"Let's go."

They couldn't eat anymore, and they couldn't find Lin Taixu even if they tried to trouble them. Suddenly, some people wanted to leave.

Paralyzed, he didn't even have enough to eat, and ended up having to pay the bill and compensate for the loss of Zuixianju.

Thinking about it, they felt very sad.

However, I felt a little unwilling to leave like this.

Difficult to do.

"Boy, if you are sensible, please pay our bill, otherwise, this matter will never be finished."

Dong Jiba walked up to Lin Taixu and sneered.

Since Du Lengfeng doesn't care, then they should take care of it themselves.

Anyway, you can do whatever you want in Zuixianju, as long as you lose money.

"Yes, you did it, so you should be responsible. In addition, you have to compensate us for our mental losses."

"Not much, just one hundred thousand silver coins per person."

Shi Zhenxiang also came over and sneered.

Seeing someone taking the lead, others immediately gathered around and supported Dong Jiba and Shi Zhenxiang with their actions.

If you don't take advantage of it, you are a bastard.

Mental damages?

Good guy.

Does this world also want this?

Increased knowledge.

Lin Taixu couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. He felt that he would have another excuse in the future.

Gotta give it a thumbs up.

"That's what you all think?"

Lin Taixu ignored Shi Zhenxiang and Dong Jiba and asked everyone around him.

Looking at the unfamiliar faces in front of him, Lin Taixu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, because for a moment, he was a little unsure about who had money and who didn't.

"Of course, we support Mr. Shi."

"We support Mr. Dong."


Suddenly, everyone around him shouted loudly, and everyone looked at Lin Taixu jokingly.

If Lin Taixu really has a strong background, they can blame it on Shi Zhenxiang and Dong Jiba. At best, they are just making fun of them. With so many people representing so many families, they don't believe that Lin Taixu dares to do anything to them. manage.

As the saying goes, the law does not blame everyone.

If not, they would not have to pay Zuixianju and still make hundreds of thousands of silver coins.

Where can I find such a good thing?

"Not bad."

Lin Taixu looked at everyone with a smile, and then asked Shi Zhenxiang and Dong Jiba, "What if I don't give it?"


"Ha ha."

Shi Zhenxiang and Dong Jiba couldn't help laughing and said, "No, why don't you give it?"

"No? Then I will break your limbs, and then carry you to your family to get the money. If your family doesn't have enough money, that would be embarrassing."

"You and your family are destined not to see the sun tomorrow."

Dong Jiba said with a sneer, murderous intent evident on his face.

He has done this kind of thing a lot.

Now, he has brought together these people behind him, and he is even more unscrupulous and confident.

Although these people all come from small families, they can't handle the large number of people.

As the saying goes, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes.

With so many small families gathered together, even any of the four major families in Qingfeng City would have to consider giving Dong Jiba some thin noodles.

"Do you want to die?"

Murong Wushuang's eyes suddenly condensed and he looked at Dong Jiba coldly. Wang Luoyi's face also turned cold. He had already prepared the communication storage ring and was ready to take out the purple gold hammer at any time.

Are you trying to blackmail your master?

You are so brave. Do you know how to write the word "death"?

When it comes to blackmail, I'm sorry, my master is the ancestor of blackmail.

Sun family.

Famous Teacher Hall resource manager.

The master of the Hall of Famous Teachers.

These are all things that my master has criticized over and over again.

can you?

Do you deserve it?

"Haha, don't panic, you two beauties. I know this matter is none of your business. Let's talk about it at night after I get rid of this trash in front of you."

Dong Jiba didn't pay attention to Murong Wushuang's angry scolding on the other side, and said with a smile, his eyes narrowed as he scanned the faces of Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi.

Endless greed and possessiveness emerged in my heart.

Only I am qualified to possess such a beauty. Is he worthy of such a waste?

"After talking for so long, I forgot to ask you for your surnames. Let me hear them."

Lin Taixu stopped Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, and smiled at Shi Zhenxiang and Dong Jiba.

"Hehe, listen carefully."

"This young master is Dong Jiba, the young master of the Dong family in Qingfeng City."

"I am the young master of the Qingfeng City Historian Family, Shi Zhenxiang."

Immediately, Dong Jiba and Shi Zhenxiang said with arrogant expressions, with their chins raised as they spoke, as if this was the only way to fit the demeanor of the eldest young men of their family.

"How many Dongs?"

"Shit smells good?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he immediately sprayed out every drop of the three-flavor puree in his mouth. If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and turned his head in time, he would have sprayed Murong Wushuang all over his face.


"Nima. I'm laughing so hard."

Lin Taixu just laughed so hard that he almost shed tears. What a talent.

He really admired their father. He would never have come up with such a weird name without suffering from cerebral hemorrhage for ten years.

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi could not help but raise their lips, feeling very funny.

I don’t know how many idiots can think of such a name.

"Is it funny?"

Dong Jiba and Shi Zhenxiang looked at Lin Taixu with dark faces and asked fiercely.

The reason for his dark face was because he was angry.

They also know that their names are a bit homophonic and not very pleasant to hear.

But there is nothing they can do about it.

Their bodies and hair are from their parents, and their names are also given by their parents.

What can they do?

However, in Qingfeng City, Lin Taixu is the first one who dares to laugh at them so blatantly.

Well, he is the first one alive.

Because those who dare to laugh at their names have been sent to hell.

"It's funny."

Lin Taixu stopped smiling and answered seriously.

"You are dead, no one in heaven or on earth can save you."

Dong Jiba laughed angrily, looking at Lin Taixu with cold eyes, intending to collect all the money from Lin Taixu, and then he would definitely use the cruelest punishment in the world on him.

Let him know what kind of price he has to pay for ridiculing himself.

"It really doesn't matter to the ignorant."

The people behind Dong Jiba couldn't help but shake their heads secretly. Are the names of Dong Jiba and Shi Zhenxiang funny?

It must be funny.

But why don't they laugh?

The reason is simple. Whoever dares to laugh at them will die.

Last year, a young master from an unknown family laughed. As a result, the two men cut off his limbs, pulled out his tongue, dug out his eyes, and drowned him in a cesspool.

They seemed to be able to foresee that one day, in a certain cesspool, another human stick would be found.

"Reciprocity, should I also say my name?"

Lin Taixu ignored the murderous gazes of Shi and Dong, and said slowly, with a holy light of justice on his face.

Here it comes.

The highlight, uh, the climax is here.

Wang Luoyi's eyes glowed. As long as the master showed this expression, it meant that he was going to start the trap mode.

Because she had seen this expression at least three times.

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