The film was shot in the theater, but the director was not very interested.

Chapter 193 Is there a kissing scene?

Peng Yun looked at Director Yu, and Zhou Yu, who had changed his clothes and was chatting happily with Director Yu, and was surrounded by everyone again. His heart was full of complexities.

Especially when he saw Zhou Yu’s eyes looking at him inadvertently, with a hint of teasing. Even those other people in the crew who stood with him before and looked down on Zhou Yu looked at him with a hint of sarcasm and ridicule.

Zhou Yu conquered them with his acting skills, and this group of fence-sitters immediately turned to Zhou Yu and abandoned him.

Especially when he thought of Director Yu’s words just now, Peng Yun held his breath in his heart, and felt as if there was a burning pain on his face. It was like being slapped hard, and the strange eyes of the people in the surrounding crew. Looking at him, it was as if he was looking at a clown, which made him feel a little red.

Looking at Zhou Yu’s figure, Peng Yun had an unreal feeling. Is this guy a human being?

Zhou Yu’s achievements in music are beyond reproach, and he also admitted this. But he never thought that Zhou Yu’s acting skills were so good! Just those few eye plays just now were no worse than those old actors. Even Zhou Yu’s line skills were very good, and he didn’t look like a newcomer who was filming for the first time.

This was something he had never expected. A person’s energy is limited. Zhou Yu’s achievements in music are already so high that many people look up to him. This advantage alone can be called a genius. But everyone knows that no one is perfect. A person who can have a successful career is already amazing to others. But Zhou Yu has such extraordinary talent and talent in music, and he is also gifted in acting.

Peng Yun felt that Zhou Yu had spent a lot of energy to achieve such good results in music. Even if he was a genius, God opened this door for him, and he must have closed other windows for him.

In the end, not only did he not close other windows for Zhou Yu, but he also opened such a big door for him.

This is really unfair!

Peng Yun was depressed, looking at Zhou Yu’s figure, and then looking at Yang Qian who was beside him and talking happily with him, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

It’s no wonder that Yang Qian ignored him. With such an excellent boy like Zhou Yu by his side, if he were Yang Qian, he probably wouldn’t look down on other men.

He sighed in his heart and shook his head. He didn’t want to stay here and wait to be laughed at, so he walked away.

Let the crew finish filming Zhou Yu and Yang Qian’s scenes in the next few days, so that he wouldn’t be bothered if he didn’t see them.

He felt that Zhou Yu was just a guest star anyway, and there weren’t many scenes. He is the protagonist. When the show is broadcast, he will have the most scenes and he will be the one who benefits the most. Zhou Yu can only be regarded as adding color to the male protagonist.

On Zhou Yu’s side, Director Yu took him and Yang Qian to watch the scene they just shot, and Director Yu praised it highly.

“This scene is very good, especially Zhou Yu, your acting skills really surprised me!”

Director Yu looked at Zhou Yu with a face full of appreciation and surprise: “You kid, honestly, have you been trained privately? This acting and line skills are not like a newcomer at all.”

Even Yang Qian and other people in the crew looked at Zhou Yu with some curiosity. To be honest, before seeing Zhou Yu’s performance today, they really didn’t expect Zhou Yu’s acting skills to be so good. Even many people in the crew thought that Zhou Yu was just a singer, and he must be the same as those idols who transformed before to play this role. Just pose, say a few numbers, and do some post-dubbing.

As a result, Zhou Yu’s acting skills made them feel bright and even surprised.

They saw the scene just now very clearly. Zhou Yu’s eyes and lines were just like those of an old actor who had been on the set for many years. Especially the action of Yang Qian running into the rain at the end, and Zhou Yu chasing her for a step and then stopping. This was not in the script, and Zhou Yu added this action, which made the image of the role of Master Yang Qian more three-dimensional.

Even Yang Qian blinked her beautiful eyes, sat on the stool, and looked up at Zhou Yu. Her smooth neck was straight, and her beautiful and delicate face stared at Zhou Yu, and her red lips moved slightly.

Zhou Yu looked down at her. This woman really exuded the charm of a mature woman all the time.

He smiled, looked at Director Yu and said, “Nothing, I figured it out by myself.”

As for acting, Zhou Yu was also a veteran who had been on the set for many years in his previous life. Although he had never been reused and had not played any leading roles, his acting skills had improved a lot over the years.

So for him, acting was still no problem.

Director Yu and the others also smiled when they heard Zhou Yu say this. To figure it out by himself, in their understanding, was to learn and spend time on it.

He patted Zhou Yu on the shoulder and said, “Not bad, not bad. You can work hard. With this acting skill, you will definitely have no problem in the entertainment industry in the future.”

Director Yu was originally worried that if Zhou Yu’s acting skills were not good, he would have to use post-dubbing. Unexpectedly, this guy was not only good, but also very good. He had full confidence in Zhou Yu for the next important role.

Moreover, judging from Zhou Yu’s acting skills today and his maturity in responding to situations on the set, he is not inferior to those veteran actors at all. It can even be said that among the current young generation, Yu Dao thinks Zhou Yu’s acting skills are very good and can stand at the top of the young generation.

