"ah! I didn’t expect to be discovered, haha!"Lin Beifan showed his true body

"Night Stalker!"Suning exclaimed.

Night Demon is a well-known figure in Jiangnan. You have only appeared three times, and the results are more amazing each time. You are also ranked first on the list of geniuses by Baixiaolou, calling it the strongest genius..

He once imagined that he could defeat him and replace him, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

Especially when he thought that he was exposed and was seen by the Night Demon, his face suddenly darkened.

"You actually broke the mountain with one punch. Boy, you are pretty strong. You already have extraordinary level 6 strength at a young age. You are much stronger than the people on the Genius List.……"Lin Beifan didn't seem to notice Suning's increasingly ugly face, and continued to comment:"And what kind of energy is the black energy on your body? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Night Devil, go to hell! Point gun!"Suning's body was covered with armed domineering energy, and then he rose into the sky.

Now that he has been exposed, he can only kill Night Demon, otherwise his identity will be exposed.

Although his strength has become stronger now, it is not enough to gain a foothold. , he wanted to become more powerful.

Facing the flying attack, Lin Beifan stretched out his hand and firmly grasped his finger. The armed domineering energy on his finger was corroded by his vitality and had no effect at all. Can't even perform well

"How could this be?"Suning's face was full of horror. He had just improved his strength and was feeling complacent. As a result, he was proud of his armed and domineering attitude, but was restrained by the opponent.

Suning refused to admit defeat, changed his body and kicked :"Look at my lanky feet!"

Lin Beifan couldn't move and let him kick him.

As a result, his foot seemed to be kicked on a steel plate. It was about to break and tears were about to burst out.

"His strength is pretty good, a little worse than mine!"Lin Beifan nodded, and then his finger was tightly grasped by Lin Beifan, and he swung it hard and hit the ground directly, making a big hole.

"Moon step!"Suning soared into the sky again.

Lin Beifan opened his fingers, and there was a supernatural talisman on his finger - the meteor and fire rain talisman. As soon as

Suning rushed out, he was knocked to the ground by the meteor and fire rain.

Then He was completely buried in the pit and piled up into a volcano.

Lin Beifan shook his head and tutted:"This kid has all the strength, but he can't display it at all. He is far worse than the teachers of the same level. You won't be knocked stupid by me accidentally, right?"

At this moment, a gust of cold air hit us, and heavy snow suddenly fell from the sky.

The volcano was quickly frozen into an iceberg.

Then, Suning broke through the mountain and turned into a snow-like color, as if Turned into a snowman.

Lin Beifan raised his eyebrows, isn't this elementalization?

When it comes to elementalization, the first thing Lin Beifan thinks of is the devil fruit in the world of pirates. The elemental demons in it will make people elementalized. Unless it's sea water or armed Haki, it can't be restrained.

When thinking about the fight just now, the other party yelled"finger gun","arashi foot","moon step" and other very familiar anime Skills, as well as the dark armed domineering spirit, Lin Beifan suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. The opponent's system should not be called the One Piece system, right?

No, the system on his body has the aura from all worlds, just like the Hengsha. Count, it should be called the Ten Thousand Realms System! The

Ten Thousand Realms Shuttle System!

The Ten Thousand Realms Trading System!

The Ten Thousand Realms Mercenary System!

The Ten Thousand Realms Chasing Girl System!


Any system that can be associated with the word"Wanjie" is very awesome.

This time traveler’s plug-ins are a bit too big!

No wonder he was so awesome as soon as he appeared on the scene. He had a strength comparable to the extraordinary 6th level without much effort. Lin Beifan was a little envious.

"Night Demon, I want you to die!"Suning said angrily.

He had just gotten the plug-in and instantly had top-notch strength. He originally thought he was going to reach the pinnacle of his life, but he was beaten into a dog in the blink of an eye. It was so embarrassing for a time traveler. He was actually beaten by a native. As a dog, do I, the time traveler, have no face?

Suning felt the burning pain on his face.

So, he could only pour out his anger on Night Demon.

Lin Beifan raised his fingers:"Come on, kid, let me see you Ability!"

"Look at my ice and snow strangulation!"Suning was furious and roared, and then all the falling snow in the sky turned into sharp blades and flew towards Lin Beifan like a tornado, trying to kill him with a thousand cuts.

Lin Beifan had no expression on his face, and there was a super spiritual talisman in his hand - a big Sun Melting Flame Talisman!

This super spiritual talisman specializes in providing high temperatures. Like a small sun, it has the function of burning mountains and boiling seas. Especially this is a perfect super spiritual talisman, the effect is 10 times greater than the original.

So, when these ice and snow fall When it flew over, it was melted into water droplets by Lin Beifan's supernatural talisman.

"hateful! Come again! Extremely freezing light!"

A cold white ray shot over.

Lin Beifan replaced it with another super spiritual talisman - the reflection talisman!

This super spiritual talisman can reflect all attacks related to light.

Therefore, Suning's attack was ineffective again.

"Don't be complacent, I have another trick - summon an ice giant!"

Lin Beifan silently changed into an earth puppet talisman, which can summon the rock giant to fight. As long as he stands on the ground, his power will continue. As long as he is immortal, the rock giant can keep fighting.

So, the opponent was restrained again. Live.

In fact, a Talisman Master with the ability to draw talismans in the void is the nemesis of all professions.

The more talismans a Talisman master knows, the more restraint methods he has. For example, Lin Beifan has understood more than 4,000 runes now, which can be called As a master of runes, coupled with the ability to draw runes instantly, he is simply the nemesis of other professions.

No matter what means you have, I always have the runes to deal with you.

However, the other party's ability to change the celestial phenomena also makes Lin Beifan a little envious. Putting the surroundings around The domain becomes an environment that suits you, which increases your fighting power and weakens the opponent's combat effectiveness.

Just like Lin Weiwei, she immediately summoned the vision of"a bright moon on the sea" as soon as she transformed. It looked so cool and interesting. Awesome!

Do you want me to make one myself?

Isn’t there a ready-made one?

Looking at the ice and snow phenomenon in front of him, Lin Beifan’s heart sank into his soul, trying to understand.

The world of ice and snow is not complicated, It took Lin Beifan a minute to realize. It turns out that the so-called vision is just a combination of runes.

Different runes form different visions.

Just like this ice and snow vision, it is actually composed of ice, snow, It is composed of three basic runes of cold. They are combined in a certain way. A total of 402 runes are used, and then an ice and snow phenomenon covering several miles is formed.

If there are more runes, the composition can be larger in area and more powerful. A stronger vision.

With Lin Beifan's actual ability, if the power is fully activated, he can form a vision of 40,000 runes, which is equivalent to 100 times the opponent's vision!

There is no problem in crushing the opponent!

At the same time, the soul A small ice and snow phenomenon appeared in it.

The Wordless Heavenly Book was opened and included this ice and snow phenomenon...

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