The song was a big success, but it was not until the end of the year that the song was released.

Chapter 7 I can’t sit still

Originally, Wen Shiyi’s song is quite popular now. As a big blogger, Lin Jiajia’s music review video became popular as soon as it was released, especially her analysis of the song, which was very reasonable and objective, which also made Wen Shiyi’s song more popular.

“Hello, babies, today I want to tell you about Wen Shiyi’s new song “Period…”

In the video, Lin Jiajia wore a simple suspender skirt, with a sexy figure, and her pair of white and shiny legs made many fans lick the screen. In the video, Lin Jiajia did not show her face, but looking at this, the graceful figure, listening to the seductive royal sister voice, it is hard to stop.

“I believe many of you have already listened to Wen Shiyi’s “Period”. If I remember correctly, this is the first song released by Wen Shiyi after she retired for a year. I guess many people, like me, thought that this song was a love song written for lovers when they first saw the title and heard the song.”

“But when I listened to the song carefully and read the meaning of Wen Shiyi’s song carefully, I found that this song is not a love song as we understand it, but a farewell song between her and her original company Star Entertainment. Everyone knows that Wen Shiyi announced that she would not renew her contract with Star Entertainment after her contract expired after retiring for a year and set up her own company. In Wen Shiyi’s career In her career, it can be said that Starlight Entertainment is her mentor. ”

“Four years ago, Wen Shiyi was discovered by Chu Yang, the music director of Starlight Entertainment. She reached the peak of her career when she debuted. After that, Wen Shiyi rose strongly. Every album and every single performed well and became a first-line star. I believe everyone still remembers Wen Shiyi’s well-known and popular songs. Later, due to some reasons, Wen Shiyi retired for a year at the peak of her career and announced this year that she would not renew her contract with Starlight Entertainment…”

Lin Jiajia did not mention the conflict between Wen Shiyi and Starlight Entertainment in the video. After all, she is also half an insider. If she said it clearly in the video, Starlight Entertainment might find her and ask her to delete the video or something.

And now this matter has spread on the Internet. She doesn’t need to say more about it in her video. Netizens know it themselves, so there is no need to cause trouble for herself.

“Although Wen Shiyi has left Starlight Entertainment, Starlight Entertainment has played an extremely important role in her career. Her song “Period” is a summary of her previous four years of singing career, and also a farewell and gratitude to her original company Starlight Entertainment.”

“In Wen Shiyi’s song, there is no criticism and accusation, no sharpness and harm, no pity and self-pity. She is such a gentle and kind person. This song carries a little warmth and bitterness in the memories…”

“This is Wen Shiyi’s farewell to the past and her outlook for the future.”

At the end of the video, Wen Shiyi Yi also gave high praise to Zhou Yu, the songwriter: “I admire the courage and talent of Mr. Zhou Yu who wrote this song. The song he wrote is very bold in terms of lyrics and music. He dares to break through the singer’s style and create boldly, which allows us to see a different Wen Shiyi. Especially the whole song is completely tailored for Wen Shiyi. I hope that Mr. Zhou Yu can bring us more and better music works in the future…”

Lin Jiajia’s music review video is about ten minutes long, which is a very long video for short videos. But her video is basically watched by many people. After watching it, everyone has a deeper understanding of Wen Shiyi’s song through her video, and even everyone has paid attention to Zhou Yu, the new songwriter who wrote the song for Wen Shiyi and has never heard of it before.

Especially in the video, Lin Jiajia mentioned the things between Wen Shiyi and Star Entertainment. Now that the things back then were exposed again, the popularity instantly surged. More and more people learned the truth about Wen Shiyi being forced to retire, and that she is still banned by Star Entertainment, which made her fans even more angry.

“I was wondering why Wen Shiyi retired when she was so popular back then. It turned out that it was all Star Entertainment’s fault.”

