"Hmph, a mere thousand-man team actually dares to resist?"

Seeing that the Zhenbei Army didn't even think about how to escape, but instead wanted to stay where they were, Hu Duoduo couldn't help but reveal a mocking smile.

It's no exaggeration to say that with just such a small number of people, under the impact of tens of thousands of Jackal Riders, not a single wave was splashed.


"They actually still want to resist? It's so funny."

"Haha, before they die, can't they be allowed to fantasize a little?"

Looking at the Zhenbei Army forming a defense, the Jackal Riders couldn't help but laugh. A thousand infantrymen want to resist ten thousand cavalrymen. Do you want to laugh me to death so that you can take my warhorse away?

"Laugh, laugh, you don't know how you'll die later."

In a corner far away, Niu Jingyi muttered softly and secretly opened the Thousand Miles Projection Array in his hand.

And the other end of the Thousand Miles Projection Array is naturally connected to Lin Taixu.

That's right, he was sent by Lin Taixu to be a war correspondent.

Although he didn't know what a war correspondent was, he didn't dare to ask.

Next to him were Murong Wushuang, Murong Meng and Murong Gao.

Murong Wushuang originally wanted to stay with Lin Taixu, but when she heard Lin Taixu say that there was basically no war to fight on his side, it was just a formality.

Her inner desire was stirring.

Which girl can resist the temptation of going to the battlefield in person?


"Oh my god, what is the captain doing? He actually sent so many soldiers as bait?"

"Do you think this is fishing?"

The Thousand Miles Projection Array was activated, and Lin Taixu received the real-time scene on the Yinshan Valley. Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but complain.

This is clearly an ambush, but you turned it into a lure.

If so many soldiers were killed by the Hu people, wouldn't your conscience hurt?

For the first time, Lin Taixu felt dissatisfied with Nangong Yidao.

This is not because of his chastity, but because he thinks that there is no need to arrange these 1,000 Zhenbei troops.

Because even without these people as bait, the Hu people still have to go to Dahuang City.

This is an open plot, not a conspiracy.

"Perhaps, my father has his own intentions for doing this."

Nangong Changao explained weakly on the side.

"What intention is there? Isn't it just to give the Hu people a little illusion and enter the ambush circle without much defense?"

"He is taking human lives lightly."

Lin Taixu said coldly, maybe Nangong Yidao could better annihilate this group of Hu people's army by doing this, but he still felt that it was unnecessary.

Soldiers are sacred and noble in his heart.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, he would not want to see anyone put them in danger at will, even if the later stage will lead to more intense and tragic battles.

After all, the later events are full of countless possibilities, and the early stage is doomed.


Nangong Changao closed his mouth when he saw this. He originally wanted to explain for his father, but the more he explained, the angrier Lin Taixu became.

What's the point of explaining?

Dad, you're on your own.

It's not that your son won't help you, it's that Brother Lin is too willful.

"Boom boom boom"

The Jackal Riders rushed as fast as the wind, and just as the Zhenbei Army completed its defensive formation, they quickly closed the distance between the two sides.

Five miles

Four miles

Three miles

Soon, the Jackal Riders took off the Hu bows on their backs, began to draw the bows and arrows, and prepared for the first wave of attacks.

The Hu bows are made of Hu wood, which is hard and very elastic, with a range of 200 meters and an effective range of 120 meters.

According to the speed of the Hu horses, this distance will take about 15 seconds. During this time, they can carry out at least five to seven waves of attacks.

After several rounds of arrow rain killed a large number of enemy soldiers and caused chaos in the enemy's army, they would replace the Hu bows with scimitars within fifty meters, use the collision force of the war horses to tear open the defense of the enemy's large formation, and engage in close combat with the enemy.

This is the attack method that the Hu people are best at using, and it has been tried and tested when fighting with the Zhenbei Army.

Five hundred meters.

Four hundred meters.

Three hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

"Swish, swish, swish"

Suddenly, a series of ear-drum-painful bowstring vibrations came out, and tens of thousands of arrows whistled out from the Hu bows in the hands of the Jackal Riders, like a dark cloud, flying towards the soldiers of the Zhenbei Army.

"Hide your head."


The generals of the Zhenbei Army shouted loudly and hurriedly hid under a huge shield.

"Take it, take it, take it"

A moment later, tens of thousands of arrows fell like raindrops around the Zhenbei Army. When the arrows landed on the shields, sparks flew and the sound of metal clashing could be heard.



After a wave of arrows, the Jackal Riders fired two more rounds, then put away their bows and replaced them with scimitars hanging on their horses.

In fact, according to the size of the 1,000 Zhenbei Army, being able to fire a wave of attacks was considered respectful to them.

The reason why they fired three waves in a row was because it was convenient.

Well, I didn't change my habit for a while.

"Don't move."

Realizing that the rain of arrows did not fall as expected, the Zhenbei Army officer shouted loudly, and immediately looked at the Jackal Riders in front of him through the gap in the shield.

Found that the other party actually put away the bows and planned to charge, and suddenly a huge stone hanging in his heart was finally put down.

80 meters.

70 meters.

Then, the Zhenbei Army officer showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

Just as Lin Taixu guessed, they were the bait arranged by Nangong Yidao.

The purpose was to dispel the Hu people's vigilance and let them enter the ambush circle without scruples.

You see, aren't they reckless?

Although, they need to take certain risks, that is, they must face the attack of Hu people's bows and arrows.

However, this little danger is only a drizzle for them.

"Boom boom boom"

Just when the Jackal Riders were still fifty or sixty meters away from the Zhenbei Army, the Jackal Riders running in front felt their bodies sink, and they fell down with their horses.

"Puff puff puff"

There were sounds of sharp blades breaking the skin, and a huge deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground in front of them.

In the deep pit, swords and knives were densely covered, and countless sharp blades were shining with cold light. The fallen Jackal Riders did not even struggle, and they were stabbed into bloody hedgehogs and died.

The first group of Jackals fell in, and the Jackals behind were caught off guard and followed suit. On the way, the Jackals who reacted tried desperately to hold their mounts to avoid falling into the pit.

However, all this was in vain. Even if they held their horses, they were still knocked into the pit by the Jackals behind.

In a blink of an eye, one by one, they were like dumplings.

One hundred.

Two hundred

"Tsk, this is dumplings."

On Xiaofeng Mountain, Lin Taixu watched the real-time broadcast, and he made a sound of "tsk, tsk, tsk" in his mouth, feeling that he had the same feeling as watching a war movie in the cinema in his previous life.

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