My Starcraft World

Chapter 134: Imperial Federation Commander Sequence (subscription required)\r

"Meng Ze's videos are all seen, right? Talk about it, what's the idea?" In the video conference, Dream Starry Night glow said faintly.

"Colonel, I think Meng Ze can be included in the reserve commander list in advance, and after some time to confirm, if the performance is still outstanding, I recommend that he be promoted to full commander in advance." "

The speaker was Lieutenant Colonel Wenqi, one of the reserve commander selection officers of the Imperial Federation in the interstellar world.

Wenqi is not a direct subordinate of Phantom Star Night Glow, his boss is the one-star general Lou Qiang who is responsible for the allocation and placement of rookie commanders, which is the means by which the Imperial Federation balances the most important commander training base in the interstellar world.

Because of this, Wenqi's words will feel more fair.

Of course, Vinci is indeed bullish on Meng Ze.

"I don't think Meng Ze is excellent, but according to the procedure, we can take the "six eighty-zero" inspection in advance, but we cannot grant the status of commander in advance. Moreover, Meng Ze himself is only a third-level one, and his record is not fully representative of interstellar wars. So my advice is to focus on it, wait until he is level five, and then consider promotion. Lieutenant Colonel Fei Shixi, a third-class lieutenant colonel who was also one of the reserve commander selection officers, immediately spoke.

The words of Wen Qi and Fei Shixi are more representative, and several subsequent commanders have spoken one after another, but they are generally attributed to two views.

One is that excellent talents can be promoted without any restrictions, and the other is to follow procedures and conduct more investigations.

But everyone spoke and acknowledged Meng Ze's excellence.

Meng Ze was directly added to the expedition list by Phantom Star Night Glow, which everyone knows, and no one will criticize Meng Ze's ability.

Moreover, Meng Ze's own record is truly amazing.

During the arguing of these people, Dream Star Night Light did not say a word.

There is nothing wrong with both opinions, the main thing is to see how to consider, compared to Wenqi, Fei Shixi's opinion is actually more in line with the idea of Dream Star Night Glow.

Many people present did not know that Fei Shixi's promotion was arranged by the Huang family behind Dream Star Yehui.

But the time is not waiting, and the Imperial Federation needs commanders.

As for Wenqi, perhaps because the empire frequently transferred commanders, he felt a sense of urgency.

After thinking about it for a while, Dream Star Night Light knocked on the operating table, and everyone in the meeting suddenly fell silent.

"Although we are here to discuss Meng Ze's arrangement, I believe you also understand that this is also a discussion on the change of the way commanders are selected in the future. Everyone here knows that the empire urgently needs commanders, and the step-by-step selection is stable, but it cannot meet the needs of the empire at all. 99

"However, it is not a good thing to be too promising, based on everyone's opinions, I suggest that based on the existing list of commanders, the next world mission is used as an examination field, all commanders in the list are investigated, and the outstanding performance is carried out according to the evaluation, and the corresponding super promotion is carried out." "

Dream Star Night Glow finished speaking, looking at the others.

"Seconded." Wenqi took the lead.

"Seconded. 39 Fei Shixi said.



After the meeting, Fei Shixi sent a communication to Dream Star Night Glow.

"Colonel, why don't you let Meng Ze directly become the official commander?" Fei Shixi asked puzzled.

It stands to reason that among all of them, the one who is most optimistic about Meng Ze should be the Dream Star Night Glow.

"He's not ready.

Dream Star Night Hui said not only in military command, but also in mentality.

Meng Ze's feeling to Dream Star Night Glow, has always been that he does not fear the identity of the commander from the bottom of his heart, and it seems to be a bit of a game-human mentality.

If it were someone else, Dreamstar Night Glow might think it was ignorant of the interstellar world, but Meng Ze wouldn't.

His family background determined that even if he just came in with a playful mentality, someone would tell him the importance of the interstellar world.

But who would have thought that Meng Ze would actually be an impostor.

Even the information about the interstellar world, Meng Ze knows from minus ninety degrees.

"And this time?" Fei Shixi wanted to know the colonel's specific thoughts.

"I have already told him in advance, whether I can seize the opportunity and see for himself." Dream Starry Night Glow.

After the last difficult matter of transferring personnel, the top level of the Imperial Federation has decided to speed up the selection of commanders, and this world mission has become the best examination venue.

If you have a good record, you can even get more promotions.

This is where the opportunity that Dream Star Night Light is talking about.

The sequence of commanders of the Imperial Federation is also hierarchical.

It is also level one to six, but the meaning of this level one to six is fundamentally different from level one to six in the interstellar world.

The commander of the first to sixth levels of the interstellar world is not only in terms of identity, but also represents the technological level of your base.

However, the commanders of the Imperial Federation at levels one to six represent the commander's command ability, the maximum command authority he can obtain, and the size of the legion he has.

Because he became the commander of the Imperial Federation, the battleships and marine legions that were paired with him were all the technological crystallization of the sixth-level civilization.

It is also impossible for the Imperial Federation to deliberately lower the level of science and technology to build fourth- and fifth-level warships.

The production mode of the Imperial Federation can be different from that of the Zerg, the Zerg downgraded production can reduce consumption, and the Imperial Federation downgrades production, resulting only waste.

Become the first-level commander of the Imperial Federation, and the Empire will equip it with a thousand warships of different classes, which can only be responsible for the war command and dispatch of the small galaxy level.

The second-level commander of the Imperial Federation, who can command 10,000 warships of different classes, is responsible for the war command of the large galaxy level.

The third-level commander of the Imperial Federation can command 100,000 to a million warships of different levels, and can be responsible for the command of the war at the star field level.

Commanders of the third rank and below have no other commander scheduling authority, and even reserve commanders cannot be transferred.

The fourth-level commander of the Imperial Federation can command millions to tens of millions of warships of different levels, and can undertake the war command at the star region level and the dispatch of subordinate commanders in the corresponding regions.

The fifth-level commander of the Imperial Federation can command tens of millions to hundreds of millions of warships of different levels, and can undertake the war command from the large star region level to the small river system level and the dispatch of the subordinate commanders of the corresponding regions.

The sixth-level commander of the 3.5 states of the Imperial Federation can command warships of more than 100 million levels, and is mainly responsible for the war command of the large river system and the dispatch of subordinate commanders in the corresponding regions.

With the exception of battleships, land arms are not counted.

For the empire, the land arms are more or less a consumable tool of war.

In addition to the slightly more difficult to manufacture super-large warships, small and medium-sized warships can produce millions per day at will in the Imperial Federation, and if the war requires it, they can increase production tenfold and hundredfold at any time.

This is the horror of advanced civilization.

But the tools of war can be mass-produced, but not commanders, who need not only talent, but also loyalty and a sense of belonging to the Imperial Federation.

Therefore, compared to battleships, commanders are the most precious wealth of advanced civilizations.

PS: Do I count as early risers?^

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