The ice and snow phenomenon did not form new runes or open a new chapter, but was completely integrated into the runes.

Lin Beifan saw that some runes had a touch of snowy white and a bit of cold air.

The power is also a bit stronger.

Lin Beifan never thought that the already perfect spiritual talisman, whose power had been amplified 10 times, could actually become stronger. What if I had more visions?

The power must be so great that Lin Beifan didn't even dare to think about it!

Let’s look at the information in the Wordless Book:

1. Understand all principles (40%)

2. Understand all phenomena (0.01%)

3. Accommodate all methods (unlocked)

4. Master all changes (unlocked)

"It turns out that this is what"knowing all phenomena" means. As long as it involves natural phenomena, it can be included, not just the extraordinary phenomena of genius, but also natural phenomena such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning!"Lin Beifan suddenly realized.

After understanding the natural phenomena, he will be completely integrated into the runes, which enhances the power of the runes.

In addition, he can also form his own visions to kill enemies.

Visions can be superimposed. The more visions he comprehends, the more powerful they will be. The stronger it is, the stronger its ability to suppress the enemy.

If one day we understand tens of thousands of phenomena, wouldn't it be possible to suppress others to death by opening up the vision?

The future is so beautiful, Lin Beifan is very excited.

Come out today to have fun Lang was right. Unexpectedly, he found the key to"knowing everything". In the future, he will grow rapidly again and have more terrifying attack methods.

Looking at Suning who was attacking tirelessly on the opposite side, Lin Beifan smiled.

"Ice and snow phenomenon - open!"

Suddenly, there was another world of ice and snow under the sky, and Lin Beifan also turned into ice and snow.

"You, you, you...did you also eat a devil fruit?"Suning was so frightened that he stuttered and spoke incoherently.

"you guess!"Lin Beifan will never tell him the truth.

"impossible! There is only one Snow Fruit in the world, and the frozen fruit is still there with Aokiji. You can’t eat the Devil Fruit!"Suning shouted again.

The time traveler in front of me may not have been through for a long time, and he doesn't even know the current situation.

In this era of great opportunities, is there only one way to have visions?

Devil Fruit Very powerful, but not the best in this world.

However, Lin Beifan didn't say anything and let him guess casually. He liked to see the other person's suspicious look. It would be better if he doubted himself.

He sensed someone coming here. Bian rushed over.

Lin Beifan said loudly:"Come on, let's attack for the last time, let's see whose vision is stronger!"

"I won't lose to you!"Suning said forcefully.

Then, the two of them pushed forward at the same time.

The two ice and snow phenomena violently collided together, as if the earth's plates were colliding, making a thunderous roar. Snowflakes scattered in all directions, shining in all directions. The scene was amazing.

This scene , which alarmed all the masters in Jiangnan.

"There's something going on over there!"

"The momentum soared into the sky. Could it be that two extraordinary masters were dueling?"

"Maybe the top demon!"

"It’s so close to Jiangnan, go check it out!"


Many people rose into the sky.

When visions collide, whoever is stronger and whose vision is stronger will win.

Now, Lin Beifan is several times higher than his opponent in terms of strength and vision, so Suning struggled to hold on for a short while before being crushed by Lin Beifan.

"puff!"Suning spit out a mouthful of blood, feeling depressed.

Then he looked at Lin Beifan unwillingly, and his body quickly disappeared into the distance.

Lin Beifan didn't bother to chase him. Anyway, he knew the other party and could find him at any time with his ability.

Seeing that more and more people in Jiangnan were coming. As he got closer, Lin Beifan also disappeared.

At this time, the most powerful Chang Jiang Changqing arrived here first. Seeing the smell of ice and snow around him and the terrifying battle scenes, he frowned:"One of them is a night demon. , who is the other one?"

On the second day, the battle outside the city quickly spread throughout the academy and throughout Jiangnan District.

"Did you hear that there was a big battle outside the city last night?"

"You feel it, like an earthquake, and then a rush of cold air hits you!"

"The battle was so brutal. I heard that the forest outside the city was greatly damaged, even several mountains were broken down, and areas within a radius of several miles were covered in ice!"

"This kind of strength is probably at the level of Extraordinary 7th level!"

"I heard from Dean Jiang that one of them is a night devil!"

"He is indeed a legendary figure, and he truly deserves to be ranked first on the Prodigy List!"

"But who is the other person?"


People are more curious about the other person, because one of them has been confirmed by the dean to be the Night Stalker, but who is the other person?

Can he actually compete with Night Demon?

Such masters usually have names and surnames, but people can't tell them. It's so weird.

But at this time, a certain little beauty was confused.

She is the reborn An Kexin, and she is very confused about this battle.

Because in the previous life, there was no such war.

But that’s not the key. What’s important is that the Hermit appeared in advance!

It was actually half a year ahead of schedule!

How is this going?

When the Hermit appears, it should actually be half a year later, when the Demon King is besieging the city and is in danger.

At that time, the city of Jiangnan was about to be destroyed. The Hermit suddenly appeared and made a shocking move. He froze all the monsters within a hundred miles. He also suppressed the rebellious monster king with invincibility and saved Jiangnan.

This divine hermit is also very arrogant. Every time he appears, there will be snowflakes flying, making him look awkward.

In her memory, the only people with the ability to control ice and snow are the Hermits.

Therefore, she was already 80% certain in her heart that the strong man fighting the Night Demon was the Hermit.

At the same time, she was even more curious about the identity of the Night Stalker.

He can actually keep up with the Hermit. How strong must he be? what on earth is hething?

At this time, the red tassel knight Blood Rose came to An Kexin:"Sister Kexin, I am going to go to the sidelines to see the ruins of last night's battle. Do you want to accompany me?"

"Okay, Sister Qiangwei!"An Kexin smiled.

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