My Starcraft World

Chapter 12: Bloody War Institute

When Meng Ze switched his vision to the inside of the ruins, the name of the ruins was revealed - Z-301 Underground Research Institute.

The first squad of biochemical soldiers sent by Meng Ze was both pathfinder and decoy.

The team walked about four or five hundred meters forward, and a huge metal door about eleven or twelve meters high and about ten meters wide appeared in Meng Ze's eyes.

The metal door was rusty, and a large hole with a diameter of five or six meters was broken through the door, and the edges of the hole were uneven, as if it had been corroded by something.

Seeing this scene, Meng Ze temporarily stopped the squad's action, mobilized the rear troops and engineers to start to follow.

It was only when the rear troops reached the gate that Meng Ze commanded the first advance party into the gate.

Not far into the gate, Meng Ze's squad of biochemical soldiers was attacked by a massive jumping bug.

Meng Ze commanded the troops and fought and retreated, and when they got out of the metal gate, the fire of the other troops began to support.

Compared to the huge scale of jumping insects, the opening of this metal door is too small to be used.

The scene suddenly became a meat grinder.

The behavior of the jumping insects is quite ferocious, and when the corpses of the same race block their path, these jumping insects will chop the corpses of the same tribe into pieces, shake them away with their mouths, or even swallow them.

The fire at the entrance of the cave lasted for more than ten minutes, until the entrance of the cave was completely blocked by the corpse of the jumping worm.

Seeing this, Meng Ze adjusted his position, moved the Spitfire in front and the Lancer back, relying on the flames of the Spitfire to burn all the bodies of the jumping insects into flying ash.

Seeing the passage appear, the jumping insects scrambled to squeeze towards the entrance of the cave.

The slaughter of the metal door lasted for more than five hours, and when no more jumpers came out, the ground around the entire metal door turned into glass, and the large hole with a diameter of five or six meters on the original metal door disappeared again, and the bottom of the entire gate was evaporated by the flames.

When the flames on the ground were extinguished and the temperature was slightly lower, Meng Ze's replacement force moved forward to explore the way.

The follow-up team also stepped into the metal door one after another.

The passage behind the metal gate is short, and after one or two hundred meters is a huge square.

Broken metal objects can be found everywhere, and those are the remains of buildings.

But what makes Meng Ze feel different is that the floor of the square is covered with a thick blanket that looks like meat.

Meng Ze inquired and learned that this kind of thing is called a mushroom blanket, which is the main source of nutrition for the Zerg, something that is expanded by the Zerg mother nest.

"No wonder there are so many jumping insects here, it seems that there is a zerg mother nest here, but the troops that appear are all jumping insects, it seems that this mother nest is not of high level, I should be able to deal with it."

With this in mind, Meng Ze immediately added the construction of two biochemical arsenals on the base side.

The three arsenals that have been built are in full swing to produce biochemical soldiers, of which biochemical riflemen and spitfiremen account for half each.

Half of the troops entering the metal gate were scattered by Meng Ze to search, the other half quickly occupied the area near the passage and held the back road, while the engineers quickly built the fortress and missile launch pad.

On the first sortie, Meng Ze's strategy was to fight steadily, step by step.

This underground institute is very large, with passages on all sides, and it is divided into several floors.

When Meng Ze's search forces entered these areas, they were almost enemies on all sides, and there were so many images of firefighting that Meng Ze could not control.

And Meng Ze found that the jumping insects inside the institute were significantly smarter than those outside, as if someone was directing.

Although the tactics are still simple, at least know how to hide and raid.

The prompt message on the right side of the big screen brushed like rain, and Meng Ze didn't have time to look at it.

This kind of underground passage engagement can only rely on the fighters themselves, and Meng Ze cannot intervene.

He could only keep an eye on the number of soldiers he had entered the passage, and as if adding oil, he filled it in one team after another.

It wasn't until four hours later that one of Meng Ze's search teams finally found the Zerg Brood.

As the brood location was sent back, a large number of squads were sent over by Meng Ze.

When the brood was destroyed, all the jumping insects went crazy, all rushed out of their hideouts, and were finally strangled by Meng Ze's troops.

Afterwards, Meng Ze counted the death figures, and the loss of the Biochemical Lancers was as high as more than 1,500, and the death units of the Spitfires were as high as 3,000, which seemed to be specially taken care of by the jumping insects.

As for the number of jumping insects, although Meng Ze could not accurately count, most of the elimination numbers were still transmitted back by front-line soldiers.

According to statistics, there are more than 60,000 jumping insects in the institute, nearly half of which were eliminated at the metal doorway.

Meng Ze is thankful for his prudence, and if he hadn't eliminated a huge number of jumping insects beforehand, the situation would have been much worse now.

After all the Zerg were destroyed, the combat units were converted to search teams on the spot.

However, since seeing the Zerg mushroom carpet, Meng Ze has not had much hope for the harvest in the ruins.

The Zerg's blanket is an item that can dissolve and absorb absolute parts, and even metal materials can be dissolved and turned into materials that breed Zerg, not to mention others.

Since this Zerg mother nest can develop nearly 100,000 jumping insects in the research institute, it is estimated that everything that can be used in it has been absorbed by it.

The truth was not beyond Meng Ze's expectations, and the vast majority of the search team returned empty-handed.

But Meng Ze isn't without gains.

A search team used a detector to find a deeply hidden metal box, and when opened, it found a sealed test tube containing something unknown material.

Another team found a hidden chip at the top of the nest location.

Other than these two potentially valuable things, Meng Ze found nothing else.

"MD, it seems to be a big loss this time."

Coupled with the battle damage outside the ruins, the reduction of nearly 6,000 units, in exchange for these two things, Meng Ze's heart is dripping blood.

Now I can only hope that the value of these two things is high enough, otherwise this wave of blood loss.

At this moment, Meng Ze suddenly thought of a question, these sent troops can no longer return to the base, so what about this harvest?

"Yes, is it really that you have to lose your bottoms this time?"

Thinking of this, Meng Ze was a little impatient, directing the troops along the invisible wall to search, hoping to find possible gaps.

But after hours of busyness, in the end everything was in vain.

Although not exhausted, the shape of the wall appears to be a hemispherical cover.

Not to mention that there was no gap in the ground part at all, Meng Ze arranged for the engineers to dig down a few tens of meters, and found no place to enter.

"I just don't know if there is space in the sky, if there is none, it is really desperate."

Meng Ze thought in his heart that if the harvested items could not be sent to the base, then unless he stepped out of the wall himself, the tempting special items mentioned by the dog head bun would not be able to reach him. *

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