
Lin Taixu couldn't help but feel overjoyed, and an evil smile appeared on his face.

With one punch, you can get so many system rewards. This feeling is simply more enjoyable than taking a girl to a hot spring.

Moreover, he also verified the bugs in the system.

That is, the lower the level, the more rewards he will get by killing high-level enemies.

Immediately, Lin Taixu felt even more delighted. This feeling was simply more enjoyable than taking two girls to a hot spring.

Looking at Li Yichu's body, Lin Taixu said in his heart.

Thanks, friend.

"System, how much power did I punch with just now?"

Lin Taixu asked curiously. He only had the strength of 5,000 kilograms. He knew this. With the full set of black iron, it would increase by at most one-tenth, which is 500 kilograms.

With a strength of 5,500 kilograms, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to kill a third-level martial artist.

The trick here probably comes from the Black Tiger Fist.

How powerful is the Level 10 Black Tiger Fist?

So terrifying?

"The power of the controller's punch just now reached 15,500 kilograms."

The system replied.


Lin Taixu couldn't help but take a breath when he heard this. The black tiger fist of emotion directly increased the strength by ten thousand kilograms, which was twice as much as his own strength plus the full set of black iron.

So scary, so scary.

"See Master."

"Master is really powerful. He killed that old man with one punch."

"Yes, yes, Master, you are too powerful."

Murong Wushuang and others came over to greet Lin Taixu and greeted him. They all looked at Lin Taixu with eyes full of admiration.


Lin Taixu nodded and received compliments and compliments from several beautiful disciples. His otaku heart was unprecedentedly satisfied and expanded.

However, he immediately turned serious and cursed at Murong Wushuang and others, "Are you stupid? Huh?"

"Wherever they are gathering momentum, you just look at them stupidly and don't know how to take action."

"If Master hadn't taken action, would you have been able to defeat him?"

"If you can't defeat me, have you ever thought about the consequences you will face?"


Murong Wushuang and others couldn't help being dumbfounded by Lin Taixu's scolding. They all came from a big family in the imperial capital, and they had the arrogance of a big family. If they want to win, they have to let you use all their trump cards. Only then can they defeat you openly. They are powerful.

This is not only the case for them, basically 99% of the warriors in the New Moon Kingdom will do this when facing a fight.

Otherwise, you will be ridiculed and defeated.

But when they thought about the miserable fate if they were captured by Li Yichu, they couldn't help but shudder. They quickly knelt down and said in fear, "Master, please calm down. I know I was wrong."

"Next time you dare to make such a low-level mistake, then don't blame me for using the sect rules to punish you."

Lin Taixu said with lingering anger.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang and others responded.

"Master, how will the sect rules be dealt with?"

Wang Luoyi looked up at Lin Taixu and asked weakly.

"How to deal with the door rules?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but was stunned by Wang Luoyi's question, "What the hell, Master just said it casually, you are stupid enough to ask questions?"

Why, if you are beautiful, you can do whatever you want.


"A hundred spanks."

Lin Taixu thought for a moment and said seriously. After saying that, he turned around and left. He added in his heart that it would be best to take off his clothes and beat him.


"This Master"

Suddenly, Murong Wushuang, Wang Luoyi and others couldn't help but blushed with anger. They were girls, could they fight in that place?

Bad master, lustful master.

Several people immediately labeled Lin Taixu crazily in their hearts.

"Throw the body out."

When he walked to the door, Lin Taixu said again, then turned around and went into the room to rest.

It is not a comfortable thing to keep a dead person in your own home, so it is better to throw it out.

As for why it wasn’t buried?

Sorry, he doesn't care about killing or burying.

Why didn't he throw it away himself?

That's even more embarrassing, because he is afraid of death.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang and others responded.

Walking to the side of Li Yichu's body, Murong Wushuang and others took a look at Li Yichu's face and found that they had no impression. They immediately did not think about anything else and consciously classified Li Yichu as one of the group of dead men in black in the afternoon. .

When they were grabbing hands and feet and preparing to carry Li Yichu out and throw it away, they couldn't help but look stunned, feeling that what they were carrying was not a person, but a water bag.

This isn't right.

Immediately, Murong Wushuang asked Wang Luoyi and others to put down Li Yichu's body. After groping for a while, he said with a look of shock, "All the internal organs are shattered and the bones are turned into powder. Master, this time The punch must have a strength of at least 10,000 kilograms, or even 20,000 kilograms."

The whole body has been shattered, and only the skin bag is intact. How can it not be like a water bag?


Wang Luoyi and others couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, looked at each other, and were speechless.

According to the common sense of the Crescent Kingdom, only a third-level martial artist can burst out a force of ten thousand kilograms.

In other words, their master has reached the level of a third-level martial artist.

Is this still the good-for-nothing Master known to the whole city?

A third-level martial artist is considered a strong man in Qinglin County, not to mention in Qingfeng City. As long as the master is willing, it would be a piece of cake to unify the entire Qingfeng City.

But the fact is that the master has silently endured the name of waste and has been hiding his identity in Qingfeng City for so many years.

If it weren't for the danger of his sisters, the master would probably continue to hide.

What kind of mind and heart is this?

Thinking of this, their admiration for Lin Taixu has increased by several levels.

At this time, if Lin Taixu came to enforce the sect rules, they felt that it was not unacceptable.

"Go and deal with it."

Murong Wushuang stood up and said, with waves in his eyes, and I don't know what he was thinking.

Wang Luoyi, Zhao Feixue and others hurriedly carried Li Yichu out, and then went back and forth to the mass grave ten miles away from here. It took more than ten minutes. When they came back, they found Murong Wushuang still standing in the yard. The four of them walked forward immediately. Wang Luoyi said, "Big sister, why don't you go to rest?"

"I was going to rest, but I thought of something, so I thought about waiting for you to come back and tell you."

Murong Wushuang said lightly.

"Oh? Big sister, please go."

Wang Luoyi and others said hurriedly.

"Well, it's a good thing that Master is powerful, but it's also a dangerous thing relatively speaking."

"As the saying goes, a man is innocent but guilty of holding a treasure. Master has such strength at such a young age. If it is spread out, it will inevitably bring extremely serious consequences to Master. Even if Master can stop the covetousness of the outside world, it will also be troublesome."

"So, Master's strength, we must keep it a secret and not reveal a word to outsiders."

Murong Wushuang said.

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