My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 610 Look at what this incident has caused


Lin Taixu had no choice but to nod his head.

"It seems that there are no vacant permanent alchemists in the Alchemist Union of Dahuang City. You can go to the Alchemist Union to post a recruitment task and see if you can recruit an alchemist who is working outside."

The soft-armored girl suggested.

Alchemists are divided into permanent and non-permanent.

Permanent, as the name suggests, means to stay in the Alchemist Union for a long time to maintain the normal operation and operation of the Alchemist Union.

Non-permanent means that after the alchemist has passed the level certification of the Alchemist Union, he will not work in the Alchemist Union and develop freely.

All the major families in the New Moon Country have hired alchemists, most of which are mainly non-permanent alchemists, supplemented by local permanent alchemists.

Or, cultivate your own family alchemist.

"It feels so troublesome."

Lin Taixu frowned and said, not to mention whether he can recruit an alchemist, it is also very troublesome to prepare for a series of preparations for opening a store.

Alas, it seems that I am only suitable for free.

Otherwise, take out a batch of pills in the system and make tens of billions of them first?

"It's naturally very troublesome to make money. Do you think that money in the world is so easy to make?"

The soft-armored girl rolled her eyes at Lin Taixu and said.

"I feel that hunting monsters is easier."

After thinking about it, Lin Taixu said seriously.

To hunt monsters, he only needs to move his mouth and ask 3,000 guards to go to the Monster Forest.

Isn't this easier than hiring an alchemist and looking for a store?

Besides, a level 1 monster, including fur, bones, etc., can be sold for 100 silver coins.

A level 2 monster can be sold for 1,000 silver coins.

A level 3 monster can be sold for 10,000 silver coins.

If you can dig up a monster core, it will be more profitable.

Moreover, what is the most abundant in the Monster Forest?

It must be monsters, which can be said to be endless.

If 3,000 guards kill a level 3 monster a day, that is 30 million silver coins.

Ten days is 300 million, and 100 days is 3 billion.

Even if there is a discount, three thousand guards can only kill one thousand level three monsters a day, which is still a revenue of 10 million.

Isn't it easier than selling pills?


As soon as Lin Taixu finished speaking, the soft-armored girl was almost mad to death. She stared at Lin Taixu with a pair of beautiful big eyes, emitting bursts of cold air.

It feels like all the things I said were in vain.

She is really incompetent at everything and is the number one irritant.

"By the way, Nalan Qianhu, everyone is so familiar with each other, you are still wearing a mask, isn't it too formal?"

Lin Taixu no longer entangled in the matter of opening a pill shop, but looked at the mask on the face of the soft-armored girl and said jokingly.

When he thought of the real appearance of the soft-armored girl that he accidentally saw when he was riding the Iron-winged Goshawk, he still remembered it vividly.

He didn't understand, why should such a beautiful face be hidden?

Look at Mingyue Niannian, she doesn't wear a mask.

Are you polite? : Mingyue Niannian

"I'm full. Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your hospitality. Goodbye."

"Little brother, let's go."

It would have been better if Lin Taixu hadn't said that. After saying that, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but think of the scene when Lin Taixu took off his mask again.

Suddenly, the soft-armored girl stood up with a 'whoosh', turned around and walked out.


The blue-clothed boy was confused when he saw this. Why did you turn against each other when you were talking so well?

Sister, my dear sister.

You are full, but I am not.

However, under the soft-armored girl's lewdness, he still stood up obediently and walked out behind the soft-armored girl.

"What's going on?"

Lin Taixu was also confused, not to mention the blue-clothed boy.

Did I say something wrong?

I didn't.

Alas, women are really difficult to understand. Fortunately, I didn't plan to pursue her.

Otherwise, who can stand it if she turns against me?

Li Yiyue's face was calm. It was better if the soft-armored girl and the blue-clothed boy left. In this way, she could be alone with the young master.

"Brother Lin"

At this time, the blue-clothed boy who had just walked out of the door suddenly turned around and ran back.


Lin Taixu looked at him again with a confused face.

"Brother Lin, I'll tell you a secret. My sister said five years ago that whoever takes off the mask on her face will marry him."

The blue-clothed boy walked in front of Lin Taixu and said mysteriously.

"Oh my god"

Lin Taixu was immediately numb when he heard it. He remembered that when he was riding the iron-winged goshawk, it seemed that he had taken off the mask of the soft-armored girl.

Then wouldn't he be her husband?

Congratulations on being a father?

No, congratulations on getting a wife?

"What if the person who took off her mask didn't marry her in the end?"

Lin Taixu asked weakly.

"Then he's dead. My sister will definitely kill him."

The blue-clothed boy nodded fiercely and said.

The whole New Moon Nation knows my sister's rules. You can choose not to marry her, but don't uncover her mask.

As the saying goes, if you don't love, you will be hurt.

If you insist on doing the opposite, then I'm sorry. Do you really think my sister is easy to bully?

"Well, what if your sister doesn't want to marry?"

Lin Taixu asked weakly again, and the fierce look of the soft-armored girl who wanted to kill someone at that time appeared in front of him.

Although that look was cute and touching, the murderous intent was real.

"Then he is even more determined to die, and my sister will definitely kill him."

The young man in green said seriously, my sister's country is beautiful and fragrant, and the country is beautiful. Anyone who dares to tarnish her beauty is simply an unpardonable crime. If you don't die, who will die?

"I, Ciao, can you still be reasonable?"

Lin Taixu opened his mouth, saying that whether he married in love or not, he would die.

"Are you leaving or not?"

At this time, a cold scolding sound came from outside the room, showing the anger of the owner of the sound.

"Let's go, here we come."

Upon hearing this, the young man in green jumped three feet high and immediately ran towards the room. Before leaving, he did not forget to grab two handfuls of dishes.

"Look at what happened"

Lin Taixu sighed in his heart and said, he never expected that such a bloody thing would happen to him.

No wonder the soft-armored girl was alternately hot and cold towards him, and was torn between whether to kill him or not.

If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have been so mean at that time.

What's wrong is to unmask her.

"Master, you won't be able to unmask Nalan Qianhu, will you?"

Li Yiyue looked at Lin Taixu curiously and asked. He felt that this story seemed a bit familiar and he didn't know where he had heard it.


Lin Taixu shook his head quickly and said, just kidding, how could he admit such a fatal thing?


Besides, he felt that the Iron-winged Goshawk was being chased by the Golden-winged Eagle, and the situation was so chaotic.

Even if he unmasked the soft-armored girl, no one would notice at the time.

As long as you don't say it, I won't say it.

Aren't you unaware of the ghost?

It's okay, it's okay, don't scare yourself.

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