My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 668 Can you be more serious?

"Master, please be accommodating. I have something very important that I want to see Lin Qianhu. Please report it to Lin Qianhu again."

Yun Zhenghao stepped forward and said with cupped hands. After speaking, he took out a small cloth bag containing thousands of silver coins and handed it to the general of hundreds of households.

"It's unreasonable. We, a family of thousands, have many things to do and are busy with official duties. If you say you don't see me, you won't see me. What can I do to accommodate you?"

"Leave immediately, otherwise we will all be arrested and treated as spies."

Seeing this, the general from a hundred households stared wide-eyed and shouted angrily.

"Yes, yes, I'm being rude. This silver coin is my kindness. Please accept it and buy a drink for the brothers."

Seeing this, Yun Zhenghao knew that he couldn't get in today, so he immediately said and stuffed the bag into the hands of the general.

"Bringing the Zhenbei Army general, do you want to die?"

The Baihu general took a step back to avoid the money bag that Kai Yun Zhenghao was stuffing, and shouted angrily again. At the same time, his palm subconsciously grasped the handle of the knife in his waist.

"Don't get me wrong, I never thought of bribing the military master."

When Yun Zhenghao saw this, he couldn't help being frightened. He quickly retreated to a dozen meters and looked at the Hundred Household General with lingering fear on his face.

"The military camp is an important place. You are not allowed to stay without permission. Leave immediately."

The general of the Hundred Households shouted loudly.

"Yes, yes, let's leave now."

Han Lihui was also startled and said quickly, pulling Yun Zhenghao away.

The two quickly left and walked hundreds of meters away before returning to normal speed. Then, they looked in the direction of the gate with a sad expression.

"It's over now. You can't even see anyone. Don't expect to be able to rescue the family elders."

Yun Zhenghao said with a bitter smile.

I regretted why I came to Dahuang City just to see the most beautiful woman in Northern Wasteland. But the beauty didn't see her and took me in first.

This is really a loss of blood.

"Come back tomorrow."

Han Lihui also said helplessly.

If it were a general army or a city defense army, they might be able to use their family strength to intervene, but facing the Zhenbei Army, they were helpless.

You must know that in the entire Northern Wilderness, the majesty of King Zhenbei far exceeds that of the New Moon Kingdom royal family.

Even if the Hua family in the imperial capital wanted to deal with the Zhenbei Army, they would have to have enough excuses and reasons before they dared to take action. This shows how powerful the Zhenbei Army is.

As for other families who want to use their power to bully the Zhenbei Army, just thinking about it can make them feel the fear that their families will be destroyed.

"That's all."

Yun Zhenghao nodded and left with Han Lihui.

The next day, the two came together again and waited outside the camp gate for half an hour. They were told that Lin Taixu would not see any guests.

The third day.

Day four.

"If we don't see you today, I won't come."

Yun Zhenghao stood in front of the camp gate and said very forcefully, "It's been three days, and I haven't seen him three times in a row. As the saying goes, one can do two but not three."

I really think someone in my cloud has no temper.


Han Lihui, who was standing aside, looked at Yun Zhenghao quietly, with a trace of contempt in his eyes.

These words sounded so familiar to him.

Well, including this time, I have listened to it three times.

This is what this guy said after he was rejected for the second time. As a result, he came here the next day in a mess?

"I won't leave today."

Perhaps stimulated by Han Lihui's disdainful eyes, Yun Zhenghao's face darkened and he said quibly.

Facing his friend's sophistry, Han Lihui looked away speechlessly and looked at the top of the mountain in the distance, where there was a huge golden palace.

"Tell me, is that munitions office really made of gold? If it is true, it would be so damn rich."

Han Lihui said, with a look of envy in his eyes.

It simply blinded his dog eyes.


Yun Zhenghao turned his head and looked at Han Lihui, with a few black lines falling on his forehead. Brother, can you be more serious?

We are here to do business, not to watch others show off their wealth.

But there is one thing to say, this golden palace is really amazing.

Wait, don't let this guy lead you astray.

About ten minutes later, the two of them stood in front of the camp gate, staring at each other, feeling bored, when they saw a famous military guard walking out of the munitions house and walking all the way to the camp gate.

"Brother Zhang, are you here?"

Seeing the arrival of the famous teacher guard, the general of the Zhenbei Army who was on duty immediately said with a smile.

"Well, it turns out to be Li Baihu. Are you on duty today?"

Zhang Yiqun nodded and said with a smile, the famous teacher guards often go to the Zhenbei Army camp, and they have long been familiar with each other, so they all know each other.

The two chatted briefly, then Zhang Yiqun looked at Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui and asked, "Are you the one who wants to meet my young master?"

"Meet your young master?"

Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui were confused for a moment.

"Idiot, the young master that Brother Zhang is talking about is Lin Taixu and Lin Qianhu."

Li Quan stared and shouted loudly.

"Oh, exactly."

Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui nodded quickly.

"Come with me."

Zhang Qun glanced at the two of them lightly and said, after saying that, he turned around and left.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui couldn't help but be overjoyed when they heard this, and quickly followed Zhang Yiqun towards the munitions office.

After a while, Zhang Yiqun led the two of them to the door of Lin Taixu's room and said respectfully, "Master, we have already brought them."

"Oh? Invite them in."

In the room, Lin Taixu put down his tea cup and said.

"go in."

With Lin Taixu's permission, Zhang Yiqun said to Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui, while he stood by the door and ignored them.

After Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui nodded to thank Zhang Group, they walked in.

"I'm with Yun Jia, Yun Zhenghao of the Imperial Capital."

"I am the Han family and Han Lihui in the imperial capital."

"See Senhu-sama."

The two walked into the room and bowed respectfully in front of Lin Taixu, showing no arrogance or condescension from the Imperial Family.

Well, to put it another way, they don’t dare.

"You two gentlemen, you are welcome. Please take a seat."

Lin Taixu stood up and smiled, reaching out to make an invitation gesture to the seat in front of him.

"Thank you, Master Chihu."

Yun Zhenghao and the two thanked him, walked to the seat in front of Lin Taixu and sat down.

"I'm really sorry. I've been busy with business these days and haven't been able to find time to meet with you two young masters. I hope you will forgive me for my neglect."

Lin Taixu said with a smile, appearing extremely gentle, elegant and amiable.

"Don't dare, don't dare, Lord Qianhu said something serious."

Hearing this, the two people spoke quickly, showing an expression of sincerity and fear.

“Come for tea”

Lin Taixu chuckled, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui.

"Thank you, Master Chihu."

Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui thanked them quickly, feeling a little flattered. They originally thought that when they saw Lin Taixu, the other party would definitely show off their attitude, not to say domineering, but at least condescending.

However, I never expected that Lin Taixu would be so approachable.

Immediately, the two of them couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the task of rescuing the family elders could still be completed.

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