My Starcraft World

Chapter 11: Bursts

The troops sent in the morning had long since completed their mission, and the area now explored by Meng Ze had expanded to nearly eighty square kilometers, almost a circle.

Before Meng Ze withdrew from the interstellar world, another wave of exploration was scheduled.

This time the exploration distance is still small, with the base location as the center, continue to explore five kilometers outward.

Meng Ze is also worried, afraid that if he explores too far, he will encounter some trouble that he can't bear.

Before going to bed, Meng Ze received a message from Qi Mei, and Meng Ze accompanied some of them to chat for a while, most of the time Qi Mei was talking.

For Qi Mei, Meng Ze can't say whether he likes it or not, but the other party is a simple beautiful girl, take the initiative to chat with him, and definitely won't hate it.

However, the first time a girl took the initiative to talk to herself, Meng Ze still had a little imagination in her heart.

It took a while to toss and turn before Meng Ze fell asleep.

But this night, Meng Ze is destined to have a bad night's sleep.

At more than three o'clock in the morning, Meng Ze was woken up by the system prompt, and he was originally a little confused, but as soon as he saw the information on the virtual projection screen, the whole person suddenly woke up.

"Your troops crossed the unknown barrier..."

"Your troops have completed their exploration mission and are returning..."

"Your troops have been disturbed by unknown and their return is blocked, please ask the commander to give instructions..."

"Your troops entered an unknown area..."

"Your troops found ruins..."

"Emergency alert, your troops are under attack..."

"The troops held out in place ... Troop reduction, ask the commander to give instructions ..."

Meng Ze quickly entered the interstellar world, his eyes swept over the large screen of the command center, and the existing positions of all the soldiers sent out faintly formed a nonexistent circle.

"Could it be that my position is completely obscured?" Meng Ze said heartily.

But now is not the time to think about it.

In the upper left corner of the large screen, red light is constantly flashing.

Meng Ze hurriedly switched perspectives, and one of his exploratory teams was engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with something that looked like a monster.

Meng Ze selects the monster and the monster's information is displayed on the screen.

"Zerg Jumper, level 1, 50 health points, attack power 10, defense power 1, faster speed, good at winning with quantity."

Looking at the overwhelming swarm of jumping insects on the screen, Meng Ze trembled in his heart, is this amount too big?

The crossfire of the biochemical lancers formed a dense attack network, and there were Spitters to fill the leaks nearby, but even this could not completely prevent the jumping insects from getting close.

Once close, the sharp minions of the jumping insects can easily tear through the armor of the gunners.

Now that many of the lancers had fallen to the ground and the number of personnel was still decreasing, Meng Ze was scrambling to mobilize the surrounding troops to support.

Unaware of the size of the enemy, Meng Ze quickly mobilized half of his troops to the base for follow-up support.

After observing for a while, he found that although the jumping insects attacked on all sides, the number was significantly smaller in the direction of the base.

Meng Ze immediately commanded the troops to fight and retreat, and when they reached the unknown wall of the base, even if they could not enter, at least the direction of the guard would be reduced by half.

The jumping swarm does not seem to be smart, only knows how to rush and do it brutely.

Under Meng Ze's command, the Lancer units fought and retreated, and the medics were even able to treat them in action.

The rate of attrition of troops suddenly decreased.

Meng Ze then had the heart to observe the combat patterns of his own troops.

To be honest, apart from one courageous character, there seems to be no other characteristic.

The biochemical arms are not like real-life troops, where the fetal flesh is weakened as long as individual parts are injured.

Meng Ze's biochemical soldier team was cut all over the body by the minions of the jumping insects, and even some limbs were mutilated.

But these soldiers don't seem to know the pain, as long as the weapons are still there, the firepower will not be affected at all, but there will be some obstacles to mobility.

I saw that some soldiers had their legs and feet cut off and were still heroically attacking.

Meng Ze was a little unbearable, and hurriedly directed the troops to reduce the speed of retreat, trying to bring these soldiers back.

But as the troops' retreat slowed, casualties suddenly increased.

Staying in place for a while, Meng Ze found himself too emotional, and when there was room for such an enemy, annihilation in motion was the best option.

No wonder you must have a strong heart to be a leader.

In just two or three minutes, because of Meng Ze's insistence, at least dozens more biochemical soldiers died.

Meng Ze eventually had to give up the incapacitated soldiers and continue to fight and retreat.

Fortunately, ten minutes later, Meng Ze's two support units arrived in time.

The crossfire of the lancer unit suddenly increased, and it quickly knocked the jumping swarm back.

As the support force grew, Meng Ze's troops formed a sector line of fire for nearly a kilometer and advanced little by little under Meng Ze's command.

When the base forces finally arrived, Meng Ze was completely relieved.

The troops pushed all the way to the initial delivery point, and a huge hole appeared in Meng Ze's field of vision.

"This is the ruins?"

Looking at the dark cave entrance, Meng Ze did not choose to attack at the first time, but just stationed his troops at the exit of the ruins, and annihilated all the jumping insects that rushed out of the ruins.

At the base, a team of engineers, escorted by lancers, was transferred by Meng Ze to the mouth of the ruins cave.

When the engineers arrived, Meng Ze immediately arranged for the engineers to build a fortress near the mouth of the cave and an anti-aircraft missile launch pad.

In the StarCraft simulation world, the anti-aircraft missile launch pad has a powerful function - anti-stealth.

This feature is described in the building's description, but until now, Meng Ze has never encountered a stealth class, even for the first time.

Just in case, though, because he didn't know what was in the ruins, Meng Ze thought it was better to be more careful.

When the fort was built and the biochemical soldiers were stationed, Meng Ze finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Subsequently, Meng Ze sent several small units to scout around the ruins.

When the troops had completed their exploration of a radius of more than ten kilometers and found no other enemies or players, Meng Ze's gaze at the ruins finally became hot.

In the mouth of the dog's head bun, Meng Ze doesn't know how many times he has heard about the ruins.

Even in the interstellar world where players have countless players, ruins are extremely rare.

Once a relic is discovered and made public, it often leads to fierce scramble.

But Meng Ze found this ruin, and no one else knows about it except himself.

Meng Ze divided the troops, and formed hundreds of exploration teams of biochemical lancers, spiters, and medics according to the ratio of 8:2:1, each squad of 110 people.

As the first squad gradually submerged into the entrance of the ruins, the view in the ruins gradually opened on the large screen in the command center. *

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