My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 205: :the reason

The original plan of the Ocean City battle plan was that when the mother lava snapping turtle was lured to swim to Ocean City, all ships that were conscripted and not used by the battle group would evacuate the people in the city from another direction, but Paimeng’s In order to ensure that the mother beast can go ashore, the father used the given command to force the ships not to trigger rescue, and all war groups were not allowed to act privately.

This approach was resisted by conscientious battle groups, including the Knights of Scales under the leadership of his father. His father joined some battle groups and ignored orders to go out for rescue. But what they didn't know was that they got lava every time before. The movements of the snapping turtles were sent to them with a delay. This was because Paimeng’s father made a time difference according to the advice given by others, and did so deliberately. This suggestion was given by Paimeng, who was intern with his father at the time.

  Because of the incorrect time, the lava snapping turtle had already landed when the ship arrived. At this time, it was definitely too late to rescue. Therefore, listing father and those battle groups can only rush to fight, trying to delay time, and wait for the subsequent battle groups to come.

Since the battle groups they came to rescue were first to resist, and the people who wanted to rescue Ocean City, the total number of the battle groups was not very large, so they were not the opponents of lava snapping turtles at all. In the end, they could only fight to the death. When it was about the same time, it was finally delayed until the Seven Sins Trial brought other battle groups.

   Later, the battle against the mother beast failed because the lava snapping turtle was too powerful. Afterwards, the death toll in Ocean City was too high to hide. In order to quell the people's anger, the Federal Assembly made a trial against the father of the battle commander.

In the trial court, Pimeng’s father blamed the failure of the plan on his father and the war groups that kept ordering to leave the ship without permission, because they acted privately and overtly attacked the lava snapping turtle, causing heavy casualties and undermining the original plan. It was deployment that made the battle plan fail.

However, everyone knows what the facts are. Because with the strength shown by the lava snapping turtles at the time, no matter what the plan is, the lava snapping turtles could not be defeated by the combat power at the time. The Seven Sins Trial was not from the beginning. What battle plan should be formulated, and the best thing to do is to find a way to lure it away, but these are useless to say, losses have already been caused.

In order to quell the popular anger, the Federation removed the post of Commander of the Seven Sins Trial of Sending Meng’s Father, and then let all the crimes die in the battle, as well as the war regiments that usually have little merit and have a large number of deaths. This is a godlike operation. It finally calmed down the anger against the people whose real situation was unknown.

   Don’t ask why people still don’t know the truth when there is the Internet, and don’t ask why refugees can’t get the specific information from them at the time. There are many and complex reasons.

Anyway, in the end, the Federal Assembly only removed one person from office, leaving the dead behind, disbanding many battle groups, reorganizing the remaining battle groups, and assigning them to the reorganized battle groups according to personal wishes, and then concealing them. The truth quelled the people's anger.

The current Knights of the Stars is actually a new battle group that inherited the previous generation designation after the reorganization. The members of the older generation are all transferred from the people who have been cancelled the battle group designation, because they have been worried about the battle of Ocean City. , I hate the Seven Sins Trial, which caused them to lose the glory of the battle group, and hate the way the Seven Sins Trial uses innocent people as bait. The thoughts of these new members of the new regiment affect the new members, and they are in subtle influence. , Plus the harsh methods used in the Seven Sins Trial to deal with some things so far, so that the Knights of the Stars have been indifferent and even disgusted with the people on the Seven Sins Trial.

For some reason, Luo Lie did not participate in the Battle of the Mother Beasts in Ocean City, and did not know what happened. After his father died, he worked hard to become the head of the newly reorganized Knights of Scales, to commemorate his father. He wanted to understand the events at the time through his position. He didn't have any doubts about his father's death. He just wanted to know what happened at the time.

   By the way, even though the commander of the Seven Sins Trial was dismissed due to poor command in the First Battle of Ocean City, he was rewarded at least because of the casualties of the members. Paimeng also inherited the position of his father's commander under the operation of the family.

Luo Lie and Paimeng were classmates in the past, and their relationship was very similar to brothers. After Paimeng knew about the investigation of Ocean City, he blocked them everywhere because he didn't want people to know that during the Battle of Ocean City, he delayed sending the mother beast. He made the idea. There were a lot of people present when he made his idea, and many of them were not the people on the Seven Sins Trial. Although they were close to the battle group, it is difficult to guarantee that no one would leak it. Once this matter is stabbed out , His current position as head of the group is definitely not guaranteed.

For this reason, he once dispatched people in the Seven Sins Trial to secretly get rid of the insider at the time, but didn't want the last insider to be seriously injured in the chase and to be listed for rescue when he was about to die, although the last person was still He died, but Luo Lie also learned from him what Parmon had done.

