At this time, Lin Beifan saw another couple walking out of the Taobao store.

Lin Beifan walked over with a smile and said hello:"You guys have been having so much fun these days, I can see you almost everywhere!"

The man was surprised:"Brother Lin, can you recognize us?"

"Of course, with the beautiful wife, have you forgotten our friends?"Lin Beifan winked.

These two people are Tangshan and Xiaowu who came out to play in disguise.

It must be said that Xiaowu is very playful. He has been dragging Tangshan out to play with great interest in the past few days. He has played all over the time and space building. I have been to several cities, and you can basically see them wherever there is fun.

"I'm sorry, Brother Lin, I have to accompany Xiao Wu who has just woken up these days, so I've left you out in the cold!"Tangshan apologized

"I totally understand! Lin Beifan sighed with emotion:"I also have several beautiful wives. In order to make them live happily, sometimes I can't help myself!" It’s hard to be a man during the day, but it’s hard to be a man at night!

Tangshan suddenly screamed:"Xiao Wu, what are you doing?" Let go, your waist is about to be broken!

Xiao Wu said bitterly:"Do you want to hug me from left to right like Lin Beifan?" Tangshan immediately expressed his loyalty:"No, my heart is very small. I only have you.""

"That's pretty much it!"Xiao Wu let him go.

After talking for a while, Tangshan bowed to Lin Beifan and said regretfully:"Brother Lin, I really regret that I didn't listen to you, which caused Xiao Wu's identity to be exposed. Now he is being banned when traveling. Trapped"

"The situation is not too bad now, just look away! Although they have lost some freedom, they can at least walk freely in human society. Sometimes it is a restraint, but also a protection. Lin Beifan was relieved.

Tangshan asked again:"Brother Lin, did you know Xiao Wu's identity earlier?""

"That's right, nothing can be hidden from my discerning eyes."Lin Beifan smiled proudly.

Tang Shan was convinced that Brother Lin had indeed a sharp eye. He heard that many talented people from all over the world were dug out by him, and it was he who saw through the magic sword first, so he rescued Xiao Wu.

This is an expert who hides himself in the city!

Thinking of the troubles he has always had, he bowed deeply:"Brother Lin, you don't show your face in person, I have something to ask you!"

"But it doesn’t matter! Lin Beifan said.

Tangshan finally said what he had been holding in his heart:"I would like to ask Brother Lin, what can you do to make Xiao Wu appear openly in human society and make everyone accept Xiao Wu?""

Xiao Wu looked like she didn't care, but in fact she had already pricked up her ears to listen.

"Although it is a bit difficult, there are ways to improve it. Lin Beifan said

"any solution?"The two said in unison

"You can go find the great writer Chu Yunfei to publish his autobiography to brush up your reputation and increase your popularity!"

The two of them were confused. They actually want to publish an autobiography to promote themselves?

Isn't it too shameful?

Both of them turned red.

Lin Beifan smiled and said:"Don't be embarrassed, these reputations are actually very useful. This is the best way to change everyone's impression. good idea. You see, when mentioning Thirty Years in Hedong and Thirty Years in Hexi, everyone thinks of Xiao Han and admires his perseverance. When it comes to crushing all enemies in the world, everyone first thinks of Ye Fan and is moved by his spirit of changing fate against the will of heaven. Once I read your autobiographies, I might be moved by your love and understand you."

"This method has a high success rate. Because among human legends, there are many legends about the love between humans and demons, the love between humans and ghosts, and even the love between humans and gods. Those love stories have been spread for thousands of years and are still talked about by people, which shows that people are still able to accept this aspect. of. As long as the demon is a good demon, the ghost is a good ghost, and the god is a good god, then everything can be forgiven."

The two of them were moved.

"As the book spreads widely and its influence gradually expands, everyone will no longer reject Xiao Wu so much. At the same time, if you take the lead when encountering crises, gain more reputation and honor, and persevere, everyone will slowly accept Xiao Wu. People's hearts are all flesh.

The two of them were overjoyed and solemnly thanked them:"Thank you, Brother Lin, for your guidance!""

"Of course, how to write this autobiography requires a method, otherwise no matter how much you write, it will be in vain! Lin Beifan had a friendly smile on his face:"I have a few methods to teach you."

"Kindness without saying thanks!"The two thanked them again.

A few days later, Tangshan and Xiao Wu went to see Chu Yunfei, the great writer, and explained their intention.

Chu Yunfei slapped his thigh and said excitedly:"Actually, it should have been like this a long time ago. I have always wanted to do something for you. An autobiography, write your story and let everyone know it, but you have always refused……"

Tangshan smiled awkwardly:"In the past, it was mainly for cultivation, so I didn't have time."

"I understand, in order to save your wife, right?"Chu Yunfei sighed.

Tangshan nodded. Xiao Wu next to him turned red and felt full of happiness.

"Do you have time now?"Chu Yunfei asked

"Of course there is time!"Tangshan nodded, that's why he came here.

"Then I’ll start writing now! Chu Yunfei took out a pen and notebook and said,"Let me ask you questions. I will record these contents in detail in a book, and then perform appropriate artistic processing. Your experiences will be written into a wonderful book.""

Then, Tang Shan began to narrate, and Chu Yunfei recorded it quickly.

But as he listened, Chu Yunfei felt that something was wrong. This was different from the Douluo in his memory.

How should I put it, it felt like Tang Shan was talking more The words are majestic, the words are more soul-stirring, the words are more lingering and pathos, the words are more exciting, just like a storyteller.

Especially the love between him and Xiao Wu, it was clearly a faint brother-sister relationship at the beginning, how did it change here? It became love at first sight?

And there were so many promises of life and death, and vows of eternal love, that he thought it was a Qiong Yao drama.

"Brother Tang, something feels wrong……"Chu Yunfei put down his pen

"What's wrong?"Tangshan asked

"I feel that your story is too exaggerated, too unreal, and has a sense of illusion, as if it has been processed. Brother Tang, is this really your story?"Chu Yunfei questioned.

There was no change on Tangshan's face, but he was already upset inside.

Xiao Wu lowered his head slightly to hide his inner shame.

This story is indeed processed. This is to beautify their love and let them Everyone was moved and made everyone more accepting of Xiao Wu.

For this reason, he repeated it and asked Lin Beifan for his opinion. In the end, he revised it extensively before passing it.

Although it was very hypocritical, he accepted it for Xiao Wu's sake.

So, Tangshan said seriously:"Of course this is my story, do I need to lie?"

"It’s really not necessary!"Chu Yunfei picked up the pen again to record.

As a result, a touching and pathos love story between humans and monsters was released.

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