My Starcraft World

Chapter 121 I want to find Meng Ze out of anger (asking for subscription tickets)\r

Scheduling the task, Dream Star Night glow felt really tired.

As the direct person in charge of such an important imperial heavy weapon as the StarCraft simulation world, Dream Star Night Hui is definitely one of the few heavenly pride of the Imperial Federation.

But the more you are in such a position, the more you can feel the tightness of the imperial front.

This can be felt from the number and frequency of reserve commanders drawn by the Empire.

Dream Star Night Glow has a special status, and many times it is not appropriate to talk to someone, so he shows people with a cold face all year round.

Sometimes, he thinks that he is not a cold person by nature.

It wasn't until he met Meng Ze that he realized he wasn't.

Thinking of Meng Ze, Dream Starry Night glow comes with a little spirit.

"What is this bastard doing now? If he is not in the interstellar world, just pull a scolding and relieve his anger. Dream Starry Night Glow, thought.

When Meng Ze received the Dream Star Night Glow, he was drinking a drink and listening to the exotic songs of the Imperial Federation, which was very refreshing.

Not to mention, Meng Ze feels that life after this promotion to the chaotic battlefield is much better than before.

Before in the new district, I felt as if I was calculating every day, what kind of troops, battles, technological upgrades and the like, there was not much free time, and I was pitted by that guy from Acre, and I couldn't enjoy many things, it was simply hard.

Of course, the feeling of manipulating the battlefield and waving Fang Xiao is still very cool.

Aka, who has an unknown time and space node, feels that he is wronged, not that he refuses to give it, but he does not dare.

If it weren't for the acquisition of that crystal, his control over the interstellar world would have increased, and he would still not dare to give these functions.

The more you move your hands and feet, the more traces you leave behind.

Although the interstellar world carries the technology of the eighth-level civilization, it is born with a certain ability to resist information prying, but Aka is foreign after all, and the risk is too great.

And the crystal obtained from the relic zerg gave Aka confidence.

Dream Star Night Light only knew that that crystal contained huge energy, and could even replace the role of crystal mine.

Because one of the core driving forces of the cloud platform is such a crystal.

But Dream Star Night Glow does not know the real purpose of this crystal, which is when the StarCraft simulation world was created, the natural birth of the core of the world, which is equivalent to the master brain of the world.

The authority held by the Imperial Federation is actually the crystal fragment from them, but they themselves don't know it.

For some unknown reason, the complete world core shattered into several pieces.

In addition to the Imperial Federation, there is also a piece of the Zerg of Area 89 and this one in Akha's hands.

Compared to the other two parties, the piece that Aka got was the largest.

When Aka showed Dream Star Night Glow, he reduced the volume many times, so Dream Star Night Light was only envious, and there were no more ideas.

"Big guy, can you have a drink? This drink is good!" Meng Ze gestured to the Dreamy Starry Night glow that appeared on the screen.

Dream Star Night Glow's already unhappy mood suddenly became even more blocked, and his face was even more pale like a beep dog.

I worked hard for the Imperial Federation, and this forced goods were actually enjoying it so leisurely, and people were more angry than people.

Meng Ze, just a little bit of achievement and you are so depraved? Are you floating? Think you're number one in the world?" Dream Star Night Light asked angrily.

However, because of the lack of confidence, the tone is not so high.

"I'm leaning, big guy, this is to find out the gas pump."

Meng Ze's emotional intelligence is still a little online, and the root cause of the big guy's unhappiness is not himself, of course, there must be one of his own reasons for being unhappy.

"Big guy, who messes with you, you tell me, opponents below the third level, I will help you get it in minutes." Meng Ze pretended to be a big shot.

Dream Star Night Hui was made to cry and laugh by Meng Ze's lazy look, specially, opponents below level three still use you, not to mention level three, level four I can die in minutes.

"Use your own snacks, there will be world missions in a while, you better be eligible to participate, there are your benefits."

Being so distracted by Meng Ze, I couldn't say a lot of words.

However, Dream Starry Night Glow's mood is much better.

Not because of anything else, maybe because of Meng Ze's casual, equal attitude towards him.

Don't look at Meng Ze screaming at a 'big guy' every time they meet, but he doesn't have that groveling mentality at all, which can be confirmed by the countless Dream Star Night Glow.

"Huh, do you still need qualifications? I thought the world mission was ready to be done. Meng Ze looked confused.

The mission system Meng Ze also took a look, and really did not pay attention to the specific information of the world mission.

He just treats the world mission as a big task, and thinks that it can be available at any time and when he wants.

Dream Star Night Glow, accustomed to Meng Ze's illiterate behavior.

A guy who mixes in and often sneaks out and wanders, can you expect him to carefully understand the mission information?

Dream Star Night Light let out a breath, and when he didn't hear Meng Ze's words, he said: "'You have to fight to advance to the fourth level during this time, although this difficulty is very high, but you are not short of resources, work hard, you can still do it." ”

"Don't worry, I will do my best.

"By the way, big guy, do you say that it is better for me to build a hundred or two hundred in the space ship yard? For the space ship yard, because of the insufficient number of engineering troops, Meng Ze has not yet begun to build, and now that the big guy of Dream Star Night Hui is here, he feels that he can ask the big guy for advice.

"I'm special... As you wish. ”

Hearing this stupid question, Dream Star Yehui's brain was blue and protruding, and he wanted to scold people, but then he suddenly remembered that this one in front of him was a special one who occupied the gold mine nest, so he waved his hand weakly. (Wang Zhao Zhao)

Then, not bothering to look at Meng Ze again, he hung up the communication.

Meng Ze was confused, could it be that there was something wrong with the question he asked?

Then, with a mind full of questions, Meng Ze clicked on the list of buildings he could build and chose the spaceship yard.

Space Ship Yard: important buildings for the production of medium and large space warships, resource demand: 500 million.

Meng Ze counted the zeros behind the resource.

"I'm special... 500 million one !!!' 35

No wonder the Dream Star Night Glow boss is that expression.

As soon as you open your mouth for a hundred or two hundred, that is the difference between 50 billion and 100 billion.

"It's too expensive!" Meng Ze suddenly felt that he didn't seem to have that much money.

"No, you have to find a way to improve your mining efficiency."

Thinking of this, Meng Ze immediately went to the free market again.

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