My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 204: : Caesar comes

The situation of the behemoth in the cemetery was roughly listed. At the same time, he reminded everyone present that this behemoth in the cemetery is very special. It is different from the previous behemoths. It has a very terrifying ability and will die. Humans are transformed into solution monsters that continuously release paralyzing poisonous mist. This solution monster is not powerful and will die with a single blow, but it will explode before it dies, sputtering venom that makes people fall into madness and desensitization. You must be very careful. In general, the cemetery behemoth is a very rare and tricky poisonous behemoth.

   "This is generally the case. If everyone present feels too dangerous, they can withdraw now, otherwise, if they retreat without fighting on the day of the crusade, they will be sentenced to death as a deserter." Luo Lie finally said in a very serious tone.

   Everyone in the tent listened to the information of the giant beast and the last words of the list, and they discussed it. For a while, the voices were noisy, and the list did not stop. It was a matter of life and death. He just sat at the head and waited.

   After a while, the discussion was over, some of them hesitated, and wanted to say but didn't dare to be the first person. They were in a stalemate for a while, and finally someone could not help standing up.

   "Leader of the list, our Fanged Wolf adventure team is not strong enough to complete this commission. Please forgive me." A middle-aged man came out and said apologetically.

   "Captain Li joked, there is nothing unforgivable. I said before that if you feel dangerous, you can withdraw now. You should consider the players." Luo Lie said with a smile.

  The middle-aged man performed an apologetic etiquette and then left with his team members.

   Someone started, and those who had retired also stood up and expressed the idea of ​​giving up the commission, and then left with their subordinates or teammates. In the end, only a dozen people were left in the tent.

   Chen Fang looked at the people who remained, including Master Peterman, three pharmacists from Kuoliujia, five members of The Hague Adventure Team, and several other auxiliary adventurers.

  The people who leave are mostly output type, and most of the people left are auxiliary. This is understandable. After all, in any environment, the auxiliary is always well protected and the risk is less.

"Leader Luo Lie, there seems to be a lot of people leaving. Before you have suffered heavy casualties, this number is not enough, and the pressure when facing the giant beast will be very high. If you don't have specific measures, we in The Hague may..." Lin Hailou After all the people who had left had left, they stood up and said, everyone who was present understood it.

"Captain Lin can rest assured, I have considered this situation. Before the Battle of the Behemoths, the Knights of Scales were killed and injured. It is only the people who were brought here this time. There are still garrisons in the resident of the Knights. I have ordered them to come tomorrow. Will be there in the morning." Luo Lie said.

   The scale of the Knights of Scale Star is organized into two hundred. Each time one hundred be dispatched to crusade against the giant beasts, the other hundred stay at the station, and the two take turns to replace.

   After listening to the list, Lin Hailou said nothing.

   "Since you did not choose to leave, I will talk about the specific arrangements next."

   After waiting for a while and seeing no one left, when he was about to explain the arrangement to the people in the tent, Mundo, whom Chen Fang had seen, walked into the tent.

   "The captain, Caesar, the deputy captain of the Seven Sins Trial Corps, said that he has something to do with you, and he is outside now." Mundo walked to Luo Lie and said.

   "What is he here for? Don't you know that the Knights of Scales won't wait to see them?" Luo Lie frowned.

   "I don't know this. Anyway, he brought more than 20 people. They were all blocked by me in the camp. They were crooked. Commander, you can say if you see you. If you don't see, I will drive him away." Mundo shrugged.

   Luo Lie didn't answer Mundo's words right away, but considered it for a while, and finally decided to meet Caesar and ask what he wanted.

   "Let him come in."

   "Here?" Mundo looked at the people in the tent subconsciously.

   "It doesn't matter, I think he is here at this time, whatever he thinks is related to the monster." Luo Lie said.

   Mengduo didn't delay after hearing it, and went straight out.

   Soon a man walked into the tent. He was a young man with a humble and smiling appearance. Chen Fang saw that he saw Caesar on the road during the day.

  Caesar looked around after entering the tent. When he saw Jimo, his eyes lit up, but now he had business to do, so instead of stepping forward to say hello, he nodded to Jimo and then walked towards the list.

   Jimo also saw Caesar, and when he nodded to himself, Jimo also turned back politely.

   "You are so beautiful that you are no worse than your sister. How come Caesar only greets Jimo but ignores you? It seems that you are not attractive enough." Chen Fang teased with Dingwen's arm.

   "According to his statement, in this world, except for my sister, other women in his eyes are just pink skulls and vulgar fans." Wenren said indifferently.

   "Fucking too?" Chen Fang asked casually.

   "Hahaha, let me ask you some questions when I have time." Wenren laughed and burst into tears.

   Chen Fang's words fell in Jimo's ears, her cold expression was a little unbearable, she forced a smile and slapped Chen Fang.

   This scene happened to be seen by Caesar who had just walked in front of Chen Fang. He wrinkled his brows imperceptibly, glanced at Chen Fang, and a trace of doubt and annoyance flashed in his eyes.

  Who is this man, and why is he sitting next to Jimo, so close? It seems that after going back, people have to check it out. Caesar's thoughts flashed back and then it was not time to think about other things.

   "Uncle Luo Lie, you have been doing well recently. I have never seen you since my father got into trouble with you." Caesar walked to stand one meter in front of Luo Lie and said.

   "Is this Caesar familiar with Captain Luo Lie? Why do you call him uncle?" Chen Fang asked Jimo in a whisper.

   "It seems to have heard that Captain Luo Lie had a good relationship with his father before, but later broke up because of something." Jimo said.

