After nearly two months of searching, Lin Beifan traveled all over the Manshen Mountains, collected all valuable things, and returned home with satisfaction.

The harvest this time was really great. Not only did he get millions of years of cultivation experience and knowledge from the Barbarian God, but he also got valuable things from the body of a god. This harvest was comparable to dozens of Netherworld secret realms.

If all of it is digested, Lin Beifan's strength will skyrocket.

When he reaches the supreme realm, it is no longer possible to improve his strength quickly. Even if he turns on the plug-in, it will take several years to reach the first level, and it will take less than ten years to reach the peak.

The harvest from this trip allowed him to greatly shorten his time.

Returning to the Mu tribe, Lin Beifan did not stay, but just left a note for Mu Li.

When Mu Li saw it, he screamed angrily, saying that the thief had no credibility. They had agreed to go together, but he ran away first.

Then, she also ran back to the spiritual energy recovery world.

After returning to the world of spiritual energy recovery, Lin Beifan came out of seclusion, and his strength reached the"second level of heaven and man".

The panda squatted at the door of the house. The table was filled with spiritual fruits, and his mouth was filled with juice.

When he saw Lin Beifan going out, he immediately held up a sign happily: Master, you are out!

Lin Beifan picked up the panda and petted it for a while, then put it down and said with a smile:"I have eaten a little too much recently and gained three pounds!"

The panda was not satisfied, how could he call someone fat?

After all, she is a super beautiful bear, and she is also a leader in the world of panda appearance. It is taboo to call her fat.

So the panda resisted with a sign: I'm not fat, I just have a lot of meat!

Lin Beifan rolled his eyes at her speechlessly. Doesn't having too much meat mean you are fat?

"Where is the little angel Aryan? Where did she go wandering off again?"Lin Beifan asked, picking up a fruit and eating it.

As for the guardian spirit of Angel Aryan, Lin Beifan has always been in a free-range state. He can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't bother to care.

And Aryan lives up to expectations and plays outside. She enjoys being away from home for ten days and a half.

If this were changed to a modern city, it would be the classic image of a bad girl.

Panda drooled when she looked at the spiritual fruit in Lin Beifan's hand. This was the most delicious of all the spiritual fruits in her hands. I was about to save it for last, but was eaten by the owner. I was so heartbroken.

The panda was drooling and holding up a sign: Went to Li Ziqing's concert!

Lin Beifan nodded. Angel Aryan is a loyal fan of Li Ziqing. She is still the kind of fanatical person who must go to every concert. It is not surprising at all to go to the concert.

As for her singing level, I still won’t talk about it. She will shed tears if she talks too much.

Lin Beifan picked up another one Eat the fruit.

I have been away from home for too long and haven’t eaten the spiritual fruits here for a long time. Lin Beifan was extremely greedy and ate one after another.

The panda looked at the spiritual fruits that disappeared quickly and immediately raised the sign: Master, you give I'll save some!

"What's wrong with eating a few of your fruits? Have you forgotten how I usually treat you?"

The panda held up the sign with tears in his eyes: There is no food left in the landlord's house!

Seeing the panda's helpless look, Lin Beifan happily ate some fruits, which made the panda shut up.

Then he contacted the women and told them that he Out of seclusion.

After spending a few days with a few girls, Lin Beifan returned to his usual lazy self.

Time passed like this for the past three months.

During these three months, as if they had made an appointment, many geniuses broke through and became great masters one after another..The first person to break through was Huoyang with a small breaking ball.

When he came to the world of spiritual energy recovery, he found that it was very easy to break through, and finally broke through and became the Barbarian Emperor.

He was very happy, and immediately told the world, letting everyone know that human beings are again. There is an extra super strong person. The basic purpose is to satisfy his desire to show off, and then let the beauties come to vote one after another, and the younger brother will bow to him. In the end, this guy is so bad that no one loves him.

Only Shen Gongbao He was given a gift, which resulted in him being unlucky for more than a month.

As for the unlucky method?

It was because Sun Wukong heard that he had a breakthrough, and he came to fight with him excitedly every day. Sun Wukong fought very violently, so Huoyang His face was bruised and swollen every day, and he was too embarrassed to see anyone.

The second one was Yan Emperor Xiao Han who lived in Hedong and Hexi for thirty years. With the help of several strange fires, he finally broke through and became a great master.

Because he was so happy, He generously invited everyone to have a meal.

Unlike Huoyang, many people came to support this time.

At the banquet, Xiao Han's face was red:"Brother, I can be considered as having survived. I think of the lack of time in the past few years." After refining elixirs all night, the baby feels miserable. Today he is finally proud and proud. Drink!"

Then he drank heavily.

Everyone immediately raised their glasses, and the friendship between men was in the wine.

Yao Lao floated out of the ring and said distressedly:"Disciple, drink less!"

"It's okay, Master. I'm happy today. It's rare that so many friends are here to support me. I must have a good drink!"Xiao Han said very boldly, then he picked up another jar of wine and drank it in a slurp.

"No, I just want to remind you that you will continue to make alchemy tomorrow, so don’t get drunk and make trouble!"

Xiao Han:"……"

Another month later, Tangshan, who usually keeps a low profile but has been practicing hard, made his third breakthrough. The first thing he made a breakthrough was not to invite friends to dinner, but to awaken Xiao Wu in the magic sword.

"Xiao Wu, I can finally save you!"Tang Shan was very excited, stroking the magic sword with both hands.

The motivation for all his efforts was for Xiao Wu, his sweetheart.

Now, his dream finally came true.

So, through controlling the magic sword, he awakened The sleeping Xiao Wu

"Brother Shan, what's wrong with me?"Xiao Wu woke up in a daze and said,"I remember we were obviously fighting Xiao Bai, why are we here suddenly? Did something happen? Tang

Shan excitedly hugged Xiao Wu, who was still in a daze, and said with a hint of choking:"Xiao Wu, you finally woke up, I'm so happy!" I'm so afraid of losing you! Without you, my life has no meaning!"

"Be good, how old you are, just like a child!"Xiao Wu's face was slightly red, and she patted Tang Shan's thick shoulder gently, comforting Tang Shan like a child. The two of them were gentle for a while, and then Tang Shan said:"Xiao Wu, listen to me, I haven't been injured since you fell asleep. It's been several years. after that day……"

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