"Trapped in a horse trap?"

"Back off, back off"

Seeing this, Hu Duoduo's expression changed and he shouted loudly. The strength of the fifth-level martial master made his roar earth-shattering and resounded in the hearts of all the Jackal Riders.

"Xi Lv Lv"

Suddenly, a group of jackals tightened their reins and stopped their horses from running forward. The whole scene seemed extremely chaotic.


At this time, I saw the sound of sharp arrows piercing the air. From the Yinshan forest on one side, countless sharp arrows shot out of the air and flew towards the Jackal Cavalry.


Arrows are like locusts, lightning strikes.

Suddenly, dozens or hundreds of jackals were killed on the spot by sharp arrows, screaming and falling from their horses to the ground.

"Ma Dan fell into the Zhenbei Army's trick."

Seeing this, Hu Duoduo roared angrily, with murderous intent appearing on his face. He looked at the Yinshan forest with hatred and shouted again, "Defense. Retreat."

The strength of the Jackal Cavalry mainly relies on the charge of their war horses, but now their horses are all stuck in place to avoid horse traps.

Without the ability to maneuver, and being attacked by enemy bows and arrows, now other than retreating, the only option is to act as a target.

Therefore, whoever does not retreat is a fool.


One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

After a wave of sharp arrows was shot here, less than two breaths later, another wave of sharp arrows rose into the sky from the woods, like a huge black cloud falling towards the Jackal.

"ding ding ding"

After the first wave of attacks, the Jackal Rider came to his senses from the sound of surprise. While taking off the small shield on his horse to protect his head, he kept waving the full moon scimitar in his hand to resist the falling arrows. arrow.

However, no matter how they waved, many Jackal Riders were shot and killed on the spot.

Under the rain of arrows, not one of them was vegetarian.

Under the continuous rain of arrows, no army can withstand it.

Even the Jackal Riders are like this.

The small shield could only protect their head and upper chest, but their legs and ribs were still exposed.

A round of arrows rained down, and hundreds of jackals had more or less arrows stuck in their bodies.

Those who were unlucky were shot to death on the spot.

Seeing one of his elite subordinates screaming and dying in front of him, Hu Duoduo's teeth were about to break. However, no matter how much resentment and anger he had in his heart, he still had to grit his teeth and endure it.

While waving his scimitar to block the arrows fired from him, he led the Jackal Riders in a hasty retreat.

However, a hasty retreat is naturally inefficient. Before they could retreat more than ten meters, another wave of arrows rained down.

"Keep shooting, keep shooting, until you can no longer draw the bow."

In the woods of Yinshan Mountain, Liu Zhiming roared loudly. Tens of thousands of archers stood around him.

It was the soldiers of the bow and arrow battalion under his command.

Hearing Liu Zhiming's roar, the archers around him didn't dare to show any signs of neglect. They kept drawing their bows, nocking arrows, and releasing arrows.

Wherever the jackals retreated, their arrows were directed.

Each wave of arrows took away the lives of the jackal riders.

After a few minutes, the rain of arrows finally stopped. It was not that the arrow pots on the backs of the archer battalion soldiers were empty, but that the archers could no longer pull the long bows in their hands.

You must know that their strongest ones are only the first and second levels of second-level warriors, and they are generally at the seventh or eighth level of first-level warriors.

Being able to continuously pull a strong bow with a force of several thousand kilograms is already considered remarkable.

At this moment, all of them were sweating profusely, their fingers were trembling, and the arm holding the bow seemed to be broken, with no feeling at all.

"Zhenbei Army, I, the general, swear to be incompatible with you."

As soon as the arrow rain stopped, Hu Duoduo almost lost his eyesight and fell off the horse.

Within a few hundred meters, there were countless densely packed arrows. Countless jackals were shot and killed, and blood flowed into a river, just like a hell on earth.

A rough estimate is that due to the horse trap and more than ten rounds of arrow rain attacks, the tens of thousands of Jackal Riders he led currently only have more than 1,000, not less than 2,000 remaining.

This also means that in such a blink of an eye, he lost eight thousand riders.

What a shocking result.

"Oh, what a pity"

Liu Zhiming looked at the remaining two thousand Jackal Cavalry with a look of regret. He counted secretly. This time, each soldier of the Archery Battalion fired twelve rounds, which is 120,000 arrows.

Under such continuous and dense arrow attacks, he was unable to wipe out only ten thousand Jackals. In addition to feeling regretful, he also felt a deep shame in his heart.

No, after returning, we must strictly control the situation and improve the strength of the archery battalion.

Set a small target first and shoot for twenty rounds.

He promised that if he could fire twenty rounds in a row, he could kill all the 10,000 Jackals led by Hu Duoduo in one fell swoop.

"I'm Ci'ao, when did Lao Liu become so powerful?"

In front of the Yin Valley, Niu Baichuan's eyes almost popped out when he saw the scene happening in front of him. He killed the Jackal Rider with twelve volleys?

Did Lao Liu take the wrong medicine this time?

So fierce?

When you fought against the barbarians before, why didn't you see them so powerful?

"so so"

Nangong Yidao said calmly. According to his expectation, he actually expected the bow and arrow battalion to deal with Hu Duoduo's Jackal Cavalry in one wave.

After all, this is not a battlefield.

On the battlefield, various arms will work together. Other arms will protect the Jackal Cavalry, or other arms will suppress Liu Zhiming's Archery Battalion.

It is understandable that Liu Zhiming cannot give full play to the advantages of the Archery Battalion.

However, it is an ambush now, and he is unintentional.

He cannot completely wipe out the opponent's 10,000 Jackal Cavalry, which obviously disappoints his expectations.

"Why don't we go to the Iron Cavalry Battalion."

The soft-armored girl said eagerly, with a bright light in her eyes.

"Encircle them, end the battle as soon as possible, and then withdraw the troops back to the camp."

Nangong Yidao glanced at the soft-armored girl and said to Niu Baichuan.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Niu Baichuan responded, and immediately ordered the messenger around him to start an all-out attack.




Suddenly, on the ground hundreds of meters away from the Jackal Cavalry, thick wooden boards were lifted up, and the armored Zhenbei Army jumped up from the ground.

In an instant, the remaining two thousand Jackal Riders were surrounded.

These Zhenbei Army soldiers were exactly the soldiers of the Sword and Shield Battalion and the Golden Spear Battalion.

They had dug a hiding place underground in advance, and then covered it with wooden boards to ensure that the Jackal Riders would not collapse when they passed by.

After the Jackal Riders triggered the horse trap, they were doomed to be unable to escape.

"Put down your weapons, dismount and surrender, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy."

Huang Debiao shouted loudly, with terrifying murderous intent in his eyes.

"Put down your weapons, dismount and surrender, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy."

"Put down your weapons, dismount and surrender, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy."

"Put down your weapons, dismount and surrender, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy."

The Sword and Shield Soldiers and the Golden Spear Battalion soldiers shouted loudly one after another, and approached Hu Duoduo and others.

For a moment, the shouts were deafening, and the murderous intent soared into the sky.

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