My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 555: Taixu is very angry

"Then it won't be so easy to assassinate him in the future."

Hua Cuimin sighed and said.

"Humph, if it doesn't work once, then do it twice. If it doesn't work twice, then do it three times."

"I don't believe that I can't kill this trash."

Hua Yihu said coldly, in fact, his murderous intention towards Lin Taixu was not that strong, just because he sent Hua Tiansheng to invite Lin Taixu to meet him, but Lin Taixu refused rudely.

Therefore, he thought that Lin Taixu was deliberately humiliating him, so he became angry and sent Hua Shisan to assassinate Lin Taixu to relieve his hatred.

However, he never expected that Hua Shisan not only failed to relieve his hatred, but actually made him angry to death.

Therefore, now he hates Lin Taixu even more deeply.

"Now it's not a question of whether to assassinate or not, but a question of the aftermath. It doesn't matter if Hua Shisan makes a mistake. What matters is whether he is discovered to be a member of the Hua family."

"If my identity is exposed, I'm afraid King Zhenbei won't let it go."

Third Elder Hua Zhiyuan said with some worry.

"So what if he's exposed? Is it possible that he still dares to kill me?"

Hua Yihu said disdainfully that the family had seized so much military supplies for the Zhenbei Army that Nangong Yida did not dare to say a word.

He didn't believe that Nangong Yidao would break up with the Hua family over this trivial matter.

If this is the case, I'm afraid the family will be even happier and can justifiably take action against Nangong Yida and the Zhenbei Army.

This is why he dared to send Hua Shisan so blatantly to assassinate Lin Taixu at the Zhenbei Army Camp.

"Master Taixu, this is the murderer's arrow. It has the characters Hua Shisan on it. I suspect it is the murderer's name."

In the tea room on the third floor of the mobile palace, Cao Hongfu handed the arrow in his hand to Lin Taixu and said.

"A member of the Hua family?"

Lin Taixu picked up the arrow, looked at it, and asked, thinking about it, he traveled to the present, but he is a good boy and has never had a life-or-death feud with anyone.

Apart from the Hua family, he couldn't think of anyone else who wanted to kill him.

Besides, apart from the Hua family, no one is so wealthy as to send out a Wu Zun-level killer.

"Looking at his attire, he looks similar to Wu Zun, the three dead soldiers of the Hua family. However, we have no evidence, so we can't be sure whether it is the other party."

Cao Hongfu said, with a hint of regret in his tone. It was a pity that he did not catch Hua Shisan.

If Hua Shisan is caught, he can use his own methods to make the other party tell him who is behind the scenes, even if Hua Shisan is mute.


Lin Taixu smiled faintly, put the arrow in his hand on the table, glanced at Cao Hongfu, Luo Xiangyang and others, and said, "I, Lin Taixu, never need evidence when doing things."


Cao Hongfu and others couldn't help but were speechless. Although Lin Taixu's words were very domineering, they couldn't mess around with Lin Taixu.

After all, the other party is not some kitten or puppy, but the Hua family.

The first family of the Crescent Kingdom.

A single move affects the whole body.

"Master Taixu, I think it's better to take a long-term approach."

Xiao Yexuan said with a dry smile that the Famous Master Hall was also extremely dissatisfied with the Hua family, but they would not admit it without evidence to confront the Hua family.

"Let's take a long-term view? Lao Xiao, do you think I'm the kind of person who has suffered a lot and kept silent, so can I still have a long-term plan with you?"

Lin Taixu looked sideways at Xiao Yexuan and said with a sneer.

"Master Taixu, what are you going to do?"

Cao Hongfu asked, frowning. It seemed a bit inappropriate to start a war with the Hua family now.


Lin Taixu immediately stood up from the chair and said calmly.

"No, you can't act recklessly."

The soft-armored girl who was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping saw this and quickly walked in and said.

Lin Taixu was assassinated, and she was also very angry. However, the Hua family was too powerful. As far as she knew, there were several warriors stationed at the Yunlai Inn. If Lin Taixu went there, wouldn't he rush to kill someone? ?

Therefore, before Nangong Yidao came, she could not let Lin Taixu go to see Hua Yihu alone no matter what.


Lin Taixu chuckled, walked up to the soft-armored girl, and continued, "Then why not do it again? I want to see how powerful that Hua Yihu is."


Hearing this, the soft-armored girl clenched her teeth angrily. Her eyes were about to get angry when she looked at Lin Taixu. This bastard, couldn't he tell the difference between a good thing and a good thing?

Do you have to let me tell you not to seek death for you to understand?

"This is a personal grudge between me and the Hua family. It has nothing to do with the Zhenbei Army or the Famous Master Hall. Please don't interfere."

Lin Taixu said, and walked towards the door. The reason why he said this was because he didn't want Xiao Yexuan and others to make it difficult.

After all, their expressions just now betrayed their hearts.

That is because he doesn’t want to be enemies with the Hua family.

In this case, just give them a step down and go alone.

Over the past few days, he had been drinking and chatting with Xiao Yexuan, Cao Hongfu and others. In his mind, they were just fair-weather friends.

Since they are fair-weather friends, it is natural that they cannot talk about being sarcastic and showing righteousness to each other.


If I really don’t know what to do and invite them to go with me, and they don’t go in the end,

Isn't this embarrassing for both of us?

Therefore, he would not do such a childish and stupid thing.

"Master, my disciple will accompany you."

Murong Wushuang, who was standing outside the door, saw Lin Taixu coming out and said seriously.


Lin Taixu said without stopping.

If the master has something to do, the disciple will do the hard work.

This is natural.

"Master, I am not a famous teacher now, but your housekeeper, so you can't abandon me."

Seeing this, Diao Butiao on the side said seriously, and without waiting for Lin Taixu to speak, he waved to Liu Sandao and others, and followed Lin Taixu silently.

Since the young master said it was a personal grudge, it was a personal grudge.

However, in his heart, no matter whether it was a personal grudge or not, he would go wherever Lin Taixu went.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu didn't say anything. Although Diao Butiao was a famous teacher, he was also his housekeeper, and the system recognized it. This was a fact.

So, there was nothing wrong with him accompanying him.

Of course, whether it was Murong Wushuang, Diao Butiao, or Liu Sandao.

He didn't think of really letting them fight with the Hua family.

The reason why he agreed to let them go was purely to satisfy their wishes.

He had to rely on himself to really take action.

They were just a few martial masters, and he could kill them with a backhand.

He had always kept his grudges against the Hua family within the rules, so he was not in a hurry.

However, since they were not playing by the rules now, he would be a fool if he still followed the rules.

It was a hard truth to fight back.

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