Next, it was as they said.

Although the army of demons was exhausted, they soon gathered tens of millions of demons, and thousands of demon kings. It seemed that their troops were endless, and they could get as many as they wanted.

The most important thing is that they have two more Demon Emperors, who seem to be stronger.

However, most of the human cultivators have gathered here, even people at the level of great masters are here. Compared with them, they are nothing compared to the others. They are completely different.

Humanity is heavy-hearted, but not yet in despair.

Because they also have the Divine Hermit and the unfathomable Night Demon Supreme, the backbone of the human race.

This is also the reason why they dare to face the enemy directly.

As long as the human race supreme does not fall, they have nothing to fear.

At this time, a war zone research team was formed, headed by Wu Pingting, headed by Mr. Xuechangkong, and top personnel from other academy research institutes, and was conducting a research project on the Demon Cave and the Demon Clan.

Although they did not go to the battlefield, they also provided technical support to the human race and contributed outstanding strength.

The critical moment has now been reached.

Wu Pingting said:"Through more than two months of research, I found that although the demons are tenacious, their vitality is actually relatively speaking. They recover quickly in places with strong demonic aura, but in places with weak demonic aura, they recover very quickly. , their recovery speed will slow down a lot. If they break out of the Demon Cave, their recovery speed will only be slightly stronger than that of ordinary people. If we can find a way to weaken the demonic energy in the Demon Cave, the balance of victory will be in our favor."

"In addition, this devil's cave is getting bigger day by day. The devil's energy is too polluting. It will gradually destroy our world and weaken our spiritual energy. We must also find a way to control it."

"But, how to do it?"

"Wouldn’t erasing the Demon Cave be a good thing once and for all?"

"This method has been discussed, but it is useless. After erasing it, they will quickly open the second magic cave, and we will also become very passive, so it is still ineffective!"

"I'm afraid there's already a second devil's cave, but we don't know about it!"

"They have set their sights on us, and now we have no other choice but to fight head-on!"


Everyone expressed their opinions, but could not come up with a solution.

Wu Pingting made an astonishing statement:"Actually, I have already figured out the method. The best way is to study how to convert demonic energy into spiritual energy, or into harmless energy. Not only can we gain the greatest advantage in war, but we can also achieve victory once and for all. Solve the danger of the demon."

Everyone was shocked, and then seriously thought about this fantastic solution.

Discovered that if successful, it is really possible.

Wu Pingting continued:"Whether it is demonic energy or spiritual energy, in the final analysis, it is just a manifestation of energy. As long as we find that balance point and transform the demonic energy into spiritual energy, the power of the demon will be weakened by us, and we will Become stronger. If you go further, you can weaken the opponent's world and strengthen your own world."

Lin Beifan immediately raised his hand in agreement:"I agree with this method!"

He himself is a living example, he can absorb any spiritual energy or evil energy, and finally transform it into vitality.

However, this situation can only be an exception, and only he can do it.

If someone else absorbs the demonic energy, they will definitely become possessed, become a demon, and lose their humanity.

Lin Beifan thought, why didn't I absorb all the demonic energy?

At this moment, a black jar suddenly dropped from the sky, flew over the Demon Cave, quickly grew in size, and then quickly rotated, forming a huge suction force that sucked the demonic energy in the Demon Cave into the jar.

Everyone saw it and were shocked

"Look what is that? A huge black jar absorbing evil energy?"

"That is the magic jar of Night Demon Supreme. I once saw him kill the Phoenix King with the magic jar!"

"Is the Night Demon Supreme about to take action?"

"He wants to wipe out the demon clan?"


Everyone was excited.

This jar is Lin Beifan's magic jar.

As Lin Beifan became stronger, the magic jar finally showed its true face, and turned out to be a supreme weapon, also called an imperial weapon.

It can swallow everything in the world, then refine it and feed it to your body.

Now, he once again showed off his charisma as an imperial soldier.

Because the suction power of the magic jar was too strong, a huge whirlwind of demonic energy was formed, and the demonic energy covering a million miles in radius was quickly sucked into the jar, clearing the air.

And because the suction force was too strong, the demonic energy in the mushroom cave was not enough, and the demonic energy was also extracted from the space cracks.

As a result, the world on the other side became unstable, and many demons were sucked out.

The three demon kings came across the border and looked at the magic jar in the sky that covered the sky with inexplicable horror.

"What kind of magic weapon is this? Looks more magical than a magic weapon?"

"At least it's at the imperial level!"

"snort! It must be a thing created by the human race to deal with us. Watch me chop him up!"

One of the Demon Emperors drew his sword and concentrated all his strength to strike at it.


As a result, the magic jar shook slightly and was unscathed.

However, the emperor's soldiers cannot be humiliated. The magic jar adjusted its direction to face the three demon emperors, showing a terrifying suction force.

It wants to refine these three reckless provocateurs!

"I don't want to be sucked in, please hold me!"

"How can I pull you? Can’t I protect myself?"

"Help me!"


The three emperors struggled desperately and called for help, and also used various escape methods.

But all methods are useless against the magic jar. The only ones who can deal with the emperor's soldiers are the emperor's soldiers or the supreme.

In the end, all three Demon Emperors were swallowed.

The tens of millions of troops that the devil finally gathered were all sucked away.

Thousands of demon kings were also sucked away.

Only two Demon Emperors escaped and disappeared.

The magic jar continued to absorb the devil's energy leisurely on top of the devil's cave, as if what happened just now was not his doing.

Everyone is looking up at the big magic jar in the sky, and the demon that the humans have tried so hard to deal with is just over?

An army of extraterrestrial demons that once destroyed the fairy world and destroyed the heavens was just gone?

It seemed that the Supreme Master had just killed the opponent with his own magic weapon without even taking any action...

Suddenly it felt like he was dreaming just now.

Why have we fought so long and fought so hard?

Everyone is a little confused!

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