"I have to say, you made a very bad move. Entering my body is no different from seeking death!"Lin Beifan said. The soul that rested on the way of heaven opened its eyes, and then slapped it with a palm.

This palm penetrated the void, entered Lin Beifan's divine sea, and directly hit the remaining soul of the barbarian god.

"ah!!!"The remnant soul of the Barbarian God let out a shrill scream.

Then it turned into spots and was absorbed by Lin Beifan.

Lin Beifan sat down on the spot and digested the memory of the remnant soul of the Barbarian God.

The Barbarian God turned out to be a young man with outstanding talents in the wild world, and then Out of the mountains, out of the mountains, he was invincible all the way, defeated countless masters and seniors, and finally spent hundreds of thousands of years cultivating to become a god, calling himself a barbarian god. After becoming a god, he left the original world to find new opportunities to become stronger. , while looking for opponents to hone themselves, and lived like this for millions of years.

But later, during a treasure hunt, they met an equally powerful god.

The two started a divine battle, and the fight was so intense that the barbarian god was defeated. He was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

He used the last of his divine power to create the Barbarian God Continent, and used his divine body to suppress the continent, suppressing the rules between heaven and earth, so that the world could only refine the body, and wait for someone to become stronger before reborn.

This This is the reason why the Man Emperor encountered unexpected events.

But for so many years, he has not met a satisfactory body.

Until he met Lin Beifan, the machine was too clever and ended up killing himself.

In addition to learning about the life of the Man God In addition, Lin Beifan has obtained all the cultivation experience and knowledge of the Barbarian God.

That is millions of years of accumulation, how rich is it?

Unimaginable richness, Lin Beifan's harvest and accumulation over the years are simply a drop in the bucket in front of the Barbarian God.

These The accumulation provided Lin Beifan with huge reference value for his practice.

"This is the real opportunity!" Lin Beifan said happily.

Now that the culprit was killed, Lin Beifan decided to build a tomb for Emperor Hong. It would not be good to leave his body in the wilderness.

Lin Beifan came to the original bloody space and found that Emperor Hong had been cut off at the waist, and even his hands were cut off. It was cut off, leaving only a head and a torso, which were very desolate.

Hong Di spent almost his whole life fighting against the barbarian gods, turning himself into a walking corpse, with his soul mutilated, and only a will to support him. Living was so tiring, and dying was a relief.

Lin Beifan shook his head, but when he got closer, he found that Emperor Hong was still alive.

"Well……"Hong Di made a weak sound and opened his eyes slightly.

Lin Beifan immediately helped him up:"What are your unfulfilled wishes?"

"Where is the Barbarian God...?"He said weakly

"Killed by me. Lin Beifan replied

"Dead...the Barbarian God is dead……"Hong Di opened his eyes and grinned:"Have a good death!"

Then his eyes lost their luster.

This time, he was really dead.

A faint white aura emerged from his heavenly spirit and was taken into Lin Beifan's palm. This was the only remaining true spirit of Emperor Hong, which meant that he had existed in heaven and earth.

Lin Beifan planned to reincarnate this true spirit, and then lead him to practice and repay his kindness.

Then, Lin Beifan buried Emperor Hong on the spot, and then continued to search for the blood lake in the Manshen Mountains.

At this time, the little white tiger with the strongest demon emperor system entered the deep sea and met Emperor Kun who was still licking his wounds.

Emperor Kun said in surprise:"I didn't expect that there is such an outstanding genius like you among the demon clan. You have already cultivated to the realm of the fifth-level demon emperor at a young age. You will definitely have the opportunity to become emperor in the future."

The little white tiger shouted loudly:"Shut up.! Defeated by humans, you are a shame to the demon clan, and you have been called the demon emperor in vain! Why not abdicate and give up the position of demon emperor to me, and dedicate you to me at the same time, I will lead the demon clan to return to its peak!"

Kun Emperor! His face suddenly darkened:"Little White Tiger, do you know who you are talking to? Don't try to ride on me just because you think you have some achievements. I am the emperor of the demon clan! You want to devour me, you're just talking nonsense!"

Little White Tiger laughed:"Don't think I don't know. The Turtle Emperor and the Octopus Emperor were devoured by you, so you broke through to the Demon Emperor realm so quickly. The demon clan is originally a predator of the weak. If you devour them, I will devour you, isn't it normal?"

"Well said, it depends on whether you have this ability! Even though my realm has dropped, I am still a quasi-demon emperor!"Kun Emperor said domineeringly, and the powerful aura spread.

The little white tiger was forced back step by step by the aura.

But when his eyes turned red, he was able to resist the aura.

Moreover, there was also a wave of energy blooming on his body. Sixth level breath

"Are you possessed? Emperor Kun sneered again and again:"Although becoming a demon can quickly improve your strength, there are huge hidden dangers." As you get stronger, your state of mind becomes more unstable, and you may even go crazy in the end! I never thought you would improve your strength by destroying the Great Wall in this way. Should I call you stupid or ignorant?"

"You don’t have to worry about what I do!"The little white tiger roared, and then released dozens of beasts that were comparable to the Demon King.


The wild beast boils and howls

"Kill him for me!"The little white tiger said fiercely.

So, these dozens of wild beasts ferociously rushed toward Emperor Kun.

"Damn it, the little demon, actually committing the following crime? Emperor Kun was furious:"Today I will let you know what the power of an emperor means!""

Kun Emperor turned over rivers and seas, charging rampantly with his huge body, often killing a beast with one strike.

Dozens of powerful beasts could not even stop him for a moment.

The little white tiger couldn't help but pounced on it himself.

As a result, the little white tiger fought with Kun Emperor.

Although the little white tiger had a big difference in power with Kun Emperor, the little white tiger fought very fiercely, regardless of his own life or death. Because Kun Emperor was seriously injured by Lin Beifan, he also knocked down the demon emperor. Ten percent of the performance was less than 30% to 40%, and the two monsters actually fought back and forth. Coupled with the help of the barbarian beast, the little white tiger gradually gained the upper hand.

Finally, the little white tiger used his trump card, injuring the enemy with one move. The trick, which cost one thousand and eight hundred damage, finally severely injured Emperor Kun. Then he rushed over, opened his big mouth and bit on Emperor Kun's head, devouring its essence crazily.

Emperor Kun's eyes gradually lost their sparkle...

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