My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 556 No Need to Pay Back


Seeing this, Cao Hongfu and others couldn't help but look at each other. Then, the four of them stood up in silence and followed Lin Taixu.

Personal matters?

Sorry, the grievances of the Saint Master are also their grievances.

It is also the grudge of the entire Famed Master Hall.

As for the consequences of going to war with the Hua family, that's not something they should worry about.

What should be worried about is the chief hall leader Ye Buxing.


"Why are you following me?"

After walking out of the mobile palace, Lin Taixu found that the soft-armored girl, Cao Hongfu and others were silently following him. He couldn't help but stop and asked curiously.

Didn't I say that this time is a personal grudge between my lord and the Hua family?

If you get involved together, aren't you afraid of the Hua family settling the score?

"I will accompany you to death. Anyway, I owed you my life before. If I pay it back this time, we will be settled."

The soft-armored girl said coldly.

"No need to pay it back, I'm not that stingy."

Lin Taixu said, knowing that the soft-armored girl was talking about riding the Iron-winged Goshawk together.

"If you still don't pay it back, it's not you who has the final say, it's me."

The soft-armored girl still said indifferently.


Lin Taixu was disappointed and had to turn his head to look at Cao Hongfu and others.

"Master Taixu, isn't your personal grudge the same as my Lao Cao's personal grudge?"

Cao Hongfu chuckled and winked at Lin Taixu, meaning that we are good friends, who is following whom.

Luo Xiangyang and others also nodded repeatedly, fully agreeing with Cao Hongfu's words.

You will go out of your way to save your friends, even if they die.

Well, although they are not qualified to be friends with the Holy Master, it does not prevent them from inserting their swords.


Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but became speechless. He saw Murong Meng and Murong Gao cowering at the back, and then asked, "What are you following?"

He remembered that he was not that familiar with Murong Meng and Murong Gao, and he had never had tea or wine.

Strictly speaking, it's not that pleasant to get along with each other.

Therefore, he could somewhat understand that Cao Hongfu was the one who took advantage of him, but he could not understand Murong Meng's behavior.

Is this guy a sadist?

The worse he treats him, the more he tries to curry favor with him?


"Master Lin is an official of the imperial court, but he was assassinated by a gangster. As a member of the royal family, how can I tolerate the lawlessness of the gangster? Therefore, I am not talented, so I should seek justice for Master Lin and bring the gangster to justice."

Murong Meng said righteously, and as he spoke, he glanced at Murong Wushuang cautiously.

Seeing Murong Wushuang looking at him with a look of admiration, he couldn't help but feel happy.

It seems that the flattery is done well.

"Lin Qianhu, are you okay?"

While the two were talking, Niu Baichuan was seen walking up from the mountain with more than a dozen personal guards. Seeing the blood on Lin Taixu's body, he couldn't help but ask with concern.

"It's okay, thank you Master Niu for your concern."

Lin Taixu nodded and said.

"It's okay. Where are you going now?"

Niu Baichuan continued to ask.

"Of course we're going to arrest people."

Lin Taixu said.

"Who did it?"

At this time, a voice filled with endless anger was heard, and Nangong Yidao, filled with murderous aura, suddenly appeared in front of Lin Taixu and others.

He was originally at Zhenbei Palace, and when he heard the guard reporting that Lin Taixu had been assassinated, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, and immediately ran over without saying a word.

At this moment, if you get close to him, you will definitely see the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Preliminary judgment is that he is from the Hua family."

Cao Hongfu said when he saw Nangong Yida coming.

"So brave."

Seeing this, Nangong Yidao couldn't help but sneered, his eyes becoming more murderous.

It seems that I have been holding back for a long time, and no one dares to act recklessly in front of me.

First, he seized military supplies, and now he dared to assassinate my son-in-law, Chenglong Kuai, at the Zhenbei Army Camp.

It's simply lawless.

In this Hua family, do you know how many knives the word "death" has?

"Niu Baichuan, you will now lead the Golden Gun Battalion to surround the Yanda Inn and escort everyone in the Hua family back to the Zhenbei Army Camp for interrogation."

"If you dare to resist, you will be shot to death."

Immediately, Nangong gave a direct order to Niu Baichuan with a sword.

Angry, Nangong Yidao was really angry this time.

When the king is angry, people will die.

And there were still piles of deaths.


Niu Baichuan immediately accepted the order, a light of excitement bursting out of his eyes.

He was just a member of a thousand households, so naturally he would not understand Nangong Yidao's good intentions as the king of Zhenbei and commanding the Zhenbei army, so he needed to strategize and take into account all parties.

Therefore, after knowing that the Hua family had seized military supplies for the Zhenbei Army, but Nangong Yidao chose to tolerate it, he felt very angry.

I'm so angry that I won't fight.

If Lin Taixu hadn't been so powerful in Desert City, he would have captured and killed everyone in the Hua family.

It is no exaggeration to say that he was already pissed off.

So, now that we see Nangong Yidao finally getting angry and having a good time, do you think he can't be excited?

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu quickly stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

Nangong Yidao asked with a frown, and Niu Baichuan also stopped and looked at Lin Taixu in confusion.

At the same time, he kept beating drums in his heart, big brother, father, ancestors.

You must not persuade the prince to just let it go.

"You have to know that if you do this, you will break up with the Hua family. The consequences will be"

Lin Taixu said remindingly.

Are you sure you can afford this consequence?

You must know that your immediate boss, the old stickman King Zhenbei, is still alive. Can he allow you to go against the Hua family?

I'm afraid you don't want to eat shit.

"No matter what the consequences are, I, the captain, will bear them all."

Nangong said categorically, since you can't bear it anymore, there is no need to bear it anymore.

At this moment, he looked at Lin Taixu with a trace of apology in his eyes. If he hadn't dragged Lin Taixu into trouble, he wouldn't have been tough with the Hua family.

If he doesn't fight against the Hua family, the Hua family won't send people to assassinate him.

All this is my own fault.

Fortunately, the sky has eyes and my benefactor will bless me.

This time, let Lin Taixu save a life from a certain death situation, but what about next time, what about next time?

He was not sure that Lin Taixu could escape the Hua family's assassinations again and again.

Therefore, only by beating the Hua family hard and being honest can we put an end to this kind of little trick in the future.

"Those words are domineering."

When Lin Taixu heard this, he gave Nangong Yidao a thumbs up and praised him. This was the strongest and strongest sentence Nangong Yidao had ever said since he met Nangong Yidao.


The soft-armored girl looked at Nangong Yidao quietly, her eyes showing surprise, as if she was shocked by Nangong Yidao's words.

As far as she knew, Nangong Yidao's decision had never been changed.

Now that I have decided to be patient with the Hua family, I will not change it easily.

But why have you changed your mind now?

This...isn't right.

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