taixu, he suddenly felt a sense of frustration that he had nowhere to start.

Because even if he was confident that his archery skills were unparalleled in the world and no one could stop him.

He would not be so arrogant that he could break through the blockade of the two Martial Honors and shoot Lin Taixu to death with one arrow.

Because that was not confidence.

That was stupidity.

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