So, Lin Beifan began to teach martial arts.

Jiang Meimei studied very seriously and hard, and her face was full of perseverance.

Since then, half a year has passed uneventfully.

During the past six months, while Lin Beifan taught Jiang Meimei martial arts, he also traveled around the world to see if there were any opportunities. There have always been many opportunities in this world since the spiritual energy was revived, but this was 60 years ago, and the development time was limited. There were almost none suitable for Lin Beifan, so he returned in vain.

Under Lin Beifan's education, Jiang Meimei's strength improved by leaps and bounds, quickly breaking through to extraordinary levels.

It is very rare to become extraordinary at the age of four or five, whether in the future or now. Only Lin Beifan is willing to spare the resources to accumulate her strength.

The days passed like this. Lin Beifan planned to train Jiang Meimei to be a master and go back after one year.

But suddenly one day, three people broke in.

It can't be said that they broke in, but were forced in, because behind them there was a top level 9 monster with a group of monsters chasing them. The three people ran to Lin Beifan in a panic.

"Qingmu, Taixu, you run, I will lure them away!"One of the middle-aged men shouted

"You can't run away, there are too many monsters, and you may die faster if you separate! One of the young men shouted:"How about you and I lure away the monsters and let Aoki go first!""

"Is this me a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? If we want to walk together, we must die together!"The older man looked unhappy.

"No, Aoki, your inheritance of alchemy skills is more important to the human race, you must survive! The two of us are just warriors, it doesn't matter whether we die or not!"The middle-aged man smiled bitterly

"Yes, that’s what I thought!" said the young man

"You guys……"The older man sighed.

Just then, a bright light came from a distance

""Whoosh" had penetrated them before they could react, sweeping across the group of monsters behind them.

All the monsters collapsed and turned into scum.

The three of them were shocked.

"This, this, this... what's going on?"

"Who did this?"

"Oh my god, a ray of light killed the 9th level demon. Is this a god?"


The three of them looked in the direction of the light, and saw a quiet thatched house deep in front of them. There was a young and excessive man lying on a rocking chair looking over, and a little girl practicing martial arts.

The young man couldn't tell how powerful he was, but he must be extraordinary if he dared to live in the deep mountains and forests.

But they could see the strength of the little girl, and their eyes almost bulged out, because this was a little girl with extraordinary strength, and the martial arts she was doing was very mysterious, which dazzled them.

They were shocked by this girl's strength.

Thinking about their current strength, although they cannot be said to be world-renowned, they are still very rare among the human race, which often makes them feel proud.

But when they cultivated the strength of girls, they were basically over 20 years old, and they were called top geniuses.

But now I actually see a little girl of four or five years old with extraordinary strength...

It's really shocking.

The move just now was definitely not made by the little girl, so it could only be the young man next to him who could not see the strength. He could kill the ninth-level demon with one move. This was something they could not even imagine.

The middle-aged man cheered up:"We have met an expert!"

The young man admired him very much:"What a powerful expert. If I had his own strength, I wouldn't have to run away!" The older man said solemnly:"Hurry up and follow me to meet the master!"

The three people flew over and stood in front of Lin Beifan and said respectfully:"Greetings to the master! Thanks to the master for saving his life. If you need help in the future, it will be as per your orders!"

"Sit anywhere."Lin Beifan stretched out his hand, and the grass on the ground grew quickly and turned into three grass benches.

They couldn't even see this method, and they looked up to Lin Beifan even more.

"Thank you, Master, for the seat!"The three of them said again, and then sat down respectfully.

Seeing a stranger coming, Jiang Meimei stopped practicing and ran over to pour tea for the three of them.

The three of them were flattered and said:"No, we will do it ourselves!"

Although the strength is much higher than that of the little girl, they don't dare to drag her down at all. Who knows who this girl is?

Jiang Meimei didn't force herself, she ran to Lin Beifan and sat down obediently.

"The three of you have never left each other in the face of danger, which is very rare and valuable. And at the critical moment, I still thought about the human race and had noble moral character, so I took action to save you."Lin Beifan said.

The three of them waved their hands again and again, very modestly, and then introduced themselves.

The older one is called Qingmu. He is a god, close to plants and trees, and is very good at refining alchemy and medicine.

The middle-aged man's name is Zuo Chen, who is also a god. A divine body, but one with fighting talent. Once fighting, the muscles bulge, the blood all over the body boils, and the combat power rises. It is somewhat similar to Ye Fan's Eastern Wasteland Holy Body. The young man's name is

Taixu, and he is an ordinary cultivator, but There are artifacts in the body to assist in training.

These three people are all cheaters, and their strength has reached the seventh level of the extraordinary. They are considered to be the strongest group of people in this era.

Because they have similar aspirations, they decided to experience adventures together.

As a result, they accidentally They provoked a level 9 monster, so they were chased all the way.

If they hadn't met Lin Beifan, they might have knelt down. Or it might be their destiny. They met Lin Beifan because of their great luck, and then saved a life. Fate.

Lin Beifan's face looked weird.

Qingmu? Zuo Chen? Taixu? Aren't they three of the four venerables of the human race before?

He actually met them all, only Master Mei was missing.

Wait, Master Mei. Or?

Lin Beifan turned to look at Jiang Meimei next to him. Jiang Meimei hugged her and smiled, looking very cute.

"What fate! Lin Beifan lamented, in the endAm I shaping history, or does history choose me?

Lin Beifan felt that they would meet each other later and have some fun. You know, he is his true self now, and meeting him in the future will disturb his peaceful life. Do you want to cleanse their memory?

As soon as he thought of it, Lin Beifan's facial features changed slightly, and their memories also underwent some modifications.

There are also people in this world who have met Lin Beifan, and their memories have also been modified.

But no one felt any difference

"Don’t know the name of an expert?"Aoki asked

"Just call me Supreme.

The young and restless Taixu couldn't bear it any longer and asked,"May I ask, Lord Supreme, what state have you reached now?" Have you reached the level of the legendary venerable demon king?"

"His Holiness? I am no longer there!"Lin Beifan smiled mysteriously.

Venerable, you are no longer... have you surpassed the Venerable?

The three of them heard the meaning of the words and were even more shocked.

In this era, no one can cultivate to the level of the Venerable. This is just a legend. But now someone has reached it in advance and surpassed it?

"How can this be?" Zuo Chen said in shock.

"How is it impossible? My brother is a super powerful Supreme. The Supreme you mentioned is not even worthy of my brother’s leather shoes!"Meimei raised her little head, her pride was palpable.

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