“Wow, Shiyi baby is so gentle, I really cried to death. Star Entertainment treated her like this, but she didn’t criticize or complain in this song, and she was still thanking Star Entertainment for that.

Le, Teacher Chu Yang’s kindness, she is really good. ”

“Alas, it is true. Xingguang Entertainment is Wen Shiyi’s mentor. Before the change of boss, it really spent a lot of effort to promote her. Teacher Chu Yang wrote many songs for Wen Shiyi back then, who knew it would end up like this.”

“It’s the new boss, that Wang what-so-ever, he is really a piece of shit, there are a lot of gossips, and he even wants to take advantage of our goddess Shiyi, damn!”

“I am more curious now, facing the ban of Xingguang Entertainment, who is Zhou Yu who wrote songs for Wen Shiyi, isn’t he afraid of offending Xingguang Entertainment?”

“You really don’t say, I am also curious about who he is, if he is a newcomer, I don’t think so, could he be the vest of some big boss? ”


On the Internet, after Wen Shiyi’s new song became popular, the matter between her and Star Entertainment was also a hot topic. It was suppressed by Star Entertainment back then, but this time the popularity was so high, and from the beginning to the end, Star Entertainment didn’t think that Wen Shiyi’s song could be popular, and they were not prepared at all. By the time they reacted, the matter had already fermented very strongly, and most of the people on the Internet were criticizing them. Star Entertainment, the popularity could not be suppressed at all.

After learning the news, Mr. Wang, who was still in the villa and communicating deeply with the girl group members, was so angry that he threw his phone.

“Damn! How could she be popular?”

I turned on the computer and saw that the ranking of Wen Shiyi’s new song had risen from more than 20 to 12th. If it continues like this, I’m afraid it will be in the top ten when I wake up tomorrow.

“How could this happen? Why did her song suddenly become popular? ”

Mr. Wang directly turned on his computer in a bathrobe. When he watched Wen Shiyi’s song “Period”, he couldn’t understand why a song written by an unknown newcomer could become popular and help Wen Shiyi turn over?

“Who opened a pseudonym?”

He also realized this. Although he issued a ban order, he couldn’t guarantee that those songwriters would not help Wen Shiyi write songs in private. This time, it was inevitable that someone would open a pseudonym to help her write her new song.

After all, this way, they could hide it from their Starlight Entertainment and make a fortune from Wen Shiyi.

After listening to Wen Shiyi’s song “Period”, Mr. Wang frowned more and more deeply. This song didn’t look like it was written by a newcomer. The lyrics and music were too sophisticated, and they were tailor-made for Wen Shiyi. Anyone who heard it knew that it was talking about the dispute between their company and Wen Shiyi.

“Damn! Who dared to help her? ”

Mr. Wang looked at the song and was sure that it was definitely not written by a newcomer. But he couldn’t figure out who in the circle dared to write a song for Wen Shiyi behind their company’s back?

Although the status of the songwriter standing at the top of the pyramid is very high, it is not a wise choice to offend the giant of Xingguang Entertainment for Wen Shiyi.

The key is now, because of this song, the incident that year was exposed again, and it couldn’t be suppressed. Now the online evaluation of the company and him is very bad.

Picked up the phone, angrily dialed the number of the person in charge of the public relations department: “I don’t care what method you use, suppress this matter for me, even if you can’t suppress it, you have to minimize the impact!”

The person in charge of the public relations department over there was a little embarrassed: “Mr. Wang, the current situation may be a little difficult. This incident happened too suddenly. We were not prepared at all. Things fermented too quickly. It is estimated that the effect is minimal. ”

Hearing this, Wang Tian, ​​who was already in a bad mood, became even more angry, his face flushed, and he shouted directly: “Why do I support you, why does the company support you, suppress it, do your best to reduce the impact, otherwise you don’t have to work as the director!”

“Also, increase the promotion of Li Xue’s new song, as long as it stays in the first place, even if Wen Shiyi’s song is popular, you have to suppress her!”

(End of this chapter)

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