After that, another Demon Emperor came in and said respectfully:"Your Majesty, seven Demon Emperors including the Demon Emperor of Samsara and the Demon Emperor of Blood Prison have sent envoys to discuss the joint development of another world. Now, they are waiting outside the palace.."

Demon Emperor Xuantian's face darkened:"The price I paid, the two channels I opened, this world is mine, why should I let them profit? Go back to where they came from!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"The guard was about to retire.

"Wait, Wutian Demon Emperor didn't send anyone?"Xuantian Demon Emperor asked.

As one of the nine great demon emperors in the demon world, the only one he can fear is Wutian Demon Emperor.

This is a demon emperor whose depth is hard to discern. He became emperor hundreds of thousands of years earlier than him. , but he has always been very low-key and rarely takes action. Even many demons do not know that there is this demon emperor.

But Demon Emperor Xuantian knows very well that this is a powerful and unfathomable demon emperor.

Before he became the emperor, , witnessed the Wutian Demon Emperor take action once, and he was now himself, three points weaker.

Now hundreds of thousands of yearsIf he goes, he will definitely become stronger.

Demon Emperor Xuantian even suspected that he might have reached the peak level of Demon Emperor.

It's just powerful, but the key is still unfathomable and confusing.

Looking at the great opportunities in the past hundreds of thousands of years, every time several demon emperors fought to the end, others were the first to get there and could not find out. He suspected that the black hand behind it was Wutian Demon Emperor.

Otherwise, with such a low-key development, how could he cultivate to the realm of the Demon Emperor?

If the Demon Emperor wants to go further, he also needs an opportunity.

This time he was trying to seize a spiritual world. How could he miss such a huge opportunity?

"Reporting back to Your Majesty, there are no people from the Wutian Demon Emperor!"The guard replied

"You go down!"Xuantian Demon Emperor waved his hand

"Subordinates resign!"The guards retreated.

Without any news from Wutian Demon Emperor, Xuantian Demon Emperor felt a little disappointed and had no intention of practicing.

He would rather Wutian Demon Emperor sent people to ask for benefits than to remain unknown. He now has a strong intuition , Wutian Demon Emperor is planning something, I’m afraid it’s the world behind him

"It is better to conquer the other world as soon as possible. No matter what methods Wutian Devil Emperor has, it will be useless in the end."Xuantian Demon Emperor shook his head, and then his face became ferocious:"You Ming, I will definitely avenge you."

Demon Emperor Xuantian is the father of the Lord of the Netherworld.

He has dozens of sons, but Netherworld is the most outstanding. He walked out of the Netherworld way, created the Netherworld world, created the Netherworld clan, and called himself the Lord of the Netherworld. He is the only one who can Someone who surpassed him.

Netherworld was ambitious and dreamed of surpassing his father, so he embarked on the path of swallowing up all the worlds.

This journey lasted for thousands of years without any news.

But he didn't care, because for the demon, Lifespan is worthless. Ordinary demons have a lifespan of thousands of years, not to mention his outstanding son? Just like him, he has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and he is still at his peak and is one of the giants in the demon world.

But Not long ago, he saw his son's underworld collapse.

This meant that his son was dead.

The death of his most outstanding son made him crazy with hatred, so he locked the world where his son finally disappeared, and spent a lot of money. The price he paid opened the passage between the two worlds. He wanted to conquer the other world and kill all living creatures to avenge his son.

It has to be said that Zhou Yi, the owner of the brain hole system, took a big blame for Lin Beifan.


At this time, the spiritual energy revived in an unknown secret realm in the world.

This is a very beautiful secret place, with high sky and wide clouds, gentle breeze, pleasant climate, flowers in full bloom, colorful colors, and very dense spiritual energy, just like a peach blossom garden.

There are many people living here, and there are also many monsters living here.

But they didn't fight. Instead, they lived peacefully together and even helped each other.

In the midst of a green field full of flowers, a fairy-like woman was giving a lecture to a group of students.

This woman is very unique. She has the head of a human and the body of a snake. Although she looks like a monster, her whole body is full of aura. Her every frown and smile are very moving, and her voice is clear and crisp.

The students she teaches are also very unique, ranging from children to monsters.

They appear to be of different races and have very different body shapes, but they sit together in an orderly manner and listen to the class carefully.

The woman waved lightly, and now a huge water curtain appeared

"Today I’m going to teach you some new words!"The woman smiled softly, and a brush made of spiritual energy appeared in her hand. She splashed ink on the huge water curtain and said:"This is the first word I teach everyone - love! Take a look, what's the difference?"

The children below quickly raised their hands.

"Teacher Ling'er, there is the word"heart" in love!"

"And the word heart is in the middle, just like the position of our heart!"


The little monsters next to him also nodded and growled from time to time to express their agreement.

A cute little girl patted the leg of a black dog next to her and said dissatisfiedly:"Xiao Hei, your saliva hit me!"

The black dog immediately lowered his head and apologized.

"I forgive you, but you must take me to the river to wash my face later, and I will sit on your back!"The little girl said excitedly.

The black dog immediately nodded and nudged her with his head.

"Yiru, we are in class, please listen carefully!"Teacher Ling'er appeared in front of the little girl

"Got it, mother!"The little girl made a face.

"During class, you have to call me teacher!"Teacher Ling'er had a ruler on his hand and said seriously:"Stretch out your hand!"

"No need, it hurts a lot……"Reminiscing like a little girl, pitiful

"If I don’t hit you, you won’t have a long memory!"Teacher Ling'er patted the girl's little palm hard.

"it hurts!"The little girl burst into tears.

Children and little monsters around her all laughed secretly.

After punishing the naughty students, Teacher Ling'er continued:"Yes, there is a word heart in the word love. Right in the center, just like where our heart belt is. This word tells us that because there is a heart, there is love! When you love others, you need to be attentive! Only by treating sincerely and communicating with your heart can you gain the love of others and everyone’s love! As long as there is love in the heart, the world will become perfect."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

"Now, everyone, write the word love several times and then write it down!"Teacher Ling'er flew up and supervised everyone's writing.

Whether they were children or little monsters, they all lay on the ground and wrote in a pretentious manner.

One of the children shook his arm and complained:"Teacher Ling'er, this love The words are so complicated and difficult to write! Teacher

Ling'er's eyes were complicated:"Yes, love is very complicated and difficult for people to understand. That's why I hope you can love with your heart, not only love your relatives and friends, but also love everyone, the world, and love." world!"

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