“Then let’s shoot the next few scenes. Zhou Yu, you will be busy later. After shooting in these two days, you will have nothing to do.”

Yu Dao knew that Zhou Yu was busy, so he put all other plots aside. Anyway, he only had a few important scenes here.

“No problem for me.”

Zhou Yu was naturally ready to finish shooting and leave early. He was indeed busy later.

Yang Qian also stood up. She had just changed into the costumes for the next scene and could start shooting at any time.

“This scene is a scene under the sunset. It is a very important emotional scene. I checked the weather forecast, and judging from the weather today, the sunset should be very beautiful. We will start shooting in the evening.”

It is already past four in the afternoon. If we wait a little longer, the winter sunset will come.

The crew had already prepared the props and scene settings for this scene, and were waiting to shoot at sunset.

Yang Qian sat next to Zhou Yu, familiarizing herself with the script. However, Yang Qian glanced at Zhou Yu from time to time, with a hint of discomfort in her eyes.

“Why are you looking at me? Haven’t you memorized your lines?”

Zhou Yu had memorized the lines long ago, and was familiar with the plot. He even remembered Yang Qian’s lines, so he didn’t need to read the script here.

Yang Qian sat next to Zhou Yu, wearing a red dress, looking like a classical person. After hearing Zhou Yu’s words, she couldn’t help but speak.

“Don’t you know what the scene is about?”

Zhou Yu looked at Yang Qian with a puzzled look. Isn’t the scene about the warming relationship between him, the master, and Yang Qian, the apprentice? After some things, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up. The master played the piano in the sunset, and the apprentice danced with him…

This is a plot that Zhou Yu thought was very old-fashioned, but it is very suitable for this kind of costume drama.

Is there anything wrong with this?

Yang Qian rolled her eyes at this guy: “Didn’t you read the script I just sent you at noon?”

Zhou Yu read it, but only read the first part. Seeing that there was no change from the previous part, he didn’t continue to read it. Could it be that the latter scene has been modified.

“Then tell me, what’s different about this scene?”

He looked at Yang Qian helplessly. This woman, wouldn’t it be better to tell him that the script had changed earlier? Just send the script and say nothing. He thought Yang Qian was afraid that he would forget the plot, so she sent it to him specially.

Yang Qian’s face was a little ruddy. Looking at Zhou Yu, she pursed her red lips. At this time, Director Yu had already greeted them.

“Zhou Yu, Yang Qian, come quickly, the weather is very good, hurry up, let’s hurry up, if we miss it today, we will have to see if we can make it tomorrow.”

Yang Qian was about to speak when she was interrupted by Director Yu. With a slightly red face, she stood up and said, “Oh, there is no change. Just listen to Director Yu’s instructions later.”

Then she stood up and left, leaving Zhou Yu with a confused face.

This woman said half of her words and didn’t finish them. There is no change, so is there any change?

Shaking her head, she also walked over, and the scene officially started shooting.

Under the setting sun, Zhou Yu sat there playing the piano, and Yang Qian danced in the courtyard in a red dress. Zhou Yu was proficient in musical instruments, and he casually played his “Lanting Preface”. In this scene later, Director Yu and his team will have their own soundtrack.

With the afterglow of the setting sun, Zhou Yu’s zither music, and Yang Qian dancing in the sunset, the beauty and the scenery, everything is just right…

Director Yu looked at the screen on the monitor, Zhou Yu played the zither, with a gentle and doting look on his face.

Looking at Yang Qian. While dancing, Yang Qian looked at Zhou Yu with a touch of love in her eyes.

“Not bad, not bad, this scene is good.”

This is the scene he wanted, beautiful women and picturesque scenery.

“Yang Qian, go over there.”

Director Yu saw that the time was almost right, picked up the intercom and reminded her. Yang Qian slowly walked towards Zhou Yu with a dance, and Director Yu spoke again.

“When Yang Qian comes to you, Zhou Yu, you raise your head and look at him. Remember, your eyes should be full of love and tenderness.”

Director Yu was afraid that without his reminder, Zhou Yu and the others would not be able to shoot well, but the effect presented by the two of them was indeed very good.

The eyes were gentle, and they looked at each other with love.

Yang Qian looked at Zhou Yu’s face so closely, handsome and handsome, especially the gentle, loving and doting eyes. Even though she knew it was acting, it made her heart tremble and her heartbeat unconsciously accelerated a lot.

“Okay, Yang Qian, kiss me!”

Recently, I’m preparing to lay the groundwork for a new plot. I feel that many readers are tired of singing all the time. I also feel tired of writing, and the subscription is not increasing. I talked to the editor, and it also allowed me to enter the new plot, otherwise it would be easy to get tired of it. I will intersperse the singer and the new plot. The old plot will continue, and the new plot will start to be laid.

Finally, I ask for monthly tickets and subscriptions at the beginning of the month!

(End of this chapter)

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