"Ten breaths."

Hua Shisan glanced at Cao Hongfu and Luo Xiangyang, who were flying over. In ten more breaths, the two would be within a few miles of him, and he would have no choice but to retreat.

Otherwise, being entangled by two high-level martial masters would not be a good thing.

Nine breaths.

Eight breaths.

Just when he was about to give up, his eyes suddenly lit up and he realized that Wang Jinglong and Xiao Yexuan had given up protecting Lin Taixu and actually flew towards him.

I was immediately overjoyed.

If you really don’t seek death, you won’t die.

Hua Shisan chuckled. If Wang Jinglong and Xiao Yexuan did not leave, he would really have no choice but to leave with regret. However, the two of them actually wanted to catch him, hoping that Diao Budiao, Liu Sandao and other three-level martial arts masters would protect him. Lin Taixu.

Damn it, you simply don’t take me, Hua Shisan, seriously.

"But it's okay. I'll send you on your way. Don't offend anyone you shouldn't offend in your next life."

Hua Shisan sneered in his heart and kicked his toes. The quiver in front of him immediately shook, and more than a dozen dark, thick and long arrows flew up from the quiver.

Hua Shisan grabbed an arrow with his palm, and then pulled the bow to nock the arrow. The bowstring immediately made a sour sound, and was pulled into a full moon in an instant.

"call out."

Hua Shisan loosened his fingers, and the arrow immediately shot towards Cao Hongfu, who was running ahead, like a stream of light.

After shooting an arrow, Hua Shisan continued to move his fingers, shooting seven or eight arrows in succession, targeting Luo Xiangyang, Wang Jinglong and Xiao Yexuan respectively.

These arrows were not intended to hurt anyone, but to prevent Cao Hongfu and others from approaching him, so as to buy himself a little time.

"So brave."

Cao Hongfu, who was running rapidly, almost laughed out loud when he saw an arrow flying towards him.

Originally, he thought that the person who assassinated Lin Taixu must have left. After all, for an assassin who exposed himself after the operation failed, the wisest choice was to leave.

But he never expected that instead of leaving, this stupid thing wanted to shoot himself.

Damn it, at this moment he really wanted to ask Hua Shisan, what the hell are you thinking.

If the sneak attack fails, do you plan to attack forcefully?


Seeing the arrow flying in front of him, Cao Hongfu dodged, then drew out his weapon and struck it on the arrow. Hearing the sound of gold and iron, the arrow was deflected and flew towards a rock in front of him. And go.


There was just a loud sound, and the boulder shattered. This shows how powerful this arrow is.

"A martial master-level archer?"

"Are you the dead warrior of the Hua family, Wu Zun?"

Cao Hongfu couldn't help but exclaimed in shock as he felt the backlash from the weapon. Then, a murderous intent shot into the sky and he flew towards Hua Shisan again.

However, before he could take two steps, another arrow was shot towards him.

Seeing this, he had to give up his forward movement and dodge the oncoming arrow attack.

"Bang bang bang."

The arrows shot at Wang Jinglong and others were dodged by three people respectively. However, because they had to avoid the arrows, their forward speed was invisibly slower.

An arrow missed.

Two arrows missed

Seeing this, Hua Shisan's expression did not change at all. He could only see his fingers constantly hooking and shooting arrows. In just a few breaths, he shot more than twenty arrows.

"call out"

I saw a series of powerful sounds piercing the air, and Cao Hongfu and others were suppressed five miles away by Hua Shisan's arrows.

In the main tent of the Golden Spear Camp, Niu Baichuan was drinking tea. When he heard Wan Pengju's report, he shivered with fright. He threw the teacup in his hand and the man appeared in front of Wan Pengju.

He grabbed Wan Pengju's collar and shouted, "What did you say? Lin Qianhu was assassinated?"

What the hell, Niu Baichuan felt a cool air coming from the soles of his feet straight through Tianling Gai, and it was so cold that his heart felt so cold.

"Yes, Master Qianhu, how dare this villain deceive you about this matter."

Wan Pengju said anxiously.


Niu Baichuan threw Wan Pengju out and strode out of the tent.

"Lin Qianhu of the Munitions Office was assassinated. Now you are passing on this order to Qianhu. The Zhenbei Army camp will be sealed off immediately. No one is allowed to enter or leave. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed."

"In addition, an order was sent to thousands of households in each major camp, and their subordinates were ordered to return to the camp immediately and await investigation."

"Those who disobey the order are equally guilty as the murderer."

Niu Baichuan roared that this latter order was added by himself, because according to his deduction, since the murderer could commit the murder in the Zhenbei Army camp, there must be someone from the Zhenbei Army camp to respond in all likelihood.

Therefore, he called all the soldiers of the Zhenbei Army back to the camp to see who could still answer the murderer.

"Yes, Lord Chihu."

Immediately, more than a dozen guards clasped their fists to accept the order, and one after another got on their horses to spread Niu Baichuan's order to all the camps.

"Cai Zian"

"The end will be here."

"Li Zixuan."

"The end will be here."

"Now this Qianhu orders you each to lead your subordinates to Santiaopo to apprehend the murderer of Lin Qianhu."

"Yes, Lord Chihu."

Cai Zian and others took the order and immediately led their subordinate soldiers towards Santiao Slope.

"Ming De Shou"

"Mao Jianxiu"

"Go and protect Lin Qianhu"

"Xia Lianggong, you are responsible for guarding the entrance and exit of the camp."

"Farming is booming, you go and report it to the prince."

Immediately, Niu Baichuan ordered again.

"Yes, Lord Chihu."

Immediately, the general whose name was called clasped his fists and accepted the order.

"Everyone else, follow me."

Niu Baichuan continued to shout, got on his horse and led everyone towards the three slopes.

Nangong Yidao once ordered that when he was not in the military camp, if an emergency occurred, Niu Baichuan would be the supreme commander and could order the entire Zhenbei Army to carry out the king's orders.

Violators will be killed without mercy.

Therefore, when Niu Baichuan's personal guards appeared in the military tents of each major camp to deliver orders, thousands of households in each major camp quickly accepted their orders.

"What? Lin Qianhu was assassinated?"

However, those are ordinary people. In the cavalry camp, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but said in shock when she heard the order from Niu Baichuan's personal guard. A chill came out of her body. She immediately walked out of the camp without thinking and shouted loudly, "The cavalry camp gather."

"Master Qianhu, Niu Qianhu means that all camps are not allowed to move without permission."

The guards of the Golden Gun Battalion hurriedly tried to dissuade him.

"Go back and tell Niu Qianhu to just take care of others. He doesn't need to worry about Niu Qianhu's cavalry battalion."

The soft-armored girl said coldly, turned over and jumped onto the war horse that Lin Xiuer brought over. She caught the horse's belly and rushed out of the cavalry camp first.


Seeing this, the girl cavalry who gathered after hearing the order also urged their horses to follow. Suddenly, the sound of rapid horse hooves sounded like muffled thunder, deafening.


Seeing this, the messenger's personal guard couldn't help but be stunned on the spot.

Does this count as disobedience?

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