My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 60: Is it tricky?

"Fuck, I can't tell."

In the end, Lin Taixu still didn't find any clues. Oh, so sad.

There was a heartache of missing billions.

"Master, what are you looking at?"

Wang Luoyi asked curiously when Lin Taixu came over, with question marks in her beautiful big eyes.

"Don't you think that pillar is beautiful?"

Lin Taixu looked at Wang Luoyi seriously and said. He would not be stupid enough to tell Wang Luoyi the truth. If he really told her, he would probably be laughed to death by this girl.

"Master, Master Lin is inside."

The maid led Diao Butiao to the door of the second-floor hall and said.


Diao Butiao snorted and walked directly into the hall, exuding a chilling aura.

Seeing someone coming in, Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi turned around and looked over at the same time.

"A second-level warrior of the fifth level."

Lin Taixu pursed his lips and said in his heart, it seems that this man worth 2.58 million is the head of this master's hall. Is he a bitch?

Is he a bitch?

Not really.

He is only a warrior of the fifth level. I won't exaggerate or understate him. This master can teach him how to be a man in a few minutes.


"One of the target characters of the main quest has appeared, Diao Bu Diao. Reward the controller with 1000 system experience points and 1000 silver coins."

"Scan Diao Bu Diao.

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Stamina: 5000 jin

Martial Arts Level: Level 2 Warrior Level 5

Physical Training Level: 0

Martial Arts Talent: 30 (Talent 50 is a genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, up to 100)

Martial Arts Body: None

Kung Fu: Pure Heart Sutra Master Heart Method (Increases cultivation speed by 0.01)

Combat Skill: Jiuquan Sword Method Master Sword Method (Increases strength by 0.1%)

Equipment: Soul Chasing Sword (Ordinary)

As Diao Bu Diao appeared in front of Lin Taixu, the system's prompt sound immediately rang in Lin Taixu's ears.

"This should be a big fish. "

Lin Taixu narrowed his eyes and thought to himself that Diao Butiao was the head of the Master Teacher Hall in Qingfeng City, holding great power and dominating the city.

As for the one who could suppress the news of his father's disappearance, almost no one dared to do so except him.

Suddenly, Lin Taixu sneered in his heart.

Diao Butiao walked slowly, and his eyes fell on the exquisite faces of Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi. He couldn't help but feel his breath stagnant and his blood boiling.

Beautiful, too beautiful.

He felt that all the maids in the Master Teacher Hall combined could not compare to one thousandth of Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi.

No, one ten-thousandth.

Murong Wushuang was cold and aloof, and Wang Luoyi was gentle and lovely. This was simply an ice One fire.

Ice and fire.

Damn, why didn't this hall master realize that Murong Wushuang and the others were so beautiful before.

You know, Diao Butiao is the hall master of the famous teacher hall. The promotion of famous teachers and the acceptance of disciples by famous teachers need to be reported and registered with him.

So, he has seen Murong Wushuang, Wang Luoyi, Zhao Feixue and others.

At that time, he just thought they were not bad, why have they changed so much now.

But it's not too late now. If these two beauties can be received in his room, it would be a wonderful thing.

Thinking of this, Diao Butiao immediately had several plans to seek death in his mind, no, it was a perfect plan.

"Meet the hall master."

"Meet the hall master. "

Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi saw Diao Butiao coming over and immediately saluted him.

According to the master teacher hierarchy, low-level masters need to pay respect to high-level masters, otherwise, they will be charged with disrespect.

Although everyone is a master teacher, the punishment is less severe than the disrespect of non-master teachers,

but it is still okay for a high-level master teacher to scold.

So, although Lin Taixu was extremely dissatisfied with Diao Butiao, he still kept a tight grip on etiquette.

Don't give others a handle.

"Master Lin is too polite. We are all masters. Why do we need such a set of false etiquette?"

Diao Butiao laughed and said, looking extremely amiable, which was a world of difference from the murderous aura that just came out of the top floor.

Don't ask why, there are so many whys?

How can you be rude in front of a beauty?

"It should be, it should be. "

Lin Taixu said with a smile, but in his heart he was thinking, I don't want to either, I'm just worried that you will take advantage of this because I'm not polite.

In the other case, I'm afraid that I can't help it and kill you.

I'm doing this for your life.

Alas, it's really unheard of to compromise for the sake of others' lives.

I'm indeed worthy of being a famous teacher of my generation, and I'm really a role model among famous teachers.

"Ladies, no need to be polite."

Diao Butiao continued to say to Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, his eyes swept over the two's slender figures, and a hint of greed appeared in his eyes.

Looking at the two from a distance, he was already in a state of mind.

Looking at this up close, he was even more in a state of mind.

"Thank you, Hall Master. "

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi smiled softly, and stood behind Lin Taixu and bowed their heads without saying a word.

The smile of the two made their beautiful faces even more stunning.

It made Diao Butiao dazzled, if it weren't for the wrong time and place.

"I heard from the servants that Master Lin is preparing to be promoted to a two-star master?"

Diao BuDiao reluctantly withdrew his eyes from Murong Wushuang and asked Lin Taixu.

"Exactly, I hope the hall master will review it."

Lin Taixu nodded and said, his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, but generous.

Seeing this, Diao BuDiao couldn't help but be slightly startled. He looked at Lin Taixu with a sharp gaze, and then there was a hint of confusion in his eyes. He was still the same person, and the taste was still the same.

However, it made him feel like Lin Taixu was a different person.

This isn't right.

A year ago, Lin Taixu gave him the feeling of being weak, incompetent, and mediocre. But now, he has a majestic appearance and a strong self-confidence that looks down on the world.

This self-confidence was like a beacon in the dark, it had an illusion that he couldn't look straight at.

An illusion, this must be an illusion.

Diao BuDiao said in his heart, and immediately, a trace of disdain and contempt emerged in his heart, thinking that Lin Taixu was just pretending.

Besides, confidence?

Where did you get your confidence?

If this hall master doesn’t nod, you will never be promoted to a two-star famous teacher in your lifetime.

"Mamma Mia, isn't this old guy made of glass?"

Seeing Diao BuDiao looking at him, his eyes rolling around for a while, Lin Taixu felt weak in his heart and chills all over his body.

The boss knows that I'm handsome, but I won't let you look at me like this.

Sorry, no matter how you look at it, Lao Bao is a man you will never get in your life.

Because labor and management are not gay.

"I'm sorry, according to the regulations for the promotion of famous teachers in the famous master hall, the promotion of famous teachers requires an appointment in advance. Only after getting approval can the promotion ceremony be held on a selected date."

Diao BuDiao replied.



When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but blink his eyes. There were countless grass and mud horses whizzing by in his mind. Why, are you planning to have a national live broadcast?


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