The film was shot in the theater, but the director was very satisfied.

Chapter 192: Explosive acting!

Director Yu was quite satisfied with Zhou Yu’s appearance and the camera language. Zhou Yu’s ancient costume was indeed very good-looking and in line with the character’s temperament. But the next step was the key point. The camera would give a close-up of Zhou Yu’s facial expression and his subsequent conversation with Yang Qian. Although Zhou Yu told him not to worry, he was quite nervous. It would be bad if Zhou Yu messed up.

Peng Yun watched this scene with interest. Next, he would see how this guy made a fool of himself.

Even the other members of the crew were looking at Zhou Yu and Yang Qian in the scene. In the courtyard, artificial rainfall was taking place. Zhou Yu, dressed in white, holding an oil-paper umbrella, looked at Yang Qian, who was sitting alone by the pool.

The camera switched from Zhou Yu’s sight to a close-up of Zhou Yu, and then pushed to his facial expression.

The next moment, Ning Wanqiu and Yuanyuan became nervous. They didn’t know if the boss could film a movie, after all, they had never seen it. It was true that the boss read the script, but no one had ever seen a real filming.

Director Yu was also looking forward to it. Was Zhou Yu’s previous words arrogant, or did he really know how to film?

Everyone looked at the monitor, and Zhou Yu’s expression could be clearly seen in the picture sent back from the camera.

Zhou Yu held the umbrella with one hand and put the other hand on his waist. The rain slid down the oil-paper umbrella to the ground, making his expression look a little hazy. This kind of atmosphere is very good, and Director Yu likes this kind of atmosphere very much.

But the real exciting part still depends on Zhou Yu’s next performance.

When he moved his head slightly closer, he gave a close-up of Zhou Yu’s facial expression. Everyone instantly took a breath of cold air, their heartbeats suddenly accelerated, and their eyes were full of surprise.

“Zhou Yu’s eyes…”

Director Yu was shocked by Zhou Yu’s eyes, the coldness with a touch of heartache and love. He played the love of a cold master for his disciples vividly. Although there are no lines, everyone can feel the emotion he wants to express from this look.

Especially this kind of scene without lines is the biggest and most difficult test for an actor’s acting skills. Because there are no lines, you can’t use language to express your emotions. You must rely on your facial expressions and body movements to express, which is a big test for an actor’s acting skills and experience.

But from Zhou Yu’s eyes, he expressed this emotion very well. The master is cold on the outside but warm on the inside. He usually looks strict, cold and unkind. But in his heart, he was extremely warm and cared about the disciple played by Yang Qian.

Zhou Yu played the contradiction between his character and inner emotions very well!

Director Yu looked at the monitor, his heart was full of excitement, but he held back, did not speak, and stared at the screen. Because he knew that after the actors entered the play, they should not be disturbed by some things, so that the effect of the filming would be the best. Even if there were any questions or words, they had to wait until the filming was finished.

On the other hand, Peng Yun frowned at the moment. Zhou Yu’s eyes really surprised him.

Did this guy go for private training?

Otherwise, it would be difficult for a singer to get into the role and perform such a professional look without any foundation.

“Acting is not just about these, the lines are also very challenging.”

He comforted himself, thinking that even if Zhou Yu had been trained and studied. But the lines are not something that can be practiced in a day or two. This not only takes a lot of time, but also requires professional teachers to teach. The most important thing is that an actor needs to keep filming and gain experience, and practical experience is the most important.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many actors now, and after filming, they would need dubbing teachers to dub.

Especially now that those idols come to film, the lines are so embarrassing that even they can’t listen to them. Peng Yun felt that even if Zhou Yu had been trained and studied, he lacked practical experience, so his lines were probably not very good.

Ning Wanqiu and Yuanyuan were shocked by Zhou Yu’s eye play.

“Sister Wanqiu, the boss seems to be really good.”

Yuanyuan couldn’t help but whisper to Ning Wanqiu. She only knew

The boss is very good at music. But after seeing his eye acting, it seemed like a new door was opened for Yuanyuan. Just looking at that look just now, I guess many idols can’t act it out. It seems that my boss is really versatile.

Ning Wanqiu also nodded. Zhou Yu can act in movies, which is something they didn’t know before. But it seems that some of the inherent views on Zhou Yu have to be changed today. Before, I just thought that Zhou Yu was so talented in music, which was already very good. As for filming, she thought it was probably not good. Without professional training and learning, it is difficult to improve acting skills.

Moreover, a person’s energy is limited, and Zhou Yu’s talent in music is already enviable. Many people on the Internet are saying which window God closed for Zhou Yu, making him so talented in music.

As a result, they also discovered Zhou Yu’s new skills when they came here for a guest appearance.

The plot continued. Director Yu spoke on the intercom: “Zhou Yu, go over there. Yang Qian, turn your head slowly after Zhou Yu speaks.”

In the scene, Zhou Yu slowly walked towards Yang Qian and covered her body with an umbrella.

