
When Dong Jiba heard this, he couldn't help but laugh, looked at Lin Taixu with disdain, and said, "A waste like you actually learns how to declare your family status? Aren't you afraid of being laughed to death?"

"It's just a useless name. We are not interested in knowing it because it will stain our ears."

"It's better to take out the money as soon as possible."

"That's right, there's nothing in this world that money can't solve."

“If so, you don’t have enough money.”

Then, everyone around him burst into laughter, thinking that Lin Taixu was so funny. How long had it been since then, and he still announced his name?

Self-reportedly, your sister is pretty much the same.

As long as your sister is pretty enough, she won't be able to solve your current problem.

"come here."

Lin Taixu waved to the maids in the distance. The maids from Zuixianju were also top-notch. In such a noisy situation just now, they seemed as if they hadn't seen them. They stood in the corner and didn't even move.

If this were left in an ordinary restaurant, I'm afraid that if not trying to persuade him, he would at least be stopped.

Hey, I don’t know what the boss of Zuixianju is thinking.

"Sir, what are your orders?"

The maid quickly walked up to Lin Taixu and asked respectfully.

"Is it okay to fight here?"

Lin Taixu asked.


the maid replied.

"Can you kill people?" Lin Taixu asked again.


"Can I disturb others while they're eating?"


The maid replied firmly, what does Zuixianju do?

It's a restaurant, selling food.

When others come to eat, you can do whatever you want, but you just can't disturb others while they are eating. Otherwise, to whom will he sell the wine and food in Zuixianju?



Lin Taixu was stunned for a moment, this rule was so weird.

What if you hit someone who is eating?

What if you kill someone who is eating?

So do you care or not?

"They interrupted my meal."

Lin Taixu pointed at Dong Jiba and others and said seriously.

"I understand, sir."

The maid responded sweetly, and immediately said to Dong Jiba and others, "Please don't disturb this young master from eating, otherwise, you will be disobeying Zuixianju."

"Disobey Zuixianju at your own risk."

After the maid finished speaking, she walked to a corner and stood there again, not squinting, showing her good qualities.


Dong Jiba and others were stunned. They didn't expect Lin Taixu to do this. When did Zuixianju have such a rule?

Why don't they know?

However, is it useful?

You can't eat until you die.

OK, let you eat, and labor and management will wait for you to finish.

Dong Jiba and Shi Zhenxiang walked aside with gloomy expressions, planning to wait for Lin Taixu to finish eating before dealing with him.

As for disobeying Zuixianju, they would not even dare to kill him if their brains were not wet.

Because they know that the boss of Zuixianju is a person that all the families in Qingfeng City combined cannot afford to offend.

Otherwise, why could he charge such a high price but not be smashed?

So, the water here is very deep.

No one disturbed them, Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang, and Wang Luoyi enjoyed their meal happily.

After eating for a full hour, the three of them were full. Of course, Lin Taixu was definitely the one who ate the most. After eating one meal, not only was his stomach full of food, but he also gained more than 1,800 systems. Experience.

Who says you can't advance by eating?

Sorry, I'll do it.

If you can't do it, that's because you can't do it.

"Bill, please."

Lin Taixu said.

The maid immediately came over and said respectfully, "Hello, sir, you have spent one million and three thousand and eighteen silver coins this time. If I wipe out the change for you, you can just pay one million silver coins."

"What kind of rice?"

"One million silver coins?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he almost vomited out what he had eaten. Damn it, you actually want one million silver coins for just these few dishes?

Why don't you go and grab it?

"Yes, sir."

The maid nodded. After Lin Taixu reported the name of the dish, the price had already been calculated in her mind and there would be no mistake.

What is professional?

This is professionalism.

"Then I'll give you ten million."

Lin Taixu said lightly.

"Sir, are you kidding me?"

The maid couldn't help but was stunned. She had a conscience. She had never seen anything like this since she became the maid of Zuixianju. It was only one million, but someone actually paid ten million. What kind of cool operation was this?

Too much money and nowhere to spend it?

"You were the one who made the joke on me first."

Lin Taixu sneered.

"Hey, look, he is really a poor guy. After eating, he has no money to pay the bill."

"Haha, no one else has the guts to eat Bawang's meal to the point of drunken immortality."

Seeing this, Dong Jiba and others couldn't help laughing, looking at Lin Taixu with a look of gloating.

Dare to go to Zuixianju to eat the Overlord meal?

Sorry, no one in Qingfeng City dares.

Not even Diao Bu Diao from the Famous Master Hall would dare.

You, a loser, dare to come to Zui Xianju to eat the King's meal. Do you know how to write the word "death"?

"Shut up.

The maid coldly shouted at Dong Jiba and others, her eyes were cold, as if a knife was inserted directly into the other person's heart. Immediately, Dong Jiba and others quickly shut their mouths, not daring to say another word.

"That's it, Master, I didn't charge you more money."

The maid stopped Dong Jiba and others, turned to look at Lin Taixu, and explained with a smile on her face, and then told Lin Taixu the prices of the dishes Lin Taixu ordered one by one.

"Sir, you can do the math yourself and see if the total is one million and three thousand and eighteen silver coins."

"That's not right. This three-flavor puree only sells for one thousand silver coins outside, but you actually sold it to me for one hundred thousand silver coins?"

Lin Taixu pointed to the bottle of three-flavor puree and said to the maid, he felt like he had entered a dark shop, and this dark shop was simply darker than Pan Jinlian.

What the hell, one thousand silver coins, one hundred thousand silver coins.

It's a hundred times higher.

How dare you say you didn't make a mistake?

Do you think labor and management are fools?

"Yeah, why would wine worth one thousand silver coins be sold for one hundred thousand silver coins here?"

Wang Luoyi also said angrily.

Isn't this taking oneself and Master as the main culprits?

"Because this is Zuixianju."

The maid stood up straight and spoke seriously.

"Is Zuixianju amazing?"

Murong Wushuang sneered, a cold light flashed in his eyes, it's just a broken restaurant, what's so arrogant about it?

He tricked others and tricked his master and himself.

Believe it or not, I demolished such a dilapidated restaurant today.

"Yes, Zuixianju is amazing."

The maid replied seriously again, with a strong sense of confidence flowing through her body. Zuixianju can be found in all the cities of the Crescent Kingdom. The prices are fair, children and adults are not bullied, and no one dares to mess with them.

You said, isn't it amazing?


Murong Wushuang couldn't help but feel angry. He moved his fingers and was about to take action, preparing to teach this arrogant maid a lesson.

It’s deceiving people, and it’s also deceiving people’s pride.

If I don't give you a good beating, it will be difficult to eliminate the anger in this girl's heart.

You are used to it.

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