My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 609: It’s really dark

As a warrior, he is even afraid of death.

Then why practice martial arts?

What are you seeking?

The girl in soft armor and the boy in green couldn't help but feel shocked. They felt that although Lin Taixu's words were spoken lightly, they contained endless philosophy of life and the ultimate secret of pursuing martial arts.

Let them feel enlightened and enlightened.

I didn't expect that a person as humble and greedy as Lin Taixu could actually say such domineering and revealing words.

The soft-armored girl thought to herself that she felt that Lin Taixu was a mystery. Call him wretched, but he could be righteous.

You could say he was afraid of death, but when it came to quarreling with the Hua family, he wasn't afraid of anything.

What a freak.

"Brother, you will be my eldest brother from now on."

The young man in green said sincerely, his eyes sparkling when he looked at Lin Taixu, he regarded Lin Taixu as his only confidant and idol in life.

This is the real man.

Otherwise, introduce your sister to Brother Lin. In this way, your sister will be under the control of Brother Lin, and she will definitely not stand in her way anymore.

What a great idea.

The young man in green clothes thought so in his heart, and even considered Lin Taixu as his eldest brother in order to express his respect and gratitude.

It is God's fault that Brother Lin, who is so arrogant and arrogant, cannot become his brother-in-law.

Hiss, no, my sister seems to be getting engaged soon, and Brother Lin will definitely not be able to find a corner.

Immediately, the young man in green frowned in confusion.

Oh, I'm so annoyed.

"Actually, hunting monsters to make money is too risky. You have to ensure that the strength of the monsters is within your control, but you also have to act like others are coveting and taking advantage of you."

The soft-armored girl continued to persuade, "Lin Lin, Zong Zong," and talked for several minutes.

The purpose is to let Lin Taixu know that hunting monsters is not the best way to make money, so as not to waste time and energy and lose more than the gain.

Of course, the most important thing is to stop Lin Taixu from bewitching his younger brother.

Their family has been passed down for several generations. Is it easy to have a son?

As for other warriors who took advantage of the situation and hunted monsters, they also existed.

Such people are more cruel and ruthless than monsters.

They would not take the initiative to hunt monster beasts, but would focus on warriors who were injured or left alone due to hunting monster beasts, and then kill people and seize wealth.

After all, killing people is much easier than killing monsters.

"Then you tell me, is there any other way?"

Lin Taixu touched his chin and asked. The soft-armored girl said so much, but she didn't actually say what he really planned.

His real plan is not only to make money, but also to train troops.

As the saying goes, both hands must be grasped and both hands must be strong.

However, even though he had made plans, it didn't stop him from wanting to hear the soft-armored girl's thoughts.

As the saying goes, three stooges are better than Zhuge Liang.

As for the young man in green, he simply ignored him.

You said, I am chatting with a girl, why are you getting involved?

I won't throw you out because of your sister's face.

"Elixirs, weapons, medicinal materials."

The soft-armored girl said without thinking that these are the necessities for warriors to practice, and each one consumes a lot of money.

As long as you master one of them, you have mastered the code of wealth.

However, she was very curious, why was Lin Taixu so focused on making money?

Is money really that important to a man?

Then why is my little brother not interested in money?


Lin Taixu pursed his lips and said that there were many pills in the system. He also gave some to Ming Yue Nian Nian and made a lot of money.

However, there is nothing wrong with this occasional sale. Unrestricted sales will inevitably lead to unpredictable consequences.

At least he believed that it was impossible to sell the contents of the system in large quantities without the ability to protect himself.

Think about it, if such a good elixir were sold without restrictions, it would definitely attract the attention of some super families and peerless experts.

When the time comes, what if they swarm him and put him under house arrest?

Then isn’t he their treasured boy?

He even suspected that when he sold pills in large quantities, the Mingyue family might be the first to be tempted and secretly take him.

"Well, elixirs, elixirs are needed whether for healing, training, or promotion. New Moon Kingdom warriors don't know how many elixirs they need to consume every day."

"If you open a pill shop, I'm sure you'll make a lot of money."

The soft-armored girl nodded and looked directly at Lin Taixu. She had an illusion in her heart that if Lin Taixu really opened a pill shop, he might really succeed.

Without him, this guy would either do something or not.

Otherwise, once you do it, it will definitely shock everyone's attention.

“Buy low, sell high?”

Lin Taixu asked, "Hey, this is a good idea. I don't produce elixirs, I'm just a transporter of elixirs."

"Yes, you can go to the Alchemist Guild to find an alchemist to cooperate. Normally, you provide three alchemy materials, and the other party gives you one elixir, and then you sell those elixirs."

The soft-armored girl said.

"What? Three alchemy materials, only one elixir?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he almost bit his tongue, Hei.

So damn dark.

Black fungus than green tea.

"Yes, this is an ordinary alchemist. Famous alchemists exchange five medicinal materials for one elixir."

"It is said that someone even offered ten pieces of alchemy materials at sky-high prices in order to get the president of the Imperial Capital's Alchemist Guild to make an alchemy."

The soft-armored girl nodded and glanced at Lin Taixu lightly.

They may not be willing to do it yet, and you still dislike them for asking for too much.

There are very few alchemists in the Crescent Kingdom, and warriors need huge amounts of alchemy. Therefore, the status of alchemists is extremely noble.

Even some powerful alchemists would not be offended easily even in the Famous Master Hall.

"That person is a fool, right?"

Seeing this, Lin Taixu even exclaimed, ten medicinal materials to make one elixir?

Be confident, you are the fool.

The soft-armored girl rolled her eyes and looked at Lin Taixu, cursing in her heart.

"Then where can I find an alchemist?"

Soon, Lin Taixu discovered the key point. Since alchemists make so much money, he should find a few alchemists to come over and make pills for him.

Then wouldn’t it be possible to make money by just lying down?

Look, isn’t the situation now open?

"I know this. Brother Lin can go to the Alchemist Guild to see if there are any free alchemists. If there are any, just negotiate good terms."

The young man in green said quickly.

"Oh? Then do you have any alchemist to recommend?"

Lin Taixu asked curiously. After all, the young man in green is from Dahuang City. He is not a powerful dragon, but at least a local snake.

If you really know a few alchemists, you can save yourself some effort.


Hearing this, the young man in green's face fell down, and he looked at Lin Taixu with great sadness.

Brother, if I knew an alchemist, how could I become such a coward?

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