My Starcraft World

Chapter 120 Imperial Federation Military Council\r

Command Center.

Dream Star Night Glow, in a standard standing posture, with a solemn expression, is being consulted by the high-level military of the Imperial Federation.

"Second Colonel Huang Du, the headquarters is still very satisfied with your work in the interstellar world, in the past few years, the Imperial Federation has been able to add more than ten excellent sixth-level commanders in a row, and your merits are obvious to all." A middle-aged man with two sunflower pendants on each shoulder first affirmed the achievements of Dream Starry Night Glow.

The middle-aged man is the empire's two-star general Haishan, and he is also the main person in charge of the training of the empire's reserve commanders.

In addition to Haishan, there were three other middle-aged men in this video conference room.

One is Yu Minxian, a three-star lieutenant general in charge of front-line military intelligence, one is three-star lieutenant general Arayar who is in charge of logistics supplies, and the other is one-star general Lou Qiang, who is responsible for the distribution and placement of new commanders.

These people represent front-line needs, material and personnel support, and commanders.

Dream Star Night Glow knows what that means.

This means that the frontline war with the Zerg is tight, and there is more need for commanders.

Over the past few hundred years, the front line between the Zerg and the Imperial Federation has become longer and longer, and the scope of the original 05 war between the two sides is only within a river system.

But now, it has rapidly expanded to ten river systems, tens of millions of light years.

Although the commanders of the Imperial Federation are excellent, the energy of each commander is limited.

As the battle line lengthened, the Empire had to recruit more commanders into the battlefield.

Of course, in addition to commander conscription, there is actually another model.

The reason why the Imperial Federation has been able to fight against the Zerg for so many years is naturally strong enough, and the other is because there is a killer weapon based on the interstellar world - world teleportation.

This is to take advantage of the ubiquity of dimensional energy, combined with the dimensional energy void creation technology possessed by the interstellar world, coupled with the dimensional beacon guidance of the Imperial Federation, a large number of legions appear in designated positions to carry out strikes behind enemy lines.

This move is simply impossible to prevent, even if it is discovered, because the manifestation process is extremely fast, there is no time to stop it, and every time the Zerg can only spend a lot of energy to encircle and suppress it.

Moreover, another very important reason why this method is effective is that in order to save resources, most of the Zerg rear guard territory is level five or even four Zerg.

This means, in fact, has a name in the interstellar world - world missions.

Commanders only need to be in the interstellar world to participate in the encirclement of the Zerg, and most people don't even know the real situation.

Sure enough, after the two-star admiral of Haishan praised the Dream Star Night Glow, he immediately mentioned the matter of personnel scheduling.

"Second Colonel Huang Du, this time the military needs to dispatch two sixth-level commanders to support the front line, and also needs a world teleportation mission, I don't know if you have any problems here?55

Generally speaking, as long as the superior opens his mouth, things basically cannot be refused.

But Dream Star Yehui did feel tricky this time, it had only been more than a year since the last time he had transferred personnel, and the cultivation of a sixth-level commander was not so easy.

Moreover, there is now a big hidden danger in the interstellar world.

"Report Admiral Haishan, now in the list in my hand in the interstellar world, there are only five sixth-level commanders, the relic zerg in the 89 war zone has been growing, and now it is necessary to ensure that at least four sixth-level commanders can suppress it, if two sixth-level commanders are transferred, I am afraid that the relic zerg will have the risk of spreading."

There is another problem that Dream Star Night Glow does not mention, that is, every time you use world teleportation, the interstellar world relics Zerg seem to be one point stronger.

This is the feeling of a dreamy starry night glow, there is no quantitative data, and no empirical evidence can be found.

So he did not mention it on this occasion.

The problem of the relic zerg has existed for a long time, and several military leaders naturally know the situation.

Everyone doesn't know why this perverted relic zerg was born in the new district.

However, the damage caused by the formation of the relics of the 89 war zone is obvious to all, and even affects the stability of the interstellar world.

And this time, the 117 theater actually appeared again, fortunately it was destroyed in time, which also made Meng Ze's name enter the eyes of these high-level officials.

Now when Dream Star Night Hui mentions the Ruins Zerg, everyone has a headache.

Lieutenant General Yu Minxian, who was in charge of the front-line military situation, spoke: "Colonel Huang Du, the reason why two sixth-level commanders were dispatched this time is already the result of strict control, no matter how few, there will be loopholes in our defense line, I wonder if we can rely on fifth-level commanders to fill the lack of fighting the relic zerg?"

Hearing Lieutenant General Yu Minxian's words, Dream Star Night Hui revealed a bitter smile: "Report Lieutenant General Yu, the hole of a sixth-level commander, dozens of fifth-level commanders can't fill it, and it also requires these people to be completely coordinated, which is almost impossible." "

Dream Star Night Glow's words were not exaggerated, and the four high-ranking officials were lost in thought.

In the end, it was General Haishan who spoke: "Since Colonel Huang Du has explained the situation, I believe that none of us is more accurate than his judgment, so this time only one sixth-level commander will be transferred. 35

"But Admiral..." Yu Minxian wanted to say something.

Admiral Haishan Erxing waved his hand: "The problem that Lieutenant General Yu said does exist, so I suggest that the scale of this world teleportation be increased and more energy of the Zerg Clan be drawn from the rear to fill the vacancy of the sixth-level commander."

When everyone heard this, they all felt that this plan was feasible677.


"Seconded. 35

"Seconded. 35

The four high-level officials were in unison, and Dream Star Night Hui breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps the world teleportation will make the relic zerg grow again, but this kind of unwarranted thing is not so urgent compared to the disadvantage of drawing a sixth-level commander.

Using the StarCraft simulation world for world teleportation is not so easy, and a lot of preliminary preparations must be made.

First, as the cloud platform center of the Imperial Federation to control the interstellar world, it is necessary to adjust the various permissions of the interstellar world, so that they can work together at the right time and form a technical resonance with the dimensional beacons in the outside world.

After determining the teleportation location, it is also necessary to forcibly break through the rules of the interstellar world and activate the function of dimensional energy void creation along the channel.

Unlike Acre's heavy lifting, the Imperial Federation is very troublesome to do this kind of thing, and there can be no mistakes.

In addition, the cloud platform also needs to release world announcements in advance, usually months in advance, so that players can replenish the troops participating in the war.

These were originally just forces manifested in the interstellar world, and when the interstellar world was projected to the outside, they were the skeleton of the void creation.

It's like drawing a line and filling it with color.

This is many times more difficult than the weight of manufacturing from head to end.

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