My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 96 Another Punch

"You forced me."

Li Yichu was almost angered to death by Wang Luoyi's words. He was extremely angry and laughed. Then, he opened his mouth and spat out another mouthful of blood on the long knife in his hand.

Suddenly, the seemingly ordinary long knife absorbed all of Li Yichu's essence and blood in an instant, and the originally white blade turned extremely red, exuding a strange and evil light.

At that moment, it was as if the knife had life and seemed to come to life.

"This is?"

When Murong Wushuang and others saw this, their expressions froze, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"You forced me. You all must die."

Li Yichu yelled crazily. He raised the long knife with both hands, and his body was shrouded in the red light of the long knife. His momentum began to grow visibly to the naked eye.

The original fifth level of the second level warrior was instantly increased to the sixth level of the second level warrior.

Second level warrior seventh level.

In less than a minute, Li Yichu's martial arts level instantly increased by two small levels, and it was still rising before it was over. The air in the entire courtyard seemed to be summoned by something, and it moved towards Li crazily. A swarm of people swarmed in one place, forming an air vortex with a diameter of about one meter above his head.

It seemed extremely terrifying.

"Everyone, be careful."

Seeing this, Murong Wushuang shouted, the vitality in his body was also stimulated, and he was ready to explode a shocking blow at any time.


Wang Luoyi was also prepared, and the purple gold hammer in her hand was filled with purple light. As long as she wanted to, she could strike her strongest blow at any time.

Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran were also prepared, their faces tense and their eyes stern.

Level 2 Samurai Eightfold

Level 2 Samurai Nine Levels

In an instant, Li Yichu's martial arts level rose to the ninth level of warrior again, and the bloody light on his body became more intense, exuding a terrifying energy fluctuation.

Behind him, the space was shaking continuously, and a knife-shaped shadow emerged.

Seeing this, Murong Wushuang and others looked even more solemn. At this time, Li Yichu actually made them feel a strong threat.

Although they are all genius monsters and can fight across levels, the disparity in strength is too great. No matter how monster they are, they cannot kill the enemy across the seventh level.

Level three

Just when Li Yichu's momentum was rising again, he was about to cross the ninth level barrier of a second-level warrior and reach the realm of a third-level martial artist.

Lin Taixu appeared behind Li Yichu with a movement, and punched Li Yichu in the back.

Black Tiger Fist.

Level 10 Black Tiger Fist.

Since the last time he was tricked by the system and lost tens of thousands of system experience points and upgraded the Black Tiger Fist to the tenth level, Lin Taixu has not yet tried the power of the tenth level Black Tiger Fist.

Now, seeing Li Yichu holding a broken knife, spitting out blood and making such a terrifying noise, he immediately used the Black Tiger Fist without thinking.

Moreover, he also brought a complete set of black iron.

Safety comes first. He is only at the fifth level of physical training, which is equivalent to the fifth level of a first-level warrior. His true strength is five thousand kilograms, which is equivalent to the fifth level of an ordinary warrior's second-level warrior.

However, seeing Li Yichu's strange improvement in strength, he was worried that he wouldn't be able to beat him, so, you know.

Use what you can.

Wear whatever equipment you can wear.

He had a firm grip on stability.


Lin Taixu punched out, and the whole space seemed to beat violently, and a huge black tiger appeared from behind Lin Taixu.

The black tiger's hair is as black as ink, with no trace of impurity to be found, and its muscular body exudes a powerful and violent aura, which is intimidating.


As soon as the black tiger appeared, it looked up to the sky and roared, which made Murong Wushuang and others' eardrums hurt. Then, the black tiger's eyes the size of copper bells were fixed on Li Yichu's body, and then it covered his ears with lightning speed. He raised his claws and smacked Li Yichu.


I saw the tiger claws hitting Li Yichu's body like lightning. Under the fierce attack, the red light covering Li Yichu's body shook violently. After two stalemates, the red light was defeated in less than a breath. .

Li Yichu was caught off guard and flew out again.

During the flight, I saw blood vomiting out from his mouth as if for free, and the blood was even mixed with many internal organ fragments.


Li Yichu's body fell to the ground and rolled several times before stopping. He lost the breath of life in an instant. Only his bulging eyes looked at Lin Taixu tightly, showing fear and disbelief. The ray of light seemed to have never imagined that Lin Taixu would sneak attack on him.

Damn it, young people don’t have martial ethics.

"That's it?"

Lin Taixu found Li Yichu lying motionless on the ground, and couldn't help but was slightly startled, that's it?

Killed with one punch?


Not only Lin Taixu was in a daze, Murong Wushuang, Wang Luoyi and others were also stunned. They looked at Lin Taixu in disbelief, and a deep sense of awe quietly arose in their hearts.

Sun Dachang, a second-level and third-level warrior, could not block his master's slap.

The seemingly invincible Li Yichu couldn't block the Master's punch?

How powerful is this master?

You must know that Li Yichu used evil methods to increase his strength to the level of a third-level martial artist, but he was still beaten to death with one punch.

This simply subverted their understanding of martial arts.

Physical training is very strong, but it's not that ridiculously strong.

Ignore twenty-two levels?

"Senior Sister, Master, it seems that what I used just now was the Black Tiger Fist."

Wang Luoyi asked Murong Wushuang in a low voice with some uncertainty.

"Well, what Master uses is the Black Tiger Fist."

Murong Wushuang nodded. Although Lin Taixu only took the blink of an eye from punching out to withdrawing his punch, she could still tell that Lin Taixu was using the Black Tiger Fist, which is very common on the market.

As for what it means to be very common, it means that you can buy the Black Tiger Fist technique at any street stall.

Is this common?


It is common to see that even the disciples of a small family are unwilling to learn such rubbish boxing techniques.

However, why did this kind of rubbish boxing technique become so powerful in the master's hands?

Could it be that our understanding of Black Tiger Fist has always been wrong?

In fact, it is an extremely powerful technique in itself, but no one can practice it correctly?

Murong Wushuang's mind was filled with a hundred thousand whys at this moment.



"It was detected that the controller killed the third-level martial artist Li Yichu, and the enemy was successfully killed. The system rewards the controller with 22,000 system experience points and 22,000 silver coins."

"The higher the level, the more system experience points will be awarded. If the controller exceeds two levels in a row, the system will reward the controller with 20,000 system experience points."

"The system reward has arrived, please pay attention to check it."

"The current controller has 44,500 system experience points and 26,400 silver coins."

The sound of the system sounded quietly at this time.

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