Although Luo Lie’s father died in battle, it is also indirectly related to what Paimeng did. Therefore, Luo Lie approached Paimeng to ask for an explanation. He really couldn’t believe that his brother, whom he had always trusted, would actually be so sad. It was a matter of conscience, and the two broke up. Caesar was thirteen years old that year.

   "Since it doesn't make sense, then I can only offend."

"Listen to the commander, you shouldn’t forget the rules of the battle group department. During the discovery of the giant beast and the crusade, if there are two or more battle groups on the scene, the command authority needs to be determined, and the joint crusade shall not be private. Leaving the group, the command can be discussed in private and can be applied for arbitration. The ownership of the behemoth is assigned by all the battle groups of the command. The distribution follows the principle of more work, more income." Caesar said tepidly.

   "Of course I know this rule, but don't forget, the rule will only take effect when the number of team members reaches 100 or more." Listed a bit of a bad feeling in his heart.

   "Yes, so more than a hundred of our seven sins judges have come." Caesar smiled.

"Impossible. If there are a large number of people stationed nearby, it is impossible for my group members to not know." Luo Lie frowned and set up a guard. The Knights of Scales have done a good job all the time. It is impossible to bring a hundred people close to it. do not know.

   "Oh, our seven sinners are stationed in the woods more than ten kilometers away. In order to show my sincerity, I only brought twenty people here." Caesar said.

   "Listed as the commander, since you rejected my proposal, then I have to apply for arbitration to gain command."

"To apply for arbitration, you need to apply to the battle group department. When the arbitrator is sent from above, I don't have time to spend with the monsters now. Do you know how much damage will be suffered here in one more day?" Luo Lie said sharply. .

   "I don't have time to waste, so I have brought the arbitrator along the way, and he will come with my remaining 80 or so members." Caesar looked like everything was under control.

   "You..." After hearing Caesar's words, his complexion inevitably changed. At the same time, he sighed in his heart that if there is a father, there must be a son, and everything does not leak.

   After Chen Fang listened to the conversation between the two people below, he was full of jealousy about this Caesar.

   "You know I will refuse, why don't you just bring the arbitration and all the members over?" Luo Lie asked.

   "Uncle Luolie, I can't bring everyone here from the beginning." Caesar shook his head and said.


"Actually, my father didn't know when I came here this time. My father was injured and needed a lot of rejuvenation potions, but I couldn't get it for a while. I just heard that Uncle, you were fighting against the giant beast, so I brought someone over." Caesar confessed.

   "I know that because of my father, you will not be able to see the people who are on trial for the Seven Sins, so I made two preparations."

"If Uncle Luo Lie does not count the grievances of the older generation on me, then I will take everyone to join the behemoth crusade and go under the command of Uncle Luo Lie. Life and death will be left to the sky without complaints, and I just want to resurrect. The materials of the medicine were arranged by the three masters of Kuoliu's family and then they were taken back to my father." Caesar did not forget to bow to the three of Chao Kuoliu's family.

   "If Uncle Luo Lie disagrees, then I can only offend my uncle and apply for arbitration command. After all, my father was seriously injured. As a son, I can't sit idly by, but I don't want to see this situation." Caesar smiled bitterly.

"The reason why I didn’t bring all the people here is because I didn’t want to offend you uncle as a last resort. After all, my uncle had a bad relationship with my father, but I had nothing to do with my uncle. On the contrary, I have always admired him since I was a child. you."

"On the way, I have always hoped that you can agree to my proposal, uncle, so that I can accomplish my goal without offending my uncle, but I was wrong. Uncle Luo, who has been admired since childhood, turns out to be an old man who will continue the grievances of the older generation to the unprovoked younger generation. People, alas." Caesar looked disappointed.

Let me go. If this is acting, he is more bullish than Blue Star's actor. Chen Fang looks at Caesar with a strong voice. A pair of Caesar who is caught in a dilemma between his father and Luo Lie, if it is not for the faint rejection of his heart, he will be a little bit Moved.

  Caesar's words made Luo Lie a little moved, thinking that because of the fact that he did not like Caesar very much for reasons of faction, is it a bit too much, implicating the grievances of the older generation on Caesar?

   "Caesar, what you said is right, I shouldn't treat you like this, it's my fault." Luo Lie sighed.

   "Uncle Luolie, I didn't blame you when I said it."

   "I would like to emphasize here that as long as my uncle agrees, the proposal just now is still valid, and the matter of arbitration will be treated as if I haven't mentioned it." Caesar said with a smile, his performance was very angry and made people feel good.



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