The song was a big success, but it was not until the beginning of the new year.

Chapter 6: The Queen Talks About Music (Seeking Follow-up Reading)

Before the release of Wen Shiyi’s song and when it was just online, the data showed that the response was mediocre, and everyone thought that this once first-line singer would end. But who knew that a few hours after Wen Shiyi’s new song was online, the word of mouth suddenly reversed, and the data rose rapidly, even on the hot search list of Weibo, Wen Shiyi occupied several.

In this situation, those who had watched the show before were stunned.

What’s going on? How did Wen Shiyi suddenly rush to the hot search, and on several of them? Did she spend money to buy hot searches?

However, when I clicked in, I saw that there were tens of thousands of likes and reposts, which did not seem to be bought at all.

In the comment area, everyone was discussing Wen Shiyi’s new song “Period”.

“Have you listened to the new song “Period” by Goddess Shiyi? It’s really nice. I rarely hear poetry singing rap.”

“After listening to it, I thought that Goddess Shiyi had found an unknown newcomer for this song, and the quality was very poor. I went to listen to it and found that this song was really well written. Whether it is the lyrics or the music, it doesn’t sound like it was written by a newcomer, but rather like a senior master in the circle.”

“I just listened to it too. I thought it was a lyrical love song before, but it turned out to be a fast-paced song, and this song seems to be written about something between Wen Shiyi and her original company.”

“What happened between her and Starlight Entertainment? Didn’t they break up peacefully?”

“You above are too naive. If it was a peaceful breakup, Wen Shiyi would have retired at the peak of her career. I believe no artist would give up a bright future. In addition, Wen Shiyi has now come out to start her own company, but the new song was written by a newcomer, and the teacher who had worked with her for a long time before has… Not one, doesn’t that mean something? ”

“I heard about it, too. It seems that the rumor on the Internet is that Star Entertainment had a conflict with Wen Shiyi, and issued an order in the circle to ban her.”

“Ah? What conflict?”

“A friend of mine in the circle said before that it seems that Wang, the current president of Star Entertainment, pursued Wen Shiyi before. You all know the unspoken rules in the entertainment circle. After being rejected, he began to suppress Wen Shiyi. Everyone knows what happened next.”

“And didn’t you notice that Li Xue, who was suppressed by Wen Shiyi before, soared to the sky after Wen Shiyi retired, directly from the third line to the current first-line singer, and there are often gossips about her and Wang on the Internet. Now it seems to be true.”

Now everyone knows that Wen Shiyi’s song “Period” is about the relationship between her and her former company Star Entertainment. Later, the matter of Wen Shiyi’s retirement was brought up again. The power of netizens is strong. Many people found clues from the events of that year and speculated the conflict between Wen Shiyi and her former company, Starlight Entertainment.

After all, some rumors on the Internet are not groundless. Although there were such news before, it was a bit of a big fuss at the beginning, but Wen Shiyi was suppressed by Starlight Entertainment and had no ability to speak out. In addition, Starlight Entertainment deliberately suppressed the matter, so it did not cause any waves at the beginning.

However, this time, Wen Shiyi’s new song “Period” raised the heat of the matter between her and Starlight Entertainment. Among these netizens who eat melons, there are many capable ones. They can find out about this matter by asking people in the circle.

“You didn’t just find out, did you? This is no longer a secret in the industry.”

“I knew something before and heard some rumors, but I didn’t know whether it was true or not. Now it seems that this is true.”

“Indeed, the current CEO Wang of Starlight Entertainment has always had a bad reputation. There are too many gossips, and he seems to be someone who can do such a thing.”

“Damn! That fat pig dares to covet my goddess Shiyi? Fortunately, Goddess Shiyi didn’t agree. Woohoo, I will always support Goddess Shiyi!”

“Damn! Wang Tian is really a bastard. He can’t use his hidden rules on my goddess, so he’s going to ban her, right? I’m going to support the goddess’ new song right away! Go!”

In a high-end residential area somewhere in Zhonghai City, Lin Jiajia, the blogger of the popular music review live broadcast “Yujie Chats about Music”, was sitting in front of her computer, writing a manuscript. Looking at Wen Shiyi’s new song “Period” displayed on her mobile phone, a touch of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

“I didn’t expect her new song to be of such good quality.”

As a music review blogger with tens of millions of fans on the Internet and 2,500 fans on Douyin, she is always watching the new songs of artists in the circle. As long as a new song is online, she will listen to it and then record a music review video to release it.

Relying on sharp and objective music reviews, Lin Jiajia quickly became popular on the Internet. In addition, she never shows her face, only her figure and voice, which adds a bit of mystery to her. Every time fans watch her videos, from the pair of beautiful legs that like to wear stockings, the perfect figure, and the strong royal sister voice, people have endless reverie.

Lin Jiajia sat on a chair with a pair of beautiful legs in her arms, wearing denim shorts, and a pair of white and sexy legs exposed to the air. Because she was pressed under her body, there was a red indentation on her plump thigh.

“Zhou Yu…”

Looking at the songwriter of Wen Shiyi’s song, Lin Jiajia became interested. She had never heard of this person before. The new song he wrote for Wen Shiyi this time was of very good quality, as if it was tailor-made for Wen Shiyi.

“Could it be a pseudonym opened by a teacher in the circle?”

In order to avoid offending Xingguang Entertainment, he used an alias to replace the song he wrote?

This is what Lin Jiajia thinks is most likely. Zhou Yu, this seems to be a real name, but it is not certain that it is a pseudonym opened by a master in the circle to help Wen Shiyi write songs.

However, she felt that this was a newcomer, not a pseudonym. She really wanted to see who was so sacred that she dared to stand up and write songs for her when Xingguang Entertainment blocked Wen Shiyi. And if this is a newcomer, then the music scene will be lively in the future.

Moreover, she herself is also a fan of Wen Shiyi, and she is also half a person in the entertainment industry. She knows more about some inside stories than ordinary people. As a woman, she also sympathizes with Wen Shiyi’s experience. Now there is such a powerful person to write songs for her idol, Lin Jiajia thinks it is still good.

“I’m afraid this song will tear a hole in the blockade of Starlight Entertainment.”

Looking at how Wen Shiyi’s new song is rising so fast on the new song list, it has risen from more than 20 to 15th in just half a day. When I wake up tomorrow, it is estimated that it will be in the top ten, or even higher.

Once Wen Shiyi’s song rushes to the front, the blockade of Starlight Entertainment will be useless.

“Done, post the video.”

After typing the last word, Lin Jiajia started recording the video. After everything was ready, she clicked to publish.

As a big blogger, she had a lot of traffic once the video was released, especially this time she also commented on Wen Shiyi’s new song, which is very popular now, which directly rushed to Douyin’s hot search list.

Please read, vote and collect!

(End of this chapter)

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