My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 557: Surrounding the Yunlai Inn

"What are you still doing?"

Nangong Yida shouted at Niu Baichuan, furious.

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away."

Niu Baichuan nodded quickly.

"I am coming too."

Seeing this, the soft-armored girl said, and trotted away without waiting for Nangong to object.

"Squad leader?"

Murong Wushuang looked at Nangong Yidao quietly without saying anything, but his heart was filled with a series of question marks.

Can a squad leader order thousands of households?

This is a long time coming.

And he’s still a fifth-level Martial Lord?

This is simply.

Cao Hongfu and others had a look in their eyes. If they had just guessed Nangong Yidao's identity before, it was confirmed now.

However, what makes them curious is that you, the King of Zhenbei, conceal your identity and get close to the Holy Master.

What is the peace of mind?

What bad thoughts could I have? : Nangong Yida.

To the southwest of Dahuang City, there are many shops and busy traffic. It is a relatively prosperous area of ​​Dahuang City.

Yunlai Inn is located among them. It is a seven-story building with extremely luxurious carved beams and painted tiles.

At this moment, there was an endless flow of people entering and leaving the inn, which seemed extremely lively.

"Da da da"

At this time, a chaotic sound of horse hooves was heard. At one end of the street, more than a dozen people were galloping towards Yunlai Inn on war horses.

The ones taking the lead were none other than Lin Taixu, Nangong Yidao and others.

Behind them were thousands of soldiers wearing armor and holding spears. I saw neat steps stepping on the ground above the street, making a deafening sound that shook the heart and soul.

Pedestrians walking on the street couldn't help but step aside quickly when they saw this, and opened a wide avenue, with frightened expressions on their faces.

"what's going on?"

"You actually alerted the Zhenbei Army?"

"Did a spy sneak into Dahuang City?"

"It seems that not long ago, the Zhenbei Army was sent out to search for someone in the city. However, they withdrew again in less than half a day. Could it be that that person has been discovered now?"

When the Zhenbei Army left, pedestrians on the street were talking among themselves, with burning gossip burning in their eyes.

"Master Hu, it's not good, a large number of Zhenbei troops are coming this way."

Inside the inn, a Hua family guard hurried to the room where Hua Yihu was and loudly reported.

"What did you say?"

As soon as the Hua family guard finished speaking, Hua Tiansheng opened the door and walked out and shouted.

"Elder Ninth, a large number of soldiers from the Zhenbei Army suddenly appeared on the street. It seems that they are heading towards the Transport Inn."

The guard said urgently.

When Hua Tiansheng heard this, his expression changed. He hurriedly walked into the room and opened the window on the street side. Sure enough, at the end of the street, a large number of officers and soldiers were running towards this side menacingly.

"Young Master Tiger."

Immediately, Hua Tiansheng turned to look at Hua Yihu aside, showing a worried look.

When Hua Yihu saw this, he immediately stood up and walked to the window to take a look. A cold and stern look flashed in his eyes.

"Invite all the elders here. I want to see if Nangong Yidao dares to do anything wrong."

Immediately, Hua Yihu ordered.

"Yes, Master Hu."

The Hua family guard responded quickly and quickly turned around and retreated. After a while, several elders of the Hua family quickly came to the room.

"Surround the Yunlai Inn for me."

A few minutes later, more than a dozen war horses rushed to stop in front of Yunlai Inn. They reined in the horses one after another, and saw Niu Baichuan shouting loudly.

"Yes, Lord Chihu."

Following his order, the soldiers of the Golden Gun Battalion immediately dispersed and surrounded the Yulai Inn. Among them, a hundred soldiers carrying flying star crossbows gathered at the door of the Yulai Inn. Showing this coldness.

"Ying Weize, the shopkeeper of Yunchai Inn, has met all of you. I wonder why you came to the inn?"

The commotion caused by Lin Taixu and others soon alerted the Yunlai Inn. An old man with a triangular beard immediately ran out of the Yunlai Inn with several guards and asked Lin Taixu The others bowed and saluted.

His words are neither humble nor arrogant, which shows his good quality of handling things without being alarmed.

Yunlai Inn is known as the second largest inn in Dahuang City, second only to the Dahuang Inn founded by the Mingyue family.

The Dahuang Inn was founded by the Mingyue family, while the owners behind the Yunlai Inn were the Didu family.

Therefore, with the Ying family as the backstage, Ying Weize was not too worried about the Zhenbei Army daring to mess around at Yunlai Inn.

You must know that the Didu Family, although its wealth is not comparable to that of the Mingyue Family, and its strength is not comparable to the eight major families in the Didu City, but not everyone can be bullied at will.

"Qianhu Lin Taixu Lin Qianhu of the Zhenbei Army Supplementary Mansion was just assassinated by bandits at the Zhenbei Army Camp. According to the spies, this person is now hiding in the Yunlai Inn."

"So, I was ordered to come and arrest the perpetrator."

"Please also ask shopkeeper Ying for your cooperation."

Niu Baichuan said coldly, he was just doing business. Although he knew the background of Yunlai Inn, he still didn't have too much fear.

After all, no matter how awesome the Imperial Capital family is, they are only in the Imperial Capital, or somewhere else.

However, in Dahuang City, as a member of the Zhenbei Army, he really does not need to take others seriously.

Of course, he would not do anything that would offend someone for no reason.


"This is impossible."

Hearing this, Ying Weize couldn't help but almost bit his tongue and looked at Niu Baichuan in disbelief.

A thousand dignified households of the Zhenbei Army were assassinated in the Zhenbei Army camp?

No one would believe this.

Moreover, he was run away and ran to Yunlai Inn?

This is simply an excuse to inflict a crime.

Suddenly, Ying Weize narrowed his eyes and felt that Niu Baichuan was looking for an excuse to search Yunlai Inn.

And the next step is to take action against the counterparty.

Did the family offend King Zhenbei recently?

It shouldn't be.

In their Ying family, they have always been involved in court grudges and family disputes. They just want to make money.

According to common sense, one would not offend King Zhenbei.


"Go up and arrest people."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu sat on the horse and ordered, looking at a room on the seventh floor of Yunlai Inn. Coincidentally, Hua Yihu was standing quietly in front of the window looking down, with a cold look in his eyes. .

"Sir, what you are doing is a bit inappropriate."

Ying Weize stopped him quickly and said, "If you go to arrest people without any evidence, then who will dare to come and stay at Yunlai Inn in the future?"

Then he brought the inn and still wants to open it for business?

"What's wrong? Is it appropriate to ask Qianhu to bring you an inn and accuse him of jointly murdering Qianhu of the Zhenbei Army?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, his eyes turned cold and he said coldly.

However, if you have this request, I won't be able to satisfy you.

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