My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 669: 10 billion per person

"This brother, why does he look familiar to me? Have we met before?"

Lin Taixu looked at Yun Zhenghao and asked. He felt like he had seen this guy before, but he couldn't remember it for the moment.

I couldn't help it. After sleeping for three days, my brain was turned into mush.

"Lord Qianhu, it is true that noble people tend to forget things. Three days ago, in front of the Dahuang Restaurant, Master Qianhu was not afraid of barbarians and displayed his power. I admire him very much, so I took the liberty to say hello to Master Qianhu."

Yun Zhenghao said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm just telling you, look at my memory."

"Sure enough, we meet everywhere in life. Come drink tea and cheers to our second meeting."

Lin Taixu said with sudden realization, picked up the teacup and gestured to the two of them.

"Sir Senhu, please."

"Sir Senhu, please."

Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui quickly picked up the tea cups and said, then brought the tea cups to their mouths and took a shallow sip.


After taking a sip of tea, the two of them felt the aroma filling their mouths, and a strong vitality flowed down their throats, nourishing the meridians and bones in their bodies, making them almost groan.

Spiritual tea?

Is this spiritual tea?

The two looked at the teacups in their hands in shock, never dreaming that they could actually drink spiritual tea.

You must know that spiritual tea is extremely precious, and their family is only an elder-level person who can drink a cup of spiritual tea occasionally.

But now, Lin Taixu actually treated them with such precious spiritual tea, which really made them almost cry with gratitude and wanted to hold Lin Taixu and kiss him.

What a good man.

"By the way, I wonder why you two are looking for me?"

Lin Taixu glanced at the two of them, put down the tea cup and asked.

He expressed his understanding of the two people's surprise.

Spirit tea is a rare thing in the Crescent Kingdom. Let alone them, even people like Cao Hongfu couldn't help but be shocked when they drank it for the first time, let alone rookies like Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui.


Seeing this, Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui quickly put away their shocked expressions and sat upright. Then, the two made eye contact, and Yun Zhenghao said, "That's it, Lord Qianhu."

"We received news from the family that the elders of our Yun family came to visit Dahuang City and unintentionally offended Lord Qianhu."

"So, on orders from my family, I came to see Mr. Qianhu and inquire about the situation."

"I don't know what Master Qianhu plans to do with our family elders."

"Oh, it turns out that this is what happened to you two. First of all, let's get it right. They not only offended me, but they also offended the Zhenbei Army and the Zhenbei King. It's just me who handles this matter."

Lin Taixu replied that Yun Xiujie and Han Liangzhe assisted Hua Qihu in order to kidnap Hua Yihu, and Hua Yihu was the mastermind who ordered Hua Shisan to assassinate him.

And he is one of the thousands of households in Zhenbei Army

To round things off, if you offend yourself, you will offend the Zhenbei Army, and if you offend the Zhenbei Army, you will offend the King of Zhenbei.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with what he said.

"Have you offended King Zhenbei?"

When Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui heard this, they couldn't help but be shocked. If they offended Lin Taixu, they would probably be able to fish out the family elders at a price, but if they offended King Zhenbei, then they would probably be able to get them out.

It's time to get ready for dinner.

"Well, your family elders are not here to play in Dahuang City, but together with Hua Qihu, the elder of Hua family, they are preparing to kidnap the felons arrested by the Zhenbei Army. This matter can be said to be extremely serious."

"From a small point of view, it is against the Zhenbei Army; from a big point of view, it is a rebellion."

Lin Taixu tapped his fingers on the table and said seriously.

"What? Are you planning to kidnap the felons captured by the Zhenbei Army?"

Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui couldn't help but exclaimed, how is this possible?

How could the family tell them that Lin Taixu ordered the arrest of the family elders because they offended Lin Taixu?

If it's really like what Lin Taixu said, then it's better to save someone.

Rebellious ministers and traitors will be found and punished by everyone.


In fact, they can't blame their family entirely, because their family doesn't know what happened. If Luo Xiangyang hadn't sent someone to inform them that their family elder had offended Lin Taixu, and asked them to prepare to redeem him.

I'm afraid that even if Lin Taixu kills Yun Xiujie and Han Liangzhe, when the grass on their graves is several feet high, neither the Yun family nor the Han family will know.

I thought Yun Xiujie and Han Liangzhe were playing together.

"Well, many people in Dahuang City know about this matter. If you two don't believe it, you can ask the people who were present that day. You will know the cause and effect once you ask."

Lin Taixu nodded.

"Believe, believe, we naturally believe in Mr. Qianhu."

Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui nodded quickly.

"I dare to ask Master Qianhu, is there any room for change in this matter?"

Han Lihui asked cautiously.

"The leader Hua Qihu, the deceased members of the Hua family, and several elders of the Hua family have all been executed, and you two family elders?"

Lin Taixu said slowly. As he spoke, he glanced at the two of them and stopped talking.

"How about it?"

Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui couldn't help but feel nervous when they heard this, and asked anxiously, Mommy, everyone in the Hua family has rectified the Fa, wouldn't the family elders also follow suit?

You must know that the Hua family is the first family in the imperial capital.

Even if a dog walks out of the Hua family, no one would dare to be disrespectful.

And now, even the elders of the Hua family have been killed. Can the elders of their family still survive?

This is not an easy matter.

"As the saying goes, God has the virtue of good life. When I saw that King Zhenbei wanted to execute your family elders on the spot, I couldn't bear it. Therefore, I asked for a favor from King Zhenbei and temporarily saved their lives."

Lin Taixu said.

"Sir Qianhu is so kind and righteous, I can't thank you enough."

Hearing this, Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui couldn't help but be overjoyed, and quickly thanked Lin Taixu.

"Don't thank me yet. If you want your family elders to be acquitted, you must pay some price. Otherwise, in the future, if everyone thinks they can hijack the felons arrested by the Zhenbei Army, wouldn't that be chaos? Right?"

Lin Taixu said seriously. After saying so much, he finally got to the point.

Hey, my mouth is dry just talking about it.

He immediately picked up the teacup and took a sip.


"As it should be."

Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui nodded and said, deeply agreeing with Lin Taixu's words.

You need to pay a price for doing something wrong. Otherwise, wouldn’t everyone be able to do whatever they want in the future?

"I don't know, Master Qianhu. How much money will it take for our family elders to be acquitted?"

Yun Zhenghao asked with a smile, as long as money can solve it, it's easy to talk about.

If he doesn't have money, can the family still have no money?

"Yes, Master Qianhu, as long as you ask, our family will definitely agree."

Han Lihui also echoed.

"Ten billion silver coins per person."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu nodded with satisfaction, and then said slowly.

"What? Ten billion silver coins?"

Yun Zhenghao and Han Lihui almost stood up in fright. This was too much.

"Um, Master Qianhu, can this money be less?"

Immediately, Yun Zhenghao said with a bitter look on his face.

"Less money?"

"Brother, it's not that I want your money, but I want to use your money to do your things."

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