After noticing the change, Yang Qian turned slightly and raised her head. She looked at Zhou Yu blankly, not knowing whether it was tears or rain on her face.

The camera pushed up from Yang Qian’s sight, and Zhou Yu looked extremely tall in her eyes.


Yang Qian’s voice was a little choked and hoarse. The fear of being discovered by the master crying alone and being lazy without practicing swordsmanship was well expressed in her expression and body language.

The camera pushed to Zhou Yu’s facial expression. He looked indifferent and glanced at Yang Qian.

Director Yu and the others also became nervous, because the next thing was Zhou Yu’s few lines.

Peng Yun also stared at the monitor, and the corners of his mouth began to rise. He felt that Zhou Yu’s lines were probably not up to standard.

Zhou Yu glanced at Yang Qian coldly and said in a cold voice: “If you want to be lazy, then don’t stay here.”

Zhou Yu’s eyes have changed now. He no longer has the heartache and pampering that he felt when he saw Yang Qian alone and sad. His face was full of indifference, even with a hint of displeasure.

Yang Qian was panic-stricken and nervous. She quickly stood up and wiped the water stains on her face that she didn’t know whether it was rain or tears. The two of them were one high and one low. Yang Qian was stubborn and strong, and looked at Zhou Yu with a hint of apology.

“Master, I’ll go right away!”

Zhou Yu looked at her clothes and hair wet by the rain and snorted coldly: “We don’t keep idle people in Luoxue Mountain Villa.”

Although the words were ruthless, Zhou Yu’s umbrella that was slightly tilted towards Yang Qian and his half shoulder in the rain exposed his heart.

The camera pulled up and gave a close-up of this scene.

Yang Qian felt a little aggrieved, but she didn’t dare to refute: “Disciple knows.”

Director Yu and the others didn’t dare to blink, and watched Zhou Yu’s reaction closely from the monitor.

Yang Qian turned around and prepared to go back to practice in the rain. Zhou Yu had a very detailed action here, which they didn’t design, but Zhou Yu designed a chase action himself. He didn’t stop until Yang Qian’s figure ran away.

At this time, the camera pushed to Zhou Yu’s face again, with a cold expression, but his eyes were always staring at Yang Qian’s departing back, his eyes were full of heartache, and finally he sighed softly.

The rain slid down the oil-paper umbrella, “tick-tick” and fell on the ground, and this scene ended.

Director Yu excitedly shouted directly: “Cut!”

“It’s over!”

Before Zhou Yu and the others came over, Director Yu had already walked out of the studio excitedly and came out to greet Zhou Yu and the others in person, his eyes full of surprise.

“Zhou Yu, your acting is amazing. Tell me honestly, did you go down and sign up for a class?”

He didn’t believe that Zhou Yu could achieve such a good performance in his first filming without systematic training and learning. Some expressions and emotional processing, as well as the random movements, did not look like a newcomer who was filming for the first time. Just looking at Zhou Yu’s eye scenes just now, he felt that they were better than many young people in the circle.

Half of Zhou Yu’s shoulder was wet, and Yuanyuan hurriedly took a towel and clothes to pick him up. In this winter, after filming such a scene, you must change the wet clothes as soon as possible, otherwise you will catch a cold easily.

While Zhou Yu was holding the clothes and preparing to change, he said to Director Yu: “I really don’t have this.”

He looked at Peng Yun, who was livid and didn’t say a word, and then looked at Director Yu and said half-jokingly.

“Maybe this is talent.”

“Director Yu, I’m going to change my clothes first, and we’ll talk later.”

Director Yu looked at Zhou Yu’s wet clothes and hurriedly said:

“Okay, okay, don’t catch a cold, go quickly.”

Zhou Yu and Yang Qian went to change clothes, and now only Director Yu and his team were left on the scene.

The crew members next to them were also discussing Zhou Yu’s performance just now.

“I found that Zhou Yu’s acting skills are also pretty good. He doesn’t feel like a singer who has just started filming.”

“Indeed, judging from his eyes and lines just now, he definitely doesn’t look like a newcomer. He gives me the feeling of an old actor who has been acting for many years.”

“Maybe he really put in a lot of effort in private. I feel that he is much better than Peng Yun.”

“I also think that Peng Yun, the male lead, has average acting skills. I think Zhou Yu’s eyes just now can kill him in seconds.”

Peng Yun’s expression was extremely ugly when he heard these words. Director Yu also looked at him, sneered in his heart, and spoke earnestly.

“Xiao Peng, sometimes we can’t talk too much. You don’t have any scenes these days. If you have time, come and see more and learn more from Zhou Yu.”

After saying that, Director Yu walked into the studio, leaving Peng Yun, with a flushed face, alone in the cold wind.

Thanks to book friends Yumian Luosha, Cute Koala, 38728, Crazy Flowers, Snow and Moon? Emperor Yi, Shicheng※Wanderer, Tenderly Wrapped Fingertips, 29042, 42015, 35672, Wanwansui, Pillar at the Gate, Panasia, and Fallen Lucifer for voting for the monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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