For a moment, there was silence, I don’t know if it was shock or something else

"This is the magic jar, it’s so powerful!"

"He was so strong, he easily killed tens of millions of demons, and even the Demon King and Demon Emperor couldn't escape!"

"I'm afraid no one below the Supreme Being can resist the magic jar!"

"Is this the supreme weapon? Ridiculously strong!"

"They are also the supreme weapons, why do I feel that the list of gods is a bit watery!"

"I also think that the Conferred Gods List is a bit weak. The magic jar killed the demon army by itself. However, the Conferred Gods List consumes countless immortal treasures and has various restrictions. In the end, it is still not as good as others!"


Everyone secretly looked at the list of gods in Zhou Yi's hand, feeling that it was a big parallel import.

Zhou Yi, the owner of the brain hole system, twitched his lips.

I also want to have a list of gods that is comparable to the supreme weapon magic jar, but I don’t have enough imagination and I am afraid of the big hands behind the scenes, so I can only imagine a castrated version of the list of gods.

When I reveal the Divine Whip, the two artifacts merge into one. It should be worthy of being a supreme instrument, right?

Zhou Yi looked at the very arrogant magic jar in the sky and found that it was quite choking!

"Senior Shen Gongbao, I have a question!"Xiao Han cupped his hands

"Please say! Shen Gongbao said.

Xiao Han asked:"Since the Supreme Weapon is so powerful and has easily defeated so many demons, as the Lord of Heaven who suppresses Huanyu, the Emperor of Heaven must also have a Supreme Weapon, or even more than one. Why can't he deal with the demons?""

Shen Gongbao:"……"

Xiao Han asked again:"I once heard from my seniors that the Investiture of Gods took countless immortal treasures from the immortal world to create. In my opinion, the Investiture of Gods is far behind compared to the Supreme Weapon. A Supreme Weapon is at least equivalent to a quasi-supreme. It is more difficult to deal with the Supreme, but it is easy to deal with the Supreme and below. Why do you need to create a list of gods? Isn't it contradictory?"

Shen Gongbao:"……"

Xiao Han asked again:"And if the Emperor of Heaven can control the Supreme Weapon, he must be very powerful. Even if he is not as good as the Human Race Supreme, he is not far behind. Why did he lose in the end?"

Shen Gongbao:"……"

At this time, Shen Gongbao was also a little confused.

These are things that he remembers as if he was born with them.

He just accepted it as a habit and never seriously thought about why it was so.

Now that I think about it carefully, I find that there are many"flaws" in it.

He found that not only the list of gods was weak, but the Emperor of Heaven he had always worshiped seemed to have become weak as well. They are both supreme weapons, and they are both in the supreme realm. Why is there such a big gap?

Shen Gongbao was puzzled.

Everyone else looked over and wanted to know the reason.

Zhou Yi, who had been eavesdropping, interjected:"What's there to worry about? It just means that the human race supreme is too strong. Even the demon emperor could be defeated before becoming the supreme. Wouldn't it be even more heaven-defying after becoming the supreme?"

"That's right, it's not that the Emperor of Heaven is too weak, but that the Supreme Being is too strong."Shen Gongbao sighed, and a huge confidence surged in his heart.

With such a magical weapon and the invincible human supreme, this time the invasion of the extraterrestrial demons will definitely be pushed back.

Everyone nodded, this explanation is very reasonable.

The human race The Supreme Night Demon is already overly strong. He has never been defeated since his debut. In just a few years, he has grown into a Supreme. This is unprecedented in history. It is completely understandable that he is stronger than the former Lord of Heaven.

Owner of the Brain Hole System Zhou Yi sweated a lot, but luckily he rounded off the lie.

When he was trying to imagine the Lord of Heaven, the Emperor, he had no specific reference, so he could only imagine based on his own cognition. It turned out that he was still not imaginative enough. Too underestimated the supreme power of the Supreme and the Supreme Weapon.

On the other side, looking at the magic jars lying horizontally in the Demon Cave, Lin Beifan felt that he might have overplayed his game. He originally wanted the human race to grow up quickly by fighting against the demons, but as a result Underestimating the power of the emperor's soldiers, the magic jar blasted out and destroyed all the enemies. The war should escalate next, right?

The next person to appear should be a supreme-level master, right?

Lin Beifan's words came true.

The two demons disappeared without a trace. The emperor fled tens of millions of miles and finally arrived in front of a magnificent palace.

"Please tell your Majesty the Demon Emperor that we have something important to report!

The guard said:"The two Demon Emperors don't need to be polite!" His Majesty has informed you that if you two have urgent matters, you can come to the palace to see His Majesty immediately! You two, please come with me!"

Led by the guards, the two Demon Emperors entered the palace and saw a mighty and majestic man.

He was the master of the Demon Palace and one of the giants of the Demon World - Xuantian Demon Emperor

"Meet His Majesty the Demon Emperor!"The two Demon Emperors saluted respectfully.

Demon Emperor Xuantian opened his eyes and said calmly:"Aren't you two at the passage between the two realms? Why are you back?"

"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, something serious has happened. Our tens of millions of demons have been swallowed up by a supreme weapon. As long as I and the demon ape escape, all the other demons will probably die!"

"There is a supreme magic weapon in the opposite world, and I am afraid there is a supreme being behind it!"

The two Demon Emperors cried out sadly.

Demon Emperor Xuantian twisted his eyes and said solemnly:"Please tell me the matter in detail."

Next, the two Demon Emperors explained their encounter in the Demon Cave.

"If, as you said, we can take the initiative to attack and kill the Demon Emperor, that magic jar must be the Supreme Weapon. As for whether there is a Supreme Being behind it, you will know once you try it!"Xuantian Demon Emperor pinched his index finger with his thumb, and a ray of light popped out from his fingertips.

This ray of light penetrated the void and passed through the cracks in space, arousing Lin Beifan's vigilance.

"The Demon Emperor takes action, this is a test!" Lin Beifan thought to himself.

This ray of light is comparable to a supreme blow. If it is not stopped, the entire city of Conferred Gods and a million miles around it may be destroyed. I am afraid not many people can escape.

Lin Beifan controls the magic jar and greets This dim light.

The dim light hit the magic jar


The magic jar trembled violently, but finally stabilized.

In the magnificent palace, Demon Emperor Xuantian said:"There is indeed a supreme powerhouse in the opposite world, and their strength cannot be underestimated. I will give you a month to prepare your armaments, and this time I will lead the troops. I will definitely want that world, chicken Quan Bu Liu!"

After saying the last words, Demon Emperor Xuantian's eyes were filled with strong murderous intent.

"Yes, His Majesty the Demon Emperor!"The two demon kings retreated.

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