My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 653 I’m here to see the scenery

"You want us to surrender? You are dreaming."

"The barbarians will never surrender."

"The barbarians will never surrender."

Faced with the shouts of the Zhenbei Army, Jackal Qi also roared fiercely and charged towards the Zhenbei Army with red eyes.


Seeing this, Huang Debiao waved his hand and shouted loudly.

Since he didn't surrender, the only option was to kill him. Naturally, he couldn't allow the other party to escape alive.


Immediately, the two sides immediately fought together, and the sounds of killing were heard endlessly.

"court death."

Seeing this, Hu Duoduo roared angrily, his vitality surged in his body, and he waved the scimitar in his hand to kill the soldiers of the Zhenbei Army in front of him.

He is a powerful fifth-level Martial Lord. If he really wants to go on a killing spree, not to mention the few soldiers of the Zhenbei Army in front of him, even all the Zhenbei Army present will not escape death.

However, when he just made a move, a sword light fell from the sky and directly cut him and his horse in half.

Then, Nangong Yida fell from the sky and landed on the battlefield.

"I am Ciao, this squad leader is so handsome."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but marvel. Killing a fifth-level martial master was like killing a chicken.

Hold the grass

Level 5 Martial Lord?

This is a loss. If you kill him yourself, you can get 10 million system experience points in vain.

It was such a waste to die in vain at the hands of the squad leader.

The result of the 20,000 Zhenbei Army against the 2,000 Jackal Cavalry was obvious. Especially after seeing Hu Duoduo being killed, the two thousand Jackal Cavalry were even more panicked.

In less than ten minutes, the entire Jackal Cavalry was slaughtered by the Zhenbei Army.

No one escaped alive.

On the Zhenbei Army side, not a single Zhenbei Army soldier died, but only a dozen were injured. After a while, there would be no serious problems.

This cost is almost negligible.

Big win.

An absolute victory.

Niu Baichuan and others couldn't help but beam with joy, their old faces smiling like blooming chrysanthemums.


Suddenly, Nangong Yidao felt an unusual aura, his eyes immediately turned cold, and he moved dozens of meters away. Then, he saw his body rise and fall a few times before appearing in the woods of Yinshan Mountain.

Seeing Nangong Yidao like this, the soft-armored girl, Niu Baichuan and others quickly chased after him with a few subordinates.


Niu Jingyi was startled when he saw someone suddenly appeared beside him. When he saw clearly that it was Nangong Yida, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly, "See, squad leader."

Originally, he planned to say that he was meeting the prince, but when he thought that Murong Wushuang and others were still around, he quickly changed his words.

"Meet the squad leader"

Murong Wushuang bowed his hands to Nangong Yidao, with a smile on his lips. Although he didn't know why Nangong Yidao was the squad leader, anyway, you fooled me and I fooled you, so don't be afraid.

Murong Gao and Murong Meng had dull expressions on their faces. Their intuition told them that the masked man was definitely Nangong Yida of the Zhenbei Army, but what they heard was the squad leader.

This made them a little unable to adapt, and they didn't know what to call Nangong Yidao.

Just pretend to be stupid, so one of them looked to the left and the other to the right, pretending that they didn't see Nangong Yidao.

As long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

"what are you doing here?"

Seeing this, Nangong Yidao couldn't help his eyes twitching, and then asked Niu Jingyi.

"Um, um. When I get back to the team leader, I'm here to see the scenery."

Niu Jingyi rolled his eyes and said weakly.

At this moment, he knew in his heart that the reason why Nangong Yidao appeared here must be because he closed the Thousand Miles Projection Array and caused some slight fluctuations in vitality, which led to Nangong Yidao coming to investigate.

Immediately, he put away the jade talisman of the Thousand Miles Projection Array in his hand without leaving any trace.

This thing is extremely expensive, and it will have to be returned to Lin Taixu later.

If the prince takes it away, how can I report it to Lin Taixu?


See the scenery?

Why don't you come to a quiet place to see the scenery?

Nangong Yidao wanted to slap Niu Jingyi to the ground, but he couldn't even pick him up.

"speak English"

Immediately, Nangong Yidao shouted coldly.

"Well, I'm a war correspondent."

Seeing this, Niu Jingyi couldn't help being startled and quickly told the truth.

"War correspondent? What the hell?"

Nangong Yidao asked with a frown, wondering what Niu Jingyi meant by war reporter.

"Well, this is what Lin Qianhu said. I don't know exactly what it means."

"He asked me to come over with the Thousand Miles Projection Array and broadcast the battle situation here to him."

Niu Jingyi explained.

"It's really leisurely."

When Nangong Yidao heard this, he couldn't help crying and cursed, turned around and planned to leave.

However, after taking a few steps, I suddenly felt something was wrong. I couldn't help but stop, turned around and looked at Niu Jingyi and asked, "Where is Lin Qianhu?"

"In Xiaofeng Mountain."

Niu Jingyi replied.

"What? Xiaofeng Mountain? What is he doing in Xiaofeng Mountain?"

Nangong Yidao couldn't help but asked in shock. He naturally knew where Xiaofeng Mountain was, but the problem was that there was neither delicious food nor beautiful women in that place. What was he going to do?

It doesn't fit his character.


"Hesitation, what can't you say? Say it."

"Lin Qianhu said that the reason why he went to Xiaofeng Mountain was because he was worried that the team leader would not be able to capture the Jackal Cavalry. He planned to block the escaping Jackal Cavalry there."

Niu Jingyi replied quickly, glanced at Nangong Yidao secretly, and thought to himself, this is what you want me to say, don't blame me later.

"Just him?"

"Activate the Thousand Miles Projection Array, I want to talk to him."

Hearing this, Nangong Yidao couldn't help but a few black lines slid down his forehead. How much this bastard looked down on himself.

Besides, if there really is an escaped jackal, with your little arms and legs, can you stop it?

"Yes, squad leader."

Niu Jingyi immediately obediently took out the Thousand Miles Projection Array again and activated it in front of Nangong Yidao.

"You bastard, you're not in Dahuang City, what are you doing here?"

At this time, the soft-armored girl and Niu Baichuan also ran over. Seeing that Niu Jingyi, Murong Wushuang and others were actually here, they couldn't help but be stunned. Niu Baichuan asked curiously.

"I came to see the scenery."

Niu Jingyi had no choice but to answer again.


When Niu Baichuan heard this, he couldn't help but almost choked to death on his own saliva. Looking at the scenery? Are you a scenery-gazer?

What a traitor.

"What's wrong?"

Thousand-mile projection array was activated, and Lin Taixu's figure immediately appeared in front of Niu Jingyi and others, and he asked lightly.

"Master, it's nothing. It's the squad leader who wants to talk to you."

Niu Jingyi said.


Looking at Lin Taixu's figure in the light curtain in front of her, the soft-armored girl suddenly felt a bad feeling in her heart.

Especially when he saw the three thousand guards beside him, it suddenly became worse than good.


"Hi Lin Qianhu, long time no see."

Niu Baichuan didn't think too much and greeted Lin Taixu with a smile.

Thousand-mile projection array, a thousand miles away in a straight line, in his mind, Lin Taixu must be in Dahuang City now.

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