"Caesar, you are the deputy commander of the Seven Sins Trial. What's the matter with our Knights of Scales today?" Luo Lie didn't talk to Caesar, but directly asked about what he came from. The identities of the two sides are placed on the battle group, and they are private and public.

"Captain Luo Lie, my father heard that you are having trouble fighting against the giant beasts. He sent me to assist you. At the same time, I also brought the twenty most powerful people in the group. I hope to help." Caesar saw Luo Lie clothes business. The appearance of the public office did not involve any personal affair anymore, and directly showed his intention.

   Twenty people? Didn't this guy bring a hundred people when he came? Chen Fang was a little puzzled when he heard Caesar say this.

"The reason why Pimeng sent you here should be more than just assistance." Luo Lie said, and there have been contacts for more than ten years. He knows Pimeng's character too much, and the possibility of assistance is unlikely. What he wants from him It's true.

   "I really can't hide from you, Captain Luo Lie, my father sent me to assist in the crusade against the behemoth, but at the same time I want to get something." Caesar said.


   "I hope that after successfully defeating the behemoth, I will get something from the behemoth." Caesar did not wait for the list to speak and then continued, "Of course, I don't want much, and the proportion is very small."

   "After the behemoth crusade is successful, I will hand in all the gains, you can go to the battle group department to apply, why bother to find me."

   "For some reasons, things need to be urgently used. It takes a long time to submit the application, and it takes a while to accept the items, so it is best to solve it on the spot."

   After killing the behemoth on-site for anatomy, the battle group can directly take away a part of it. Just remember to register when handing it in. Caesar came to list it because of this.

"This time the behemoth caused the Knights of Scale Star to lose a lot of combat power. I know this, so I have a suggestion. As long as the leader of Luo Lie agrees to let me take away the necessary items after killing the behemoth, then, In this behemoth crusade, the people I brought can serve as the forward, let you command it, and life or death is up to you, there will be no complaints."

   "Oh, yes, the twenty people I brought this time are the conviction and torture brigades of the Seven Sins Trial. You should know the strength of these two brigades. This is also my sincerity."

   "Listen to the leader, do you accept my proposal?" Caesar said.

   "Excuse me, my team members and I agree with you on the trial of the seven sins and will not accept any of your suggestions." Luo Lie said lightly.

The two brigades Caesar said about the conviction and the torturer are indeed excellent in strength. The list is very clear, and he also knows that the combat power of these two brigades can be comparable to the one hundred men of the Knights of Scale in its heyday. I know how terrifying the strength is.

With their help, not to mention the easy solution of the giant beast, but it can also reduce a lot of casualties, but even so, Luo Lie still does not want to agree. It is not that he will go his own way, but that he knows that if the others in the regiment face the seven sins trial , The same attitude.

   "Liu Lie, my proposal should be considered very reasonable. It can even be said that our efforts and gains are not proportional. It is you who benefit the most. Can you tell me why I refused?" Caesar did not understand why Luo Lie refused.

"It is undeniable that according to your proposal, we can reduce casualties to the greatest extent. If it is another battle group, I would agree to come down. But you are judged for the seven sins, sorry, we will not agree, the reason is very simple, the concept is not consistent, you Go back." Luo Lie reached out to see off the guests after speaking.

   Actually, it's more than a disagreement in concept. The biggest reason is the incident in Ocean City 20 years ago.

At that time, when the lava snapping turtle, one of the twelve mother beasts, swam to the coast from the island where it was located, through the icy waters that ordinary ships could not navigate, the earliest information was the Seven Sins Trial, but this information was concealed, and they also All news was blocked, and only when the lava snapping turtle was about to arrive at Ocean City, which was lonely overseas but was on its way, the intelligence and a combat plan were sent to the Federal Assembly.

Originally this should be a serious crime, but the battle plan that seemed ridiculous at all times was actually approved by the members of the parliament at the and issued a battle group convening order, ordering all battle groups Assembled to Ocean City, and at the same time recruited all ships going to sea to meet combat needs, and handed over the command to the Seven Sins Trial who made the combat plan.

The Giant Beast Lincheng also wanted to evacuate the people of Ocean City, but all the ships were conscripted. For the purpose of luring the lava snapping turtle ashore, the leader of the Seven Sins Trial, that is, the father of Paimeng at that time, Unexpectedly, all participating battle groups were forbidden to use ships to evacuate people in Ocean City, and they were also very cruel to send people to close the gates of Ocean City, so that people in the city could not escape from the city.

The lava snapping turtle has a great demand for food during its spawning period. It is conceivable how attractive a canned food on its path is to it. As a result, it is conceivable that the lava snapping turtle is like Paimon's father. Unexpectedly, the temptation came ashore, and the opportunity was ripe. He ordered all the battle groups waiting in the nearby sea to attack the giant beasts ashore.

When the lava snapping turtle came ashore, the ship carrying the battle group was still sailing in the sea. When the lava snapping turtle broke the city, the ship was still sailing in the sea. When the ship drew ashore, Ocean City was almost a dead zone ruin, with a population of one million, or It was reduced to eating or jumping into the sea and scalded to death, almost killing and wounding.

   At such a heavy price, what is the result of luring a mother animal?

All the battle groups that participated in the battle were still not the opponents of the lava snapping turtles. Many of the battle groups died. Because of the lack of combat power, the battle plan was completely defeated. The remaining battle groups had to be changed to fight for rescue, with the surviving survivors. Exit the battle and leave Ocean City in a boat.

   The Knights of Scale Star also suffered heavy casualties at the time. Luo Lie’s father died in this battle, and later he became the commander.



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