My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 61 Are you afraid of death?

"Master Lin, as a member of the Master Masters, should not break this rule."

Diao BuDiao said with a smile, with an intriguing light in his eyes.

"of course not."

Lin Taixu smiled and said, I am a famous teacher, a famous teacher, and I should convince others with my virtue. How could I do such an illegal thing?

"Then I'll make an appointment with the hall master today. I wonder when the hall master can hold the promotion ceremony for me?"

Lin Taixu said again, with a smile on his face, no harm to humans or animals.

"As for the appointment, this hall master knows it. As for when it will be held, Master Lin can just go back and wait for notification."

Diao BuDiao also said with a smile.

Lin Taixu chuckled. If it were someone else, Diao BuDiao, who asked him to go back and wait for the notification, he should really be able to wait.

But, myself, haha.

Think with your toes and know that waiting for notification means you are really waiting.

If you want to ask how long you have to wait, don’t ask, once you ask, it will last forever.

However, if he hadn't traveled through time, Diao Butiao would have really been killed by the specific original owner.

But, hey, hey, I want to play with labor and eat shit.

Wait, this famous teacher will let you know why the flowers are so red.

"Very good, then I'll go back and wait for the notification from the hall master."

Lin Taixu nodded and smiled, then said to Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, "Shuang'er, Yi'er, let's go."

"Yes, Master."

Wang Luoyi responded with a smile and immediately followed Lin Taixu.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang also knew that this was the rule of the Famous Master Hall, and immediately sighed secretly in his heart, and had no choice but to follow Lin Taixu and leave.

"Hmph, Salted Fish still wants to stand up?"


Seeing this, Diao Budiao sneered in his heart, but he still felt a pity in his heart.

It's a pity, but of course I don't pity Lin Taixu.

Rather, because Lin Taixu behaved appropriately, he couldn't find an excuse to get angry. Can you not regret it?

It was like he punched out with all his strength, but it hit the cotton.

Can you not regret it?

"Lord Hall Master, may I ask, are you afraid of death?"

Lin Taixu walked a few steps, suddenly stopped, looked back at Diao Butiao and asked.


Diao BuDiao was stunned when he was asked, "Are you afraid of death?"

Of course I'm afraid.

I'm scared to death.

But, is this none of your business?

Besides, even if I’m afraid, I won’t tell you.


"Oh, it turns out that the hall master is not afraid of death, no wonder."

Lin Taixu saw that Diao Budiao didn't answer, so he immediately said again.

There are actually people in this world who are not afraid of death. Sure enough, they are quite cunning.

It goes well with your name.

After saying that, Lin Taixu said nothing more and walked out of the hall with Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

Diao BuDiao was confused by what Lin Taixu said and shouted quickly.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Why did these words sound so familiar?


"Lord Hall Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Lin Taixu looked at Diao Butiao standing in front of him and asked.

"What do you mean?"

Diao Budiao asked. He suspected that Lin Taixu was tricking him, but he had no evidence.

Normal people, who would ask others such a naive question, are you afraid of death?


"Nothing interesting."

Lin Taixu said, what's the point?

Literally, aren't you going further and further on the road to death, out of control?

What are you thinking about lying to a famous teacher?

Diao BuDiao's expression froze, and he looked at Lin Taixu with an unkind look, as if he was thinking about how to beat Lin Taixu severely while not violating the rules of the Master Master Hall.

Seeing Lin Taixu's careless and careless expression, he felt that if he didn't do anything, he wouldn't have the slightest pleasure in exercising.

Although he is fast, a man's happiness is often that simple.

“A good dog stays out of the way.”

Lin Taixu pushed Diao Butiao away and walked past him.

“A good dog stays out of the way?”

When Diao Budiao heard this, his face showed shocking ecstasy. Finally,

Caught it.

If you dare to call the master of the Famed Master Hall a dog, you will be in big trouble.

Even if this hall master beats you to death, others will take it for granted.

Because Lin Taixu had his back to Diao BuDiao, he didn't notice Diao BuDiao's smile. However, the maid on the side saw it and was immediately dumbfounded.

Not only was he not angry when he was called a dog, but he seemed to have been promoted.

What the hell is this?

Does the hall master like to be scolded?

This hobby is so perverted.

"Lin Taixu, do you want to die? How dare you insult this hall master?"

Diao BuDiao stood in front of Lin Taixu again and shouted angrily.

"Lord Hall Master, we are familiar with each other. If you talk nonsense like this and make false accusations at will, be careful I will sue you for slander."

Lin Taixu sneered and said, twice.

He blocked the path of this famous teacher twice in a row.

Little Diao Diao, you are in a hurry.

"Bastard, you just said that dogs should stay out of the way, weren't you insulting my hall master?"

"When did this hall master frame you up?"

"It's true that you insulted the leader of this hall. There is no room for your quibbles."

Diao BuDiao almost couldn't breathe, he was choked to death by Lin Taixu, angry and irritating.

It was you who cursed first, but you pretended to be a victim.

This is outrageous.

Do you have any shame?

How can you be more shameless than this hall master?

However, this is also good. There is a saying, what is it, silence, only for a better explosion.

You can show off first, and the rest is up to fate, uh, to this hall master.

If I don't let you crawl out today, this hall master is not named Diao.

"A good dog doesn't block the road, but I curse you?"

"Excuse me, are you a dog?"

Lin Taixu said slowly.


Diao Butiao was stunned, and then roared, "Of course not."

"No, why are you angry?"

Lin Taixu looked at Diao Butiao with a strange look on his face and asked.


Diao Butiao almost vomited blood, he couldn't bear it anymore, and there was no need to bear it anymore.

"You dare to insult this hall master, and you dare to make up your mind, you will die."

Diao Butiao's voice was like a bell, and his momentum was high. The momentum of the second-level warrior of the fifth level was like a volcanic eruption, overwhelming, and the whole hall was trembling under his momentum.


Diao Butiao moved his arm and slapped Lin Taixu in the face. If you offend this hall master, I will beat you to death without negotiation.

Mommy, you fight just because you don't agree?

I like this.

"System, equip me with black iron fists, I want to beat this Diao Mao."

Lin Taixu looked at the aggressive Diao Butiao and immediately said to the system.

Diao Butiao is a second-level warrior of the fifth level, the same as his current strength. To be on the safe side, Lin Taixu thinks he should wear the equipment that the system gave him before.

Although he doesn't like it, it's better to increase it a little bit.

Just in case, it's definitely the first.

How about it?

It's stable